Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

77 page book: History of the 313th Infantry, "Baltimore's Own"

by Henry C. Thorn, Jr., Formerly 1st Lieut. 313th infantry

Please note that this is NOT about the 314th Infantry, but instead the 313th Infantry,
both Regiments were part of the 79th Division, and trained at Camp Meade, and fought in France

The 313th was also known as "Baltimore's Own" because so many of its members called the city their home.

Found in Google Books
Another copy is available at the Internet Archive
This, the official History of the 313th Infantry, "Baltimore's Own,"
is published by authority of its commanding officer, and the commander of the
Montfaucon Post No. 40, American Legion, who issued the following announcement:
The Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Company has been authorized to publish
the only official History of the 313th Infantry, which will contain in accurate text and
pictures the achievements of the Regiment -- its training, its overseas service, its return
home and demobilization. All members of the 313th are assured that this History will, in every way,
be a worthy volume, and all are urged to secure a copy of what will be a record of one of the most
interesting chapters in their life's history.
Formerly Colonel, 313th Infantry.
December 15, 1919


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