Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

Lorraine Cross newspaper dated March 26, 1919

This web page contains the four pages of the Lorraine Cross newspaper dated March 26, 1919.
The Lorraine Cross newspaper was published by the 79th Division of the A.E.F. while in France.

The Lorraine Cross newspapers you see on this page were saved for future generations by Roy Leslie Sawin, who set all the column heads. He passed away in 1958, but fifty year later, Diane Sanborn, his Great-Niece, found the papers he had carefully saved, and took the time to scan them in for this website.

We are indebted to both of them because these newspapers are very rare
and not available anywhere else on the entire Internet.

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Lorraine Cross Newspaper Volume 1 Number 5 France March 26 1919 Page 1
(Click to see full-size image of page 1: 2560 x 3490 pixels 3.0 Megabytes)

Lorraine Cross Newspaper Volume 1 Number 5 France March 26 1919 Page 2
(Click to see full-size image of page 2: 2616 x 3546 pixels 3.1 Megabytes)

(This issue contains only two pages)
EXTRA! THE LORRAINE CROSS PUBLISHED BY THE 79TH DIVISION Volume 1 FRANCE, MARCH 26, 1919 No.8 SEVENTY NINTH MOVES TO NEW AREA FRIDAY; TO BE BILLETED CLOSE TO "BIG" CHAUMONT; DIVISION MOTOR AND OTHER SHOWS PUT OFF STAGE IS SET FOR FIELD DAY Division Move Will Not Interfere with Doings at Souilly FAST MEN TO COMPETE Races Will Be Hotly Contested. Me^(lley Events Promise to Be Intere~ti^l^l~ . Tu~-of-Wnr I Scheduled The moving of the division will not interfere with the Field and Track games which will be held today at Souilly. The meet will go off as scheduled. Many fast men are entered in the various events. and if the weather is good, a large crowd will probably be on hand, as there is an increasing interest in athletics all through the division. ,~ilost of the races should be hotly contested. One of themostinterestin~events to be held will be the medley relay race. Bile total distance for this race will be a mile and seven eighths. One man runs '~20 yards; the next, 440 yards; the next man 880 yards, and the last man runs a mile. Another event that should be good from the spectators' point of view is the Tug-o~-War, with 12 men on each side. The full list of events is as follows: 1. 100 yard Dash. 2. 2~10 yard Uash. :~. 440-yard Run. 4. 88~yar~Run. 5. One Mile Run. 6. Modified Marathon-8 miles. 7. 120-yard High Hurdles 8. 'Rudyard Low Hurdles. 9. Running High Jump. 10. Running Broad Jump. il. Standing Broad Jump. I2. Running Hop, Step and Jump. 13. Poe Vault. 14. Putting the Shot.16 Ibs. 15. Throwing the Discus. 16. Throwing the Javelin. 17. 880~yard Relay Race (4 men 18. One-Mile Relay Race(4 me^l^l) 19. Medley Relay Race Amen a. One man runs 220 yards. b. One man runs 440 yards. c. One man runs 880 yards. d. One man runs the mtle. 20. Tug-of-War (12 man team, 1 extra as Captain. Latter riot to pull). ~ ^. 79TH PICTURES ARE AVAILABL Members of l)i~lsion Can Orde War Photo^s^lraphs Sent to Their Homes FIFTEEN CENTS APIECE Collection OD Exhibltion in a Album in Olfice of Diviaio I Adjutant _ Book