Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

Trench and Camp newspaper FOR CAMP MEADE dated December 19, 1917

This web page contains the eight pages of the Trench and Camp newspaper, Camp Meade edition, dated December 19, 1917.
Trench and Camp newspaper was published by the National War Work Council of the YMCA, in partnership with various city newspapers,
for soldiers during World War I. The weekly paper was printed in different editions for each of the thirty-two cantonments,
with about half the material supplied weekly from a central editorial office in New York, and half by local reporters.
Its purpose was "to print the news, to inform, to stimulate, and to help relieve the tedium and monotony of camp life" for soldiers,
as well as "to be a graphic account of the life of our soldiers, whether they be drilling or fighting, at home or 'over there'" for civilians.
Contributions from soldiers include descriptions of the entertainments at the camps, athletic contests, educational lectures, jokes, and poetry,
as well as personal columns telling of their experiences. The papers also sponsored cartoon contests, resulting in many good pictures portraying camp life.
In addition, each Trench and Camp was a channel of communication to the troops from the President, Congress, and War Department.
Historical information taken from the collection and from "Thirty-two Camps Have Newspaper in Common," New York Times, 6 Jan 1918.
The above information is from this umn.edu web page.

Click on any of the images below to download full-size,
but be aware that each newspaper page is 30 MegaBytes or larger.

Trench and Camp Newspaper - Camp Meade edition - December 19, 1917 Page 1
Trench and Camp Newspaper - Camp Meade edition - December 19, 1917 Page 2
Trench and Camp Newspaper - Camp Meade edition - December 19, 1917 Page 3
Trench and Camp Newspaper - Camp Meade edition - December 19, 1917 Page 4
Trench and Camp Newspaper - Camp Meade edition - December 19, 1917 Page 5
Trench and Camp Newspaper - Camp Meade edition - December 19, 1917 Page 6
Trench and Camp Newspaper - Camp Meade edition - December 19, 1917 Page 7
Trench and Camp Newspaper - Camp Meade edition - December 19, 1917 Page 8
And there is this hand-written note on the right side of page 4.
"This registry is, of course, not nearly the complete regiment but gives a good idea of its makeup."

Trench and Camp Newspaper - Camp Meade edition - December 19, 1917 - hand-written note

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