Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

US Army 79th Infantry Division Band - Louis Ganne Composer - Marche Lorraine
Recorded onto 78 RPM Phonograph June 17 1953 at Camp Pickett, Virginia

This web page would not be possible without the assistance and contributions of Bob Bosak,
who is an expert in rare old 45 and 78 RPM records.
Bob Bosak's Facebook page is here and this is his company's website.
I would like to think that the men of the 314th Infantry listened to this song,
when they were in France, since they were part of the 79th "Cross of Lorraine" Division.
(click the record label below to hear the 3:37 song [38 Megabytes] by the 79th Infantry Division Band from 1953 at Camp Pickett, Virginia)

Information about the composer Louis Ganne and La marche Lorraine (written in 1892) can be found here in Wikipedia.
This is the music score of Louis Ganne's Marche Lorraine according to this website.
Information from http://coulthart.com/134/134%20history.txt states:
Nancy, traditional capital of Lorraine and fifth city of France, was on objective to be covered both as a military and as a political prize.
Though the city itself had not been formally annexed by the Germans after their 1940 victory, it closely associated itself with, and was regarded as the political leader of, the region to the east which had been incorporated into the Reich.
By its very size and location Nancy was certain to be a center of the German occupation forces.
With a population of more than 120,000 - and 50,000 more in the suburbs - Nancy was an important communications center 200 miles east of Paris and 60 miles southwest of the German border.
It was an important railway center; the Rhine-Marne canal and its branches provided other arteries of commerce for the city.
An important position in industry was assured by its location near the rich Lorraine iron ore deposits.
Aside from the mining there were manufactures of shoes, glass, furniture, casks, tobacco.
It was proud of its university, and of its artisans.
Now a city of fine buildings and beautiful churches, it traced its colorful history back to the 11th and 12th Centuries.
And it was the symbol of these people - the cross of Lorraine - which had become the symbol of the Fighting French.
(The origin of their double-barred cross is traced back to the Crusades and the conquest of Jerusalem by Godfrey of Bouillon, Duke of Lorraine.)
The March Lorraine practically had become a second national anthem for the French.


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