Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

314th Infantry Log Cabin Memorial Bronze Plaque - "Machine Gun" Company

type written account - Machine Gun Company - 314th Infantry - 79th Division AEF - done by a Edw. J. Brill

314th Infantry Bronze Plaque - Machine Gun Company
314th Infantry Bronze Plaque - Machine Gun Company
314th Infantry Bronze Plaque - Machine Gun Company
314th Infantry Bronze Plaque - Machine Gun Company
314th Infantry Bronze Plaque - Machine Gun Company
314th Infantry Bronze Plaque - Machine Gun Company

Machine Gun Company MG Co Camp Meade 1917 Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.
This photo was taken November 1917 at Camp Meade
(click for full-size image)


Lt. Val Browning using Browning Machine Gun, with a capacity of 500-600 rpm (click for full-size image)
Val Browning was in the 79th Division, and was the son of John Moses Browning, America's greatest firearms designer.
Val's role was train-the-instructors, who would teach the men how to use the new Browning machine guns.
Val Browning Wikipedia page
John Moses Browning Wikipedia page
M1917 Browning machine gun Wikipedia page
M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) Wikipedia page

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