Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

Company K - 314th Infantry - Thanksgiving - Thursday November 29 1917 - Camp Meade, Maryland

This web page was made possible with the generous support of James Synnott.





Company K, 314th Infantry, N.A.

1st Lieutenant, KENNETH H. MORTON
2nd Lieutenant, JOSEPH H. KAUFMAN
2nd Lieutenant, PAUL ESLING
2nd Lieutenant, OSCAR A. KOTTLER
2nd Lieutenant, ALBERT M. ELY
Thursday, November 29th, 1917
Camp Meade, Md.


          Company "K" 314th Regiment, Infantry, was organized September 1st, 1917,
and received its first contingent of sixty-seven men on September 19th, 1917, from
Lackawanna County Local Board No. 3. The men arrived at 7:30 P. M. were issued
mess and sleeping equipment, assigned to bunks and then were served with a hot
dinner which was enjoyed by everyone. The following day the men were equipped
with clothing, examined physically and received their first typoid inoculation --
"shot in the arm."

          On September 22nd, 1917, a second contingent of 53 men from Philadelphia
Local Board No. 50 arrived. From time to time the Company was assigned men from
different Pennsylvania Local Boards, up until November 6th, 1917, on which date the
Company was brought up to full war strength of two hundred and fifty men.

          Company "K" has the honor of supplying seven men to the Regimental Band,
making up 25% of that organization.

          On October 17, 1917, the Company played our neighbors, Company "L" their
first game of Foot-ball. The line up was as follows:

Left End
Left Tackle
Left Guard
Right Guard
Right Tackle
Right End
Left Halfbach (sic)
Right Halfback
P. S. Sharp
J. P. Brady
J. F. Coyle
M. J. Cawley
T. J. Fearn
J. A. Halligan
R. Smith
F. C. Cunningham
J. Cleaver
J. P. O'Donnell
E. C. Russell

          We were fairly beaten by a score of 28 to 0, but our opponents outweighed us
about twenty pounds per man and it was only our fighting spirit that kept them from
running up the scors.

          The following men of the Company are members of the 314th Regimental Foot-
ball team, which won the Camp Meade championship, and we all owe them our thanks
and appreciation for the good work that they have done:

E. C. Russell
P. S. Sharp
C. K. Dewees
R. Smith
S. W. Shearer
J. Cleaver, Jr.
          Our history has just started and in the days to come it is our hope that we can
achieve things that will make history for the whole world to read and to be proud of.
Our crucial test will come on the battle field and the fighting spirit already shown by
the members of this Company is the best sign that we will do our part in the making
of real history.

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thursday, November 29th, 1917


Celery           Olives
Roast Turkey           Giblet Gravy           Oyster Dressing
Cranberry Sauce
Green Peas           Sweet Corn
Creamed Mashed Potatoes
Ice Cream
Candy           Chocolate Layer Cake
Mince Pie
Oranges           Pumpkin Pie           Apples
Kehler, Golden C.
McDermott, Charles M.
Patton, Edwin W.
Shaute, Frank
          Mess Sergeant
William L. Raiser

Roster of Company "K" 314th Infantry


Dougherty, Henry J. A.
Dolan, James V.
Grogan, Michael
Halligan, John A.
Mayhew, Harrison H
Nolan, William A.
Raiser, William L.
Russell, Edgar C.
Thompson, Robeson L.


Carr, Harrity F.
Cawley, Mart J.
Cunningham, Francis C.
Farrell, Anthony J.
Hemmock Tony J.
Hollister, Leo P.
Kearney, Michael J.
Seeley, Raymond E.
Stief, Herman J. Jr
Wallace, James M.


Bound, Albert
Mahl, Chester L.


