Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

Lorraine Cross newspaper dated May 8, 1919

This web page contains the four pages of the Lorraine Cross newspaper dated May 8, 1919.
The Lorraine Cross newspaper was published by the 79th Division of the A.E.F. while in France.

The Lorraine Cross newspapers you see on this page were saved for future generations by Roy Leslie Sawin, who set all the column heads. He passed away in 1958, but fifty year later, Diane Sanborn, his Great-Niece, found the papers he had carefully saved, and took the time to scan them in for this website.

We are indebted to both of them because these newspapers are very rare
and not available anywhere else on the entire Internet.

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Lorraine Cross Newspaper Volume 1 Number 5 France May 8 1919 Page 1
(Click to see full-size image of page 1: 2560 x 3490 pixels 3.0 Megabytes)

Lorraine Cross Newspaper Volume 1 Number 5 France May 8 1919 Page 2
(Click to see full-size image of page 2: 2616 x 3546 pixels 3.1 Megabytes)

Lorraine Cross Newspaper Volume 1 Number 5 France May 81919 Page 3
(Click to see full-size image of page 3: 2562 x 3456 pixels 2.4 Megabytes)

Lorraine Cross Newspaper Volume 1 Number 5 France May 8 1919 Page 4
(Click to see full-size image of page 4: 2562 x 3444 pixels 2.4 Megabytes)

THE LORRAINE CROSS PUBLISHED BY THE 79TH DIVISION VOLUME1 FRANCE, THURSDAY, MAY8, 1919 NpMBE^R lit , : 79TH ALL READY FOR LAST LONG MOVlh~ TOWARD HOME, ME COP TI ON S TIL 1, UNSE TTLED DIVISION WILL a! HAVE VETERANS' ORGANIZATION , 1 ^ THANR YOUI Preliminary ^Noetin^J Was Held At Headquarters On Monday GENERAL KUHN PRESIDENT Board Ol DlrectorsWill Represent Each Unit; Phtladelphia Named As Tempo rary Dieadqnartere In The Unitei 8t at es. 1 At a meeting of representatives from the various orgnniznlions of the division held Monday at Division Headquarters, preliminary arrangetneuts Severe made for the formation of n divisional organization after demobilization. Ofticers Nominated It was decided that the proposed organization should have one president, one first vice-president, · live second vice-presidents, a treasurer and such assistants as he should select. For these offi ces the following were nominated: President.Major General Joseph ~ Kuhn. ~ 1st Vice President.Brigadier General William J. Nicbolson. 2nd Viee Pres jdent.Five officers or enlisted men to be elected by the Board of Directors Treasurer.Captain David E. Williams, 31~1^l^l infantry. Secretary.Lt. Col. J. H. ^stei^lm^lan, Division Adjutant. Representation Planned There will be a board of dire l tors. on which representation mill be allowed on the basis of two per thousand, one officer and one enlisted man, based on tables of organization strellgtll. On this basis, each infantry regiment ^Nvill be allowed eight; each artillery regiment four; each machine gm . battalion, two; each trhin, two; engineer regiment and train, four; signal battallion, two; each bri^aade at large, two; the division at large, eight. This board of directors will be selected by the respective organizations. Philadelphia was named as the temporary beadqnarters of board of directors. Headquarters, 79th Division, Amcricn^l^l E. F. 30th Aprit, 1919 Private James M. Cain, Editor, The Lorraine Cross Since its appearance, I have been an interested reader of our divisional paper. 'Abe Lorraine Cross." 11 has not only lived up to my expectations, but has far exceeded them But, after all, it is a Seventy Nintb affair, and could therefore not possibly have been a failure. If all members have enjoyed The Lorraiue Cross as iuuel as 1, and I feel sure they have, then nil must have benelttted 11 Ims u^l^lifor^l^l^lly mah^ltainect a clean, wl^lolrso^l^l^le, and inspiring tone, claiming credit only where credit is due, anti exbibiting malice to none. I wish to not only thank you and your fellow workers of The Lorraine Cross for your excellent camp paper, but to em^lgrntul^l^l^le you on having contributed in no small degree to the maintenance of good feeling within the division during the long and trying period waiting, now so nearly at an end. Very sincerely, JOSEPH E. KUHN, I^llajor General, U. S. A GOES TO STATES ON JOB CAMPAIGN Lient. Prank A Gate Pre^Geed^s Division On Enployrnent Mission hi order to start a widespread publicilgcumpnign to get jobs for the men of the Seventy Ninth Division, Licut. Frank A Gale, of the 1581h Intanlry Brignde; has preceded the division back to the states. Lieut. Gale, before entering the rmy, was a ne^\vs^l^)aper mall, and r the past t^\^\o u^lo^l^ltl^ls has been eth^lg as supervising editor of The orrah~c Cross. His going is par f the campaign am^lounced smne imc ago in this paper, when it was fated tlml evorvtl^li^l^lg would be doll o get bacl; for the knurl I^l^l^e jobs hey jell. Lieut. Gale will ^\vork hrough the medin^l^l^l of Il^l^e Inrge e^\vspapers in Il^l^c East, and it ;B eYee',ecl that iris eiTorls will meet a eadY response front emplorers~ Before going, Lieut. Gale said: 'I ^1^lave no doubt that everywhere YonUrnod On Core roar ^V~^I~r^D^I so it ~ ~ ,. ^F^r.,rn~ ~^L5 J. ~ ~ ; , . A, ;~ Ebb En ~ F ~ _ I or rat Dare __^i~ Amp I.