Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

314th Infantry A.E.F. Postcards

The following six postcards are postmarked 1917-1918.
They are WWI Postcards from Camp Meade MD.
They were sent from Roy A. Wagner of the 314 Infantry Company I.

November 2, 1917 - 314th Infantry Postcard - Camp Meade

(postmark cancel)
Baltimore, MD
Meade Branch
7am Nov 2 1917 

Mr. Wm. Burger
Newport, Pa.

Campe Meade Md.
314 Infantry Co. L
Barricks E-28

Hello Bill,
If not to busy would be glad to receive a line from you.  
Do not know how long we will be here.
Kindest regard
Jess Butz
[a member of 314th Infantry MG Machine Gun Company]

(postcard company)
Published by The Chessler Co. Baltimore MD.

November 12, 1917 - 314th Infantry Postcard - Camp Meade

(postmark cancel)
Baltimore, MD
Meade Branch
12:30 AM Nov 13 1917

Mr. Willliam Burger
Newport, Perry Co., Pa.


A. P. Senord (?)
H.S.S. Mercury
In care Postmaster N.Y.

Camp Meade Md. Nov 12, 1917
Hello Bill,
Received your letter and was glad to hear from you.
Have started to work with the old men of our Company and it is very interesting.
Was vaccinated today but I feel fine.
Roy A. Wagner
Co. I, 314th Inf Camp Meade Md.

(postcard company)
Published by The Chessler Co. Baltimore MD.

December 2, 1917 - 314th Infantry Postcard - Camp Meade

(postmark cancel)
Baltimore, MD
Meade Branch
6:30 AM Dec 3 1917

Mr. Willliam Burger
4th Street
Newport, Perry Co., Pa.

Hello Bill,
Arrived safe and sound.
The candy was certainly fine and than you very much for same.
Am feeling fine today and I suppose we will have a pretty hard week to make up for lost time.
Roy A. Wagner
Co. I 314 Infantry
Camp Meade Md.

(postcard company)
For the Army Y. M. C. A. Camp Meade, Md. 

January 10, 1918 - 314th Infantry Postcard - Camp Meade

(postmark cancel)
Baltimore, MD
Meade Branch
(unreadable date)
(probably) January 11 1918

Mr. Willliam Burger
4th Street
Newport, Perry Co., Pa.

Camp Meade, Md.
Jan 10, 1918.

Hello Bill,
I suppose you think I had forgotten you but that is not the case.
I am a little tired this evening having had a twelve (12) mile hike 
this afternoon in 2 hours and 50 minutes.
Love Walking.
Will close hoping to hear from you soon.
Roy A. Wagner
Co I. 314 infantry
Camp Meade, Md.

(postcard company)
Passed by Censor, Washington, D.C. (c) I. F. S. 

January 24, 1918 - 314th Infantry Postcard - Camp Meade

(postmark cancel)
Baltimore, MD
Meade Branch
10:30 AM Jan 25 1918

Mr. Willliam Burger
4th Street
Newport, Perry Co., Pa.

Hello Bill,
Everything going along smoothly.
We have about 6 or 7 inches of snow here, which is more than we had all winter.
We are drilling inside most of the time just now
I am getting pretty stout now weighing about 160 lbs.  
Will close hoping to hear from you soon.
Roy A. Wagner,
Co. I 314 Inf.
Camp Meade, Md.

(postcard company)
For the Army Y. M. C. A. Camp Meade, Md. 

February 9, 1918 - 314th Infantry Postcard - Camp Meade

(postmark cancel)fno
Baltimore, MD
Meade Branch
11:30AM Feb 11 1918

Mr. Willliam Burger
Newport, Perry Co., Pa.

Camp Meade 2/9/18
Friend Bill:
This will be us some day in the future
we are living on easy street now.
Will be shot in the arm on Monday.
Floyd H. Smith (?)
13 Company
154 Depot Brigade
Camp Meade, Md.

(postcard company)
Published by The Chessler Co. Baltimore MD.

(December 25 1917 postcard to a Soldier at Camp Meade)


314th Infantry Log Cabin - Valley Forge, PA
Real Photo Postcard, Circa 1920's. Azo Stamp Box.

(View the back of the postcard)

Memorial to the Dead of the 314th Infantry and the 79th Division, Erected at Camp Meade, Md., 1917-1918, by the meno f the 314th Infantry, many of whom were killed in action, Dedicated at Valley Forge, Pa., September 30th, 1922.
Memorial to the Dead of the 314th Infantry and the 79th Division, Erected at Camp Meade, Md., 1917-1918, by the men f the 314th Infantry,
many of whom were killed in action, Dedicated at Valley Forge, Pa., September 30th, 1922.

Drop a line to a 314th Buddy, he'll welcome it.
Memorial Log Cabin, Valley Forge, PA
Veterans 314th Infantry, A. E. F.
Is Your Name on the Tablet?

314th Infantry - Drop A Line to a 314th Buddy

Unknown date, probably 1920's or 1930's (one cent postage for postcards ended in 1951)


Because of the reference to the 10th Annual Reunion, this Time Saver postcard is probably circa 1928

Veterans 314th Infantry Time Saver Correspondence Postcard Front.jpg
Veterans 314th Infantry Time Saver Correspondence Postcard Back.jpg


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