Baglio, Antonio
Barnosky, Chester
Bauer, Samuel
Beach, Harry C.
Beattie, Robert H.
Becchetti, Ubaldo
Berger, Sigmund
Blake, Raymond A.
Bochnig, Charles
Brady, Joseph P.
Brokolene, Bernardo
Brown, Robert
Brown Carl G.
Brown, Cloyce E.
Bryan, Roland A.
Brynan, Edward D.
Buhse, John A.
Byrne, Peter S
Callahan, James
Case, Monroe W.
Catalano, Antonio
Cleaver, Jonathan, Jr.
Coggins, Francis
Cooney, John P.
Collins, Augustine
Colobro, Caspono
Connor, James A.
Covert, Clifford L,
Coyle, Joseph F.
Coyne, Michael J.
Cross, Frederick M.
Cufforo, Francis
Curts, Elery C
Day, David J.
Dewees, Charles K. Jr.
Dezzi, Orazio
Dickey, Edwin L.
Dieter, William H.
DiGregorio, Silvestro
Donato, Thomas
Dubitski, Leon
Dugan, Joseph F.
Dulko, Charles
Dunlap, Allen N.
Eaton, Joseph H.
Fearn, Thomas J., Jr. Feury, William A.
Fingerhut, Isaac
Foley, Jay B.
Gallagher, Francis A.
Gallagher, Thomas J.
Gearhart Edwin H.
Girando, Domenick
Goidel, Joseph
Gray, Michael
Greschishim. George
Gulini, Abele
Haley, Charles K.
Harney, Michael F.
Harris, Theophilus J.
Hartman, William R.
Harvey, Francis P.
Heart, John
Hrapchack, Walter
Hunt, Edward C.
Hupp, Frederick
James, Evan
Jenkins, John J.
Johnson, Per Siegfried
Kaloustian, Kour Ken
Kareha, George
Karvarnak, Stanley
Kearney, William H.
Kelly, Charles J.
Kennedy, Ray. V
Keselyica, Michael
Kilbon, Michael
King, Orr B.
Kingston, Harry
Kline, Bruce E.
Kommosser, August
Kresslar, Amos C.
Labuski, Vincent
Laedlein, Abraham M
Larkin, Joseph
Larson, James A.
Leutze, George F.
Lieberman, Walter R.
Lindsteadt, Gustof E.
Lobowski, Harry
McGowan, Martin J.
Mack, Charles A.
Mahaffey, Hector A.
Malley, Clarence M.
Mauck, Arnold W.
Mayer, August J.
Malozzi, Salvatore
Mangan, John R.
Marsala, Michael
Maver, Valentine
Mechler, William J.
Medore, Ivannacoi
Miglin, Frank
Miller, Frank J.
Miller, Harry L.
Morris, Joseph R.
Morucci, Guiseppi
Mosci, Guises
Matiska, Walter
Muchnicky, Waclaw
Mullen James J.
Munley, Michael J.
Nebrosky, Hariton
Nedzinski, John
Newak, Harry J.
O'Donnell, James P.
O'hara, Michael
Ostrouch, Frank
Owens, Thomas B.
Page, James W
Papperelli, Domenick
Parsons, Ernest J.
Patti, Antonio
Pavlovish, Stanley
Perry, Grover
Persum, Robert
Phillips, Emerson
Pichota, Alexander
Poriles, Carl
Porter, William F.
Potter, Frank B.
Potter, Roscoe W.
Ratkiewicz, Michael
Renninger, John D.
Richards, Henry A.
Robathan, Frank Arch.
Romaelli, Guiseppi
Ruby, Clyde A.
Sabitas, Walter
Schutt, John
Sebastiane, Nazareno
Semon, Kenneth R.
Sharp, Phillip S.
Shearer, Samuel W.
Shecktor, Julius
Shields, Elmer A.
Sippel, Andrew
Smalley, Alfred P. Jr.
Smith, Robert J.
Smith, Roy A.
Smith, Thomas
Solomon, Mike
Stafferoni, Angelo
Staib, Stanley J.
Stevenson, Elmer A.
Stiner, John
Stone, George
Sturdevant, Geo. W.
Sturdevant, Webb E.
Sullivan, Frank
Taylor, Edward A
Theobald, John L.
Torrens, John P.
Turnbull, Robert
Usher, Thomas
Valente, Frank
Vellizen, Joseph
Venditti, Domenico
Vishneski, Felix
Waite, John A.
Walters, Richard J.
Warga, Arthur L.
Wassell, John
Watson, Clayton J.
Wazeck, John
Weibel, Milford
Weible, Robert A.
Williams, Sabbath
Woodward, Stewart I.
Wooster, William L.
Wynn, Joseph P.
Youngflesh, Chas. J.

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