\ No ? ~ Or l. .. To ~ ~ Camp ~1 I ~ b MESSAGE ~\rF it A'~ \~ ~0~ ,-- ^, ,^j . ~~ 79TH OFFICERS ARE PROMOTED Recent Order Advances Grade Of Many To Fill Existing VaGanGles Many Seventy Nintl^l oillicers re eeived pro^t^l^lolions under Speeial : OrPic^ls No. 122-A, G. H. Q. dated . ^?lay2. Tl^lcnppoinln^lc^t^lls Dll existUlg Vaea^l^leie^s m rartk. . Those promoted are as follows: . In^ramry: From MaJor lo Lt. Col.: Geral l P. Murphy; From Cop^tah^l lo Major: ICenne^tl I Mayo, Tlmmas H. S^lilwell, John W Forney Harry C. Duncan; Prom ^Is^t Lt. Captain: incoln S. Godfrey, Jr., James D. ^Iudson, i^larles A. S. Keeley, Norman L. Wymard, Frederjch R. Clark, Carl W. Wcntzel,,Wil ^lia^l^l^l P. Cole, Jr., Robert M. Laird, George L. Bliss, S^Dertcer S. Large, John Cahill, Jr.; From 2nd Lr. to ^ts^t Lt.: Herber^tNV. Prkcbard, Miles C. Morrison, William Y. Fillebro^\vn William H. Blandy, Stanley C. Bo^tler A^ltre^l Joh^Ds^to^t^i, Charles T. Biat^lcl^lard, William C. Loegering, Fred A. Conrad, Benjamin T. Dillard, Tbomas E. Blahe, Frank H Graham, Ravmonrl L. Young, Warner E. Doran, Wham P. Berry, Thomas C. Main, Joseph F. Marphy, Paal Esling, Horace A. Cannon, Charles E. Miller, George J. Evans, Carl W. Andrews, Russell M. Willard, Louis Golden, David A. Wiley, John J. Conal^lan, Charlcs F. Baer, James McGee, Harry T. Mhchell, Bryan Bcckwith, Norris S. Barrau, A^l^rrcd l Ludwig, Atlas H. Huckabee, Roy R. Bos^ticl;, John G. Kerlin, Benjamin S. Harris, Danial J. Dougherty, Willia^tn L. Adcock, Wallre M. Taylor, Jr, Patrick V. Doyle, Karl G. Gocrdel, Harrison H. Mayhew, Frank J. Callaha^G William N. Johnson, Willirm 13. Bower, John G. Grid'in, Collcy E. Williams: Artillery: From Captain to Major: Vincent A. Carroll, Anhur E. Newbold, Jr., George A Meant, Jobn W. Converse; From ^Ist Lt. to Captain: Frank B. Fox, Frederick hi, Cootloaod on Po^oo roe, SAILING STARTS SATURDAY Last Man Will Be Out 0I Pranoo May 17Poratias In Lectern waltzes To Depot On Dedres 0I Men Thsmsslrss, The Seventy Ninth is ready for the last move that will be made ' before demoblization in the United Slates. .^y Ships that are to Carry the ^division across Il^l^e water are now' arriving at Sl. ^Nazait e. Tile tentative schedule calls for the departure of Ihe first boat Salurday; thelast on May 17. Tile schedule, as it stands at present, Wil^h the names of the horns and the capacity of each, is as follows: May 10; ^Malsonia; 3340. men; arrive Newuorl Ne,ws. ^May~^l2,~^rirginifl^i 4150; arrive' ·:wporl News. May 13;~0riza^ba; 3780; arrive ewport News. May 14; Shosl^lone; 1750; arrive eWport News. May 14; Siboney; 3300; arrive ewport News. May 14; ^A^l^ltigone; 3050; arrive ewport News May 15; Princess Maioikr; 3750; tTiVC Charlesto^l^l. May 17; Aeolus; 3540; arrive eWport News. At present there is no inforation obtainable as to the camps t which demobilization will take lace, or- wieldier the division ill be held in service for a parade. nofficial rm^l^lors are that most of he men will be demobilized at a^tn^loMeade. A previous sailing ehedule, giving New York as one f U^le ports at W^hic^l^l boatswould and, made it seem likely that' ome of U^le me^t^1 would be ^disharaed at Cnmp Dix, but the chedule given above does not make this probable. As to parades, nothing definite has been decided upon. Papers arriving fro t^1^1 the United States tell of plans for receivin^athe 158th Infantry Brigade in Phfladelphia, and the 313th infantry, and possibly the whole 1571h infantry Brigade,in Baltimore. As to whetl^le^l any effort is being made to have the whole division parade h^l any of Ihe Eastern cities little or nothing can be learned. Unollicially, it might be stated that the parades and kind of ret, eeption to be given the division depend very largely upon the disposition of the men themselves. It might help speed up decisions and arrangements if the men of GODIIn~ed On r^O0^o roar t l PAGE 2 . . TH E LOR RAI N E CROSS Puhtisl^led every Thursday by the ehlisted men of the 79th Division. EDITORIAL STAFF JAMES M. CAIN, Private, Editor GILBERT MALCOLM, Pvt., Sporting Editor. DONALD CRONIN, Pvt ., Circa la lion Mgr. Meignen LO Benazeth, Nantes. FAREWELL Unfortunately, we are compelled to announce this issue of The Lorraine Cross as the last. In its brief career, we believe, the paper has lived up to the best traditions of the Seventy Nintl^1 Division. Every effort has been made, in the face of handicaps, to make The Lorraine Cross like a real news sheet. We hope and pray that every reader of the publication has been satisfled with it. But, knowing, as wedo,tl^le game ^\ve've had to buck in getting out our little child, we make no apologies. A certain loneliness steals over us just now. And well feel as if an old friend were being laid away when we see the last quoin screwed into place in the last form. So long, Everybody. ~ THE FRENCH Friendly hospitality extended to the Seventy Ninth Division by the French in this area has gOllC the limit in proving · what eve all have suspected light along. The Frenoh are regular folks. A little hit of headwo^l lc will explain a great many things which have am^lo^Yed over here. We howled all over the peace when we heard that we left the Souilly area because the French put us out. And this, despite the fact that we disliked the Souilly area with all the feeling he could muster. The trntl^1 is that the French did pbt us out. But, with equal enthusiasm, they are firing all of their own troops not actually needed in the old area Uniforms have been getting 011 the nerves of the French for a long time. The uuifor^l^l^l.he it sky blue or olive drab.is a rem;uder of the hideous days · thru which France has passed Those days are ended now and the people want things normal as soon as possible. At this very minute, the good citizens of Bar-le-Duc are howling like mad .for the removal from that city of all French troops save those actually needed to gal l'iSOII the town. We are going home real heroes to the folks awaiting us. But, there'll be a great deal of kicking by the civilian population of the States if the military men are kept around in m^lifor^l^l^l Im^lger than is necessary. Soldiers in uniform get on the nerves of civilians. In this respect, the French simply are like our OWII people. Broad guage sympathy is needed in the present situation. We've been guilty over here, on many occasions, of many violations of the basic principals of politeness. Let us go home witli our minds made up to recognize our own share in the little squabbles which have come up and, ·, seeing our OWI1 faults, boost the French France is worth the effort, beyond any doubt GOING HOME For the last six months, the one thing any of us have been thinking about is - Goiug Home. Now we are going home. Within two or three weeks many of us will be home. It is time to think what we are going to do when we get there, The trouble with this longing to get home has been that few of us have been 1 THE LORRAINE CROSS, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1919 , . , . ,. ~ HERE anal THERE ^. . ^. able to whip our imaginations past that One Big Night. That one big night when we neck sister 011 the chin, grab father by the^hand, put outlarge man^lyaru^l around mother, tell brother he is a r ookie for not getting over here, and rhea fly amble arou ud the corner whereSomebodyisWaitingOn the Porcb. But we are goinglobel^lon^lealotlonger than that one big nigl^lt. There is gOillg to come a time when father is going to wonder if we are going to help him with the corn, or strawberries, or geraniums, or whatever it is that father raises. And the somebody that is silting 011 the porch will wonder when we are going to connect with enm^lgl^l coin to take a trip up to the cm^lrtho^l^lse. It is time to try and cast our iu~agh^lalions about two weeks past that m^ie big night. 'lo try and get into a frame of mind where we know what we are going to do. The fact is that many of us arenot going to do wl^iat we wet e doingwl^ie^l^i we enlisted in the draft. Smne of us held down well-paid jobs as ship-ya^ld stars, mm^iitio^l^i workers, etc. Smile ^R^ligl^lly paid office boys became captains, and some highly paid captains of industry hecau^lc hack privates. This war messed US Up badly. We've got acljusb^i^leuts to make. For the ship-yard worker at eight dollars a day, there will have to he a new job, for the old m^ie will he tout feeneesl^l. For the of lice boy that is now commanding a C^miipany it will he impossible to go back to the ole job because of certain humiliations involved.' For the buck privates, there may be industries to captain, and there may not. ] ho thing to do is to try and think.get re-adjusted hetore we get home, rather than about three weeks alter arrival, when our money is all spent. NVe must plan. i...1 ^f A......~^1. ~ ~~ ...~ A ..~ 1. ~ ~^1. ..I ^1. ~ | LORRAINE CROSS BALLADS -| EXACTLY SO We I^l^l^e editors Of ibis paper Herehv tell those people who Said we were da^lm^l fools Back in January For not going to a European university That we thought something Like this migot happen Ancl ^\ve are damn glad We don't have to stay At any damn university Until ally damn 'I'hir^lie^ll^i of June. ^ DOWN ~N OLD RIMAUGOURT We're down here in old Fsimaueou^l I, Whet e you never have the blues, WJ^lere the Privates steal the jitneys, And the M. Ps. steal the booze; Where the timbers horn the sky line, Where the populace is boost, Where they arrest ^luen for pastime, Whelk the chicl^ce^l^is never roost; Where the M. P. boys are wary ^A^l^id the bullets fall like hail Where each pocket has a pistol, And each pistol's good for jail; Whe^l e they always roast the Mess Sergea^Dts, Where they never hang a man, If you call a man a gold-bricker you Get ho^l^l^le the best you can; Whe^le you get up in the morning, In a world of SIiO~V and sleet, And come back in the evening, Sul^rocath^lg in the heati Where the quad trucks whiz around you, Ancl the tractors barely creep, Nowhere the buglers pick your pockets, ^Whe^l^i they chase us in to sleep, try and figure the game out bactc in the 'where the French does all have rabies. states so we can't lose. It is about time to own up--to ourselves, at least.that our 'whets I was in civil life" talk bad been largely hluff. It has been a case You-: let-me-kid-you-l'll-lel- ym^l - kid - me. Ac- . cording to all, the top-kicks would he about deuce-highif he were to happen accideutally to meet any of us walking down the street in ou r ^O\VIi Hm^i^ie Town. i hat's all hu^l^ik. Most of us weren't millionaires, as we have been trying to make out. We were plah^i, ordinary sorts of fellows who had to work for a living. And we may as well come down to earth and do some figuring on the Gamier in wbieh we, the millionaires (which we were in France) are going to co^liuect up with the work after we go hack. BOOST COLYUM 1 We have a bright idea this week. For the last issue we racked our editorial brains to think just which outfit ought to boosted more than all the rest. We thought of boosting the Navy for getting us home, and the French railwayforgetting us down here.well, what are you laughing at? We got here didn't we?.And the artillery, for getting ahead of all the rest, but somehow these didn't seem to do. So here it goes. These commendatious are going arom^id, and we'll hand one out ourselves. Our boost goes to THE WHOLE DARN DIN!ISION To. Seveuty Ninth Division, A. E. F. From: The Lorraine Cross. Subject: Everything 1. You're the best division in the United States Armyoranyother Army. 2 We trust you will continue to maintain your high standard the rest of your lives. ~ 3. Goodbye, and good luck. (Signed) THE LORRAINE CROSS. ^. ~ (Orii, oui.Ed ) And ^Il^ie ra^l^)bi^ls all have flees, Where the big girls like the wee ones, NVear their d^lesses to their knees; Sphere you whist out in the morriirlg, Just to give your bealll^l a chance, Say ~ Bou Jour" to some fellow who Shoots big holes in your pants Where the wise owls are afraid to hoot, And the birds don't dare lo Sillg, For ii s H 1 1 I down here in ^Ri^l^l^laucourt, Nowhere the M. Ps. shoot 011 the wing Corporal Jos. A. Strb^ll^l~ ^ln, A. S. C. THE WHEAT FIELDS OF FRANCE Poppies, red and suborn wl^ieat, Dance together in the beat; Waving gold with foam of name Flee together from my feet liar to you broad acres run Filled the earth from brim to briml Molten sunshine, poppy blaze, Billow in the summer rays, Whirl together hi the flame 'Neath light clouds, the hh^le of days, Race to yon tan poplar trees Driven onward by the breeze. The indolent Scribe 313th Inf. Co. E. LETTERS TO US Dear Ed: ^W^h^P^n do eve Leon 11nD1P? (Day after tomorrow.Ed ^) There's one thing about it. If the fr.; if the French, I meant (beg your pardon, Ed), are running this ship Oil the way back they can t stop at any stations or run us up Oil sidings for a week at a time. Hey Ed? 304th Sauitary Train (You've got it right.Ed ) ^. ^, Editor, The Lorraine Cross Lear Editor: :We'll heat out the dry law, won't wet Booze, 314th Infantry Homesick, Q^1 Q^li. ^I..^f^o..l.~. We knew the French Were good folks. They've wanted to like us right along. We^ive made rough with them just a bit too much. . . Boost the Frenoh with the home folks. As neighbors, the folks in this area are great. Watch your step these days. Our going home depends on our con . ., ^. Very largely. Give the chippies the Icy Stare and The Frozen Frown. Get Rid of Those Cogties. Watch that Boozel ' __ Mind your P's and Q's. If you're indilferent as to when You get home, at least think of the others who want to get home. tout de suite. Remember those ~ifs". Get the abili ready for not writing the Little Girl every day. ... .. Or do you have to spin the same yarn to a lot of girls7 So do we. ^. Social amenities around here: Gabon jour, Monsieur. And how is Mrs. Monsieur this matin7" . ^. We've done something for the Freneh We've bellied them get a look at Wallace Reid and Jacl Pickford. We were almost run over by a Trol^t^hy^j^l^lCa^dr the other day, Gee, we felt Our idea of Nowhere to Find Trolley Cars: Vacherauville or Samogneux or Brabaut. A Line to Remember: Esnes.Avocourt. CommercialNote: Window glass is one of the most expensive commodities in France. Well, we'll be home soon. And it will be before July 1st. Which is saying a jogful. For the kindest words are these: What will you have7" I Are we pleased? How did we Bet this way? s r 1 THE LORRAINE CROSS, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1919 1 1 WILL ORGANIZE LEGION IN FALL Porma^D^snt Foi m of veterans Assootation o Be Evolved At Nationat Convention. · Upon the arrival of the A. E. F. in the States, the permanent organization of The American Le~ion will be established at a National convention under the plans devised by Ihe Executive Committee of the veteran's association. Plans have been formulated by the Executive Committee t'or the enrollment by county and state · members of the Army and Navy, that they may be called together to select delegates front each county to the state convention. From each of the state conventions delegates will be sent to the national convention. The Executive Committee will designate a person or committee of persons in each state to call the state conventions. Under the plan, such persons evils cease to hold office as soon as the C^mlvention meets, and all committees will go out of existence when - the national convention is assembled. Representatives from practically all of the divisions and units of the A. E. F. met in Paris March 17, 18 and 19. At these meetings it was expressed that the apparent m^lanimous feeling ot the A. E. F is that the ties of comradeship should not be allowed to die, but should be fostered in a veteran's association, in Which the principals of. Right, Justice and Freedom can be perpetuated. Lt. Col. Stuart S. Janney'and Sgt. Benjamin R. Kauffman represe~^lted the 79th Division in the meeting of April 7. On that date, an Executive Committee of one of Beer and one enlisted ^Inau from elicit division gild unit of the A. E, F. met to arrange for the couventious iri the Slates. The Executive Committee has suggested that the association be ,catled Lithe Ameriean Legion Olher proposals were that all members of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, in service during the war, be eligible for membership;lhat there be a chapter or branch in each State which shall meet and send representatives to a National convention to be held in the fall of 1919, when a pe I ~ manent organization will be a l I fected. HOP TO ITI Then\ 0rango ^r^lovvsr Slave Von Roped And Tied We hate to pull this in the flea issue of this paper, the issue i which eve desire to offend nobody on account of a certain matter o leaving a sweet taste in everybody' mouth. But have you thought of ii? Yo are now within about a month o Them Orange Blossoms? Just figure it out for yoursel You'll get home, looking more o less improved by the trip, and she'l he waitmg for you. She'll probahl get it through your skull in about a week that s^l^lel^las been ~vnith^lg for you while you accumulatett one serviee stripe anti five hitches on a second What more can you do? You cn;^l't stall any longer. You've of it lo do. As eve say, we hate to pull this in he final issue. NVe don't avant to make you feel had about it. It's hell, nfl^l't ii? 314TH F. H. WINS TWO Defeats'313th F. R. And 3t3th Annbu^lan^Ge Co. The 314th Field Hospital scored hvo wins at baseball the week before the division left Rimaucourt, defeat ing the 313^11^1 Fiekl Hospital o Saturday, April 19, 12 - 6, and th 13th Ambulance Company the nex ay by a score of If.8, both game bemg played at Rhnaucourt. Ramapple pitched the Itrst gam for the 314th, anti Imd things most Iy his OWII way, except in the se ou^fl imflng, when some loose f~etdh~g got him in a hole. Good stick ork won tile second game, Swill ud Billinger doing most of the saying clouting. Clay, of the 13th Ambulance Company, sent ne up past Verdm^l into the froul line trenches, scoring a home run. LOST At detraining quill, Pont Rous seau, near Nantes, on April 2ff, on due barracks bag coulainiug Eng isb saddle and bridle, properly o Fred B. Gree^l^i, 1st Lieut., V. C Finder, or anyone having informa ion regardh^ig this property ^\^\ il kindly telephone office ot Divisio Adj u Ian t. AH, OUII When interviewed about his de par^lu^le fro^l^i^l the division, Capt Bull said: VIA pleasant time wa had by all." MEDdlS TO BE AWARDED TEAMS WiU se Givon To Rtfhmen, Boxers And Mennbers 01 The Football Tearn Medals will be awarded to embers of each of the division Calms: the winning platoon in the ivision musketry contest, the if le team which took part in the inth Corps shoot, the boxing cam, and the football team. The division musketry contest as won by Lieut. Punltell's plaoon of Compauy K, 3141h lufan Iry. Tills platoon was to hav taken part hi the big A. E. F shoot which is to be held tbi month, but on account of the im tninent departue of tl^ie divisio for the states, it will not enter he ripe team which took par in the Ninth Corps shoot whit the division was in the Souill rea wigs a picked team, and no representative of any one organi cation, The medals are handsomel made of silver. In the center he Lorraine Cross, with ~679t ivision, France", around th dge. It ^1^langs from a red, whit nd blue ribbon. Q. M. C. BANQUETS njoy Farewell Spread Before Leavia ^Rinnauoourt. Members of ^Ihe Headquarler etnohmont, Q. My C., were given auquet at Rimaucourt by Major J. W. Dento^l^i, Division Qunrler laster, and Major J. H. Stern, Divi ion Disbursing Officer, 011 th light of April A. After the ban net there were a number of speech s, M^Ajor Stern acting as toast Baster. Those present were: Sgts. Ist Cl., . C. Seu^ii^i^iel, J. R. Porh^ie^l, W. S. ucker, J. A. McGetligan, S. S. ohen, Charles R. Marti^l^l, H. B. Schra^tle^l, J. F. Sullivan, S. Hamburger, E. B. L. Eckbe^lg, Sgts. R. Brem^ier, W. M. Seizer, G. R. Davis, F. 1. Wren, E. H. Pingel, 2nd., E. F. Walter, B. J. Dempsey, 'l'. F. Biddle, and the following at^lacl^ied men: Corp. Herbert Stauder, Co. B. 311th Machh^ie Gm^i Batlalion, PvL Joseph .1. Fox, Co. '~E," 315th h~fantry, Pvt. Herbert H. Grob, Hq. Co., 3151h H^ifantry, Pvt. Paul Bissell, Co. ~C," 3121h Machh^le Gun Battalion, and Pvt. Leh^l^l^lan, Headqua^lters Troop. THE LAST PACK ^r GUESTS I';E ;IAVE TO 5A,, YAGL That GEA^rlA~ STILL WORRIED Wrtting Thts Paper For Dope On Their llama -gdng. _ l The 2741h M. P. Compauy, who for the past three months have ha it pretty soft in the metropolis of Bar-le Duc, has written THE LORRAINE CROSS agah^l for h^ifor^l^i^iation on when they are going home We printed one little story about them recently; here is the last letter from them we received: To the Editor Lorrah^ie Cross Dear Sir: ~ Now that the 79th is getting ready for the big trip back to Gods OWIi COilli^L^r^y", us boys hi Ihis M. P outfit are golth^ig a little bit worried and we ask you, can you give us any dope relath^lg to when we get home. We went to Camp Meade Md. nearly two years ago. Came over to France with the division, ducked and dodged G. 1. cans nud machine gm^l bullets, with the rest of' the boys of the 791h during our slay al he trout. Life was begim^ii^l^ig to look sweet lo us boys once mole, until one da last Feb^luary, we were shanghaied uto Ihis M. P. outfit. The hip question now is will US l oys of this outfit have to stay over here hi France and just exist for a few more mouths, or do we hit th , gaug-plank with the 79^11^1. We threw our fortunes in with the l ^9tl^l suffered its trials and hard , l hips, and IIOW we would like to en , I oy about Ihe only lucky break th division has received since th l l ~Kaiser" went insane Hoping you publish this liltl l l rliclc hi the 'Lorraine Cross," an I hoping you give us some dope in re l artts to flow us boys in this M. P. uttit stand. Yours in comradeship (Signed) Members of the 274t ~I.P.Co. A.P.0.918. 79TH HISTORY AVAILABLE SOON ork Will se Pobltshed Atter Return Of Di~rlsion To States - The official history of tbeSeve^l^lty inth Division is now being ~vriten by Capt. Albert ~V. Crandon, ivisional G-2, and will be ready or publication UpOII the arrival f the division i n the United States. Tile book will be handsomely Fouled and will contain a large number of pl^lotograpl^lsa^l^ld maps. As soon as arrange^l^l^le^l^lts are made with a publishing house in the states, the price and place to send subscriptions will he announced in the newpapers, unless announcement can be made in orders before demoblization in case au! nouncement in the newpaper^s is not seen, a letter addressed to J. H. Steiuman, Tithe Intelligencer", Lancaster, Pa., marked on the envelope, ' 79th Division HisDry," will be promptly forwarded 0 the correct destination for proper action. OFFICERS STAY HERE Transferred to various 0ayantzatlon On ^E^Ye 0t Divlslons Departure The following officers will not go ome u i III the division, having been transferred to other organizations. hey are: To Base Section 9, A^Dtwerp: Col. 3. H. Steinman, division adjutant; Capt. W. L. Bull, assistant division adi utant, To Third Army Headquarters,, Cobleuz: Major C: C. Bagley, 304th Field Sigual Ballalion; Senior Divi^Sion Chaplah^l Lloyd W. Benedicl; Chaplain Witliam T. Willis. To First ^l~ep^lace^l^l^lent IJepot, for e. assignment: Major Harr^Y N. Gwym^l, 316th infantry; Major Ruthrecord B. H. Macroric, 316th Infant Irv To Fiflh Divisi^ffn: Major Paul E, Strong, 316th Infa^l^ltry. Why Sergeaut Ullrich until after' 3.30? ' stays out For seasickness, nostalgia, an I a seditive for that '~hurry up fceting," use U. S. A.'~Coruwillysluu^l.''.Adv. WHAT ME ARE LEADEN ~ BY KUNZ I ~ ,'~ J MAGGIE 3 you HAZY rr~5 A~^oAr^73~^y MP polyp A,^y' TV~ ro r~r~rr?~rC~r~^l^l~^A~^v^/ Err sol rrr~r ~rr^A'sr^c~^ssr~A I S rays rare ro Czar Err r /~SO~co errs r^/^/rrr~^lr^f AlrOr~O en Ym^l 1 ret ~ ro rarer rA Y-L. / r//rr/ rig ~frr~h~A^sh ^50r^/r errs ^/ I' PAGE 4 THE LORRAINE CROSS, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1919 SALVAGE OUR ^H^O,F'N^E -GOU^F^NC SAL SAG E GALLE~RV ,~:^.~ ' 1 rO~ SWEEP ArNERIqVE ~BEAUCCUP THEY DONE IT; HERE THEY ARE: The TalontoeN Youtha Who Put This Metropolitan Woohly Together Everything hasn't been; roses . anti honey getting out a ne^N^Yspaper in this army The lads that wrote the edito'rials anti the news stories have been claiming all the credit, of em^lrse, and trying tomalce it appear they bore all the responsibility and that Sort of thing. Being buck privates, they lost tots of sleep, n'esl ce pas7 lsut the IJOYS Rho really got out the ^Daper ^Nvero the m^ies who rasteie^ti ^Nvit^l^i Mr. Collot's type oases at Bar-lo-Duc and with that of Messrs. ;^Nleiguc^l^l and Ben . Moth at Nantee. First of all, there is Corporal Jerry Mitchell, of Ihe 3t3th Ambulanoe Cm^l^lpa^l^ly, better Icoo~vo as Corporal Marlh^i. Jerry has made up Ihe varim^ls editions. Before Ibe ^Nvar came along and pied his forms he owned a prh shop in Charlesto^l^i, West Virgi^l^iia. Then there is Private John L. Spieh^l^la^i^i, Cm^l^l^l^)any B. 3141b Infantry,^!better lcaown as NonComprm^ig-^Par. His chief aim in life is to learn lo roll bisbrotl^ier's Ford Before he caught cold in the draft, he ^Nvorked, mostly overtime, in ^yorlc, Pa., NNhe it didn'b interfere ^Nvi^ll^1 his so ial activities amm^lg the Pe^lmsylv ni duchesses. - Private Roy L. Sawin, als Company B. 514111 Infantry.So Sueix. He has set all the heads He hails trm^l^l Warren, Rhode Is land, where he is president ofth WarrenP^Iinti^l^lg and Publisl^li Company Private First Class James F Tracy, Jr., blacl^ii^l^ie Guu Com pony, 31611^1 Infanl^ly. From Ih itrst shoved prefom^l^tl proficient at stielch^ig type. Beforeenlisti^l^l in the draft \VAS a member of th Drn^1 of Ford and Tracy, 11th an Samsm^1 streets, Phila^tlelpl^iia, Pa Bu don't look for kiln there. 11 can be fo^l^l^l^l^tt al Pea^l^l^l^lt Hall Private Leo P. I-lolRvilz, Headquarters Company 315th Infantry, came all the to France from BrookIyn, New Yolk. He is going back to his old job with the C4^1a^lles Francis Press, Eighth Avenue and . DO nUrNrlL~ or ~ * * TUG AVEF~AGG YE 8 C~tVAU~ ~'rN5EGGES GFNPT~r.5 Vim : . . ..C~'5 i 1 Nebula OU null Rae MOOT ok Nun or :I.CD . .:, O VC 131 LU ETA ~~ /Y EA BO JEAN .~ .YC~5 ~ . ~ 1 -. VN:U~ 1 BY "SHUS'^! ~;~ I ~Or'UNE~ I .~,,^l~e C.FI,t ~ISOFN \ : . . 9~ . i' Thirty Fourth Street, New York City. Every Frenh girl who ha l lumped him has ^bre^At^l^le^td A sigh and said: '611 est tree, tres joli.' l But the^le is a ahl UU^hO NVOriCS ID the Navy Yard hack in Brooklyn ho ^N^Vr^ltc^5 him letters. Beau I coup, heauco^l^lp pink, pinlylette^ls. "SLIM" IS TRANSFERRED Popular Bntorba in or Go e ~ Ho rue Witl lieadquartere Tamp The Kellam Four, ^\vl^iicl~ is to say Slim Kellau^i and Uuee others, bay heeu ^Ira^l~s~e^l red to the Headquarier Troop for shipment home. For Ill past six moms they have been liv Ulg lee life ot're^lire^\^l Pillsbuvg Slee mag^l^\e^ls, eating .^1 n PI sleeping in ou Leading Holels and en^ler^lai^l^\in^f^l th Boys in their spare moments. 1 he have a string of eomme^l^\dalio^l^ls a long as you^t arm from all ove Its A. tE. F. Slim and his colleague probably have played before 111Ot' Au^leriea^l^l soldiers in Ihe A. E. F Iba^l^l any other entevlainers ove I^\ere, and we have yet lo bear Iba Ibey did'^l^l^l tleliver Ihe goods will\ mucl^l every place Ibev have been Pile Sevenly Ninth may be pl'Olt that sire sent out to the A. E. F. Ih best euterlai^l^l^lue^l^lt troupe Ibat ^Nva ever got togelber. MASONS FORM CLUB AT NIC Tbe Riviera I^Nlasonic Club ^\va recently formed al Nice. 11 is con dueled for Ibe purpose ot welco^l^l^lin lo Ibc Riviera ah iN^la^s^o^t^l^s in III u^lililary service. Feelings ar held every ' I bin stray evening in lb big ball of the Hotel Augteterre The li^lst meeting of this club wa held Marcb 27, when hve^l^lty-f^lv slates. Australia and Swilze^lla were represented. James C, Gip hose arldress is American Y.M C. A., Nice, Alpes Maritime, i president of the Ctub. 79TH OFFICERS PROMOTE ConUoacd rrrm re^g^O ore I^ta~^Ncr, Arcl^tibald G. Knisely, Rober^l touficr, Huglt M. Clarhe, loan C. Sbnpsor enjanrin H. srbr^l^on~ Randolf P. Debevoi antes Gould, Jolm W. Stoevcr, Arthur hock, Robert B. Strawbrirlge, Artlrur tart, Jr., John F. Cltoate; Frorrr anti Lt. ^t tSI Lt.: Douglas G. Buchanan, William lung, Clry^ton H. Hotlman, James H. Quir Wand^tll Wa^lkius, l Iro^tnpson H. I'ouclrston John C, Treadwell, Jolur W. Mo^my, Robe J. .leweU, Mauricc D. Snrvser, Jolrn Sbunraker, Harold E. Godwin, Jolro Russe Jr., Jol^tn F. ^rBckbold, Josepl^l R. Rowland Aloysins F. Connell, Ar^llrur P. Miller, ^vri lian^t L. Van Keuren, Joseplr A. Lamorell Alfred L. Cobb. SURE IS SOME OLE DIVISION Pep, Pride, Patrlotisrn, Oitioers l Ball Toam, Ken Clark, Slim Kollam And Bgt. Moore ^n~ntn^lh~to __.... ark,, By SLli^NI I~ELLAM Ain't it great to belong to Ibe Seveulv Ni^lttbY It's the best olc division in lb world, full of pep, stood boys, an beaucoup prk^re. T^l^le^l^l we have lot to be proud of| ~I'alce our oll'i ers' hall clnb. I ur3ver sn^\v llill \lCtl talce such brutal pUt\i^s^blll^e and smile. Yes, sir, they lafferl oil loud. Not joyously, but silly-a ;SIII~V~ Tt^lere NVaS Illll^C^b rank i^l valved.rally in all forms, ranlt i he ar^luy, u^le^l^l it Ibe ranks, autt lb raoltesl game I ever saw. (Sg Moore, step back a little.) Tb^ell tberC is SRI. Elversou, of tb Hdqs. Troop. The boy has alway S^bOWtl lUltCI^l nerve; but recently 1 displayetl w]^lal is known as bras Heasked me.MEI.lo do a little P. Can you iu^lagi^l^le Ibat Mu (Sgt. Moore, ~vbere is you u^l^lcler ear7,^N And Ihal gives me an idea. V^N' Dies in the air wvill^l four legs birds Autt then Ibere is olc '~Lel's Go. Tbe Y. M. C. A. Wills Ibe brow derby with Il^l^e pink band, but doll forget eve got llm pick of Iheir be workers, ole Reu Clerk, Ibe boy wl has always bobbed up at Ibe rig moment, with his peppery deliver uliri^l^lg all Ihe way ilirougl^l. An believe me, when it comes to credi be deserves his Ma^t^ly a night b as brought the old morale up I ,000, aotl he wasn't even ~vorltin lard. (Sgt..Moore, move off on tb count of 4.) And tbe^l^l, there is the most pope ar malt in the Div. Of course, verybody k^l^lows bi^l^l^l; it seems al Host um^lecessary to name bi lim Rellam. (Get Ibe I^o^N^ve^l^s for Sgt. Moore melt, boyl) Boys, if you ever get in a Ibeatr oft see S^l^lm Rellam walk out be iud the footlights, for the sake 0 he old Seveuly ^N^t^l^lll^l gel up an ett. I'll guarantee to stop the pe rmanee right there, even if I an ingi^l^lg logo in Pa^E^Iiacci with Caru o and Geral tl i^l^la Part ar. I'll cl i ml igl^lt down off the stage, walk pas be conductor of Ille orcbeslra, parade flown the middle aisle, and as to be introduced lo your best girl Mr. Caruso will just simply have t wait, even if he Is .on a high not He'll just hang there till I come back (La meme chose, garcon, and have a little more ~ I' in this one.) | Well, so long. SET'EM UP We'rs Gtoing To Maks The Laadir^g,^l After AU | All tile worrying we did up in the| Yacberauville section, in Souitly,l at Rimancourt, from November un-l 1;1 IIOW as to wbelt^ler~ewe.e going| lo be able to get that real Amerieanl drb^l^l^i after we get to tile States nvasl in VAill. We are going to make it.| So now, get busy and tbi^l^lkwl^l^l^\^l^l gunfire gUillg ^lu have. Will it DC| bce^lY No conlpree beer. Wc've^l t)eC)I baY;IIg beer and V;ll ^b^IaIIC all^d| via rouge ever since we got be^le.^l Shalt it be bigl^l-balls? Ah oui,| DUi.couple limes oui, oui, as Harryl Edelstei^l^l used say. And then tberel arc gin rickios, and Maubatle^l^l cock-| ails, au^(^l Marilni cocktails; a^Dd straight wl^lisl^tey, anti all the other| things you can gel. And Il^lcre will| be sore-e^Dou~b brass rails, wbicl you will probably scratch up will^l^l your bobs, and pretzels down on tbel end of the bar,' I Go lo ill So far as Ills staff of Ibis| paper is eoncer^l^led, it has always| been dead set against a drv 1^o^w^l^u^l 11 intends to have one good, long,| silly, wo bb I e-all-over-tbe-slreell ~irunlt before Ibey blow the last born^l Dll the tl^lirlielb of June. It hereby| serves notice on all members ot tbel division, that if we meet again before| July 1, Ibe drinks are on us. Com^l^lree? ON JOB CAMPAIGN CODUnUCd rrnm POgn 0-0 there will be tbegrealeslwilli^l^lg^Dess lo help the men of tills division. heir share ill the bard WOI k ove^l fore has such that Ihey may except Ibe warmest kind of welconie Bul don't ~~ ant to approach employers itl^1 any l-foug1^\t-^l^l^l-Fra^l^lce-you'veol-lo-give-me-ajob-story. I want 0 tell Ibem Il^lal Il^lere are coming m^l^l^lo 25,000 11lCII who leave been Oillg work Il^lat called for capacity. flee Idghest kind of capacity. I ant to be able to pot the thing up 0 them as a straigl^\t business prop sitiom Yon, as employers, cam^lol Ford to be without the services ol non like these." In addition totbeca^l^l^lpaig^l^lwhicb Lieut. Gale will start, men of Ibie division may avail Ihem^se^l^ve^s^oft^l^le help which IS offered by the Em ployment Burean of the Goverm ment. 79TH ALL READY FOR LAST MOVE | ^C^gg'\nnrd from Page nun the various organizations would find some way of making known their desires in the matter. If the disposition ot an organization is against a parade, they probably Will not have to go through with it. If, on. the other hand, they desire to have a parade in order that their borne cities may have an opportunity to welcome them home in S^olll^C litlh^l^a manner, their is no doubt that the whole thing Will be speedily arranged so that they will not be held in service any longer than is necessary. The same idea will hold good for the whole division. If We want the parade, we may get it. It we don't Want it, we probably Won't have it. Al I ho^l^lgh it was common enough during the winter lo hear the old familiar "I don't want any parade; gh^l^l^l^l^le 'at li'l ole discharge an' I'm satisfied,''.the probability is that most of the men in the division Want the parade. We are in much better physical shape HOW than we were back in the mud area; we feel better, and the thought of five miles Ihrough city streets does not loom up as fearsomely as it once did And We have been treated pretty well for the last few months, and there is less of the get-me-but^Df-this-ma^l^l's-army feeling. We can stand a week more of the army and not mind it such an awful lot, And, finally, there is the though that it is our last chance to be seen and "appreciated" as a m^lit. We made ^d^le big boys iro^l^l^1 G. H. Q. exclaim when we went past the reviewing stand at 1OrqUeVaUX last month; we ought to be able to make the home folks |open their cyes. I How about it.do we v ant to |paradeornol7 Thh^lli it over, and lien your company commander. I The h^lspectio^l^ls are now being Bone through with, and organiza|tim^ls are passing creditably. There Its the inevitable rush for supplies At the last moment, but the Q. M Its holding up o^l^lder the strain and getting the staff but as it is needed. As fast as the inspections are completed and the formalities gone ^lihroogh with, the various outfits Are being shipped down to St, Nazaire,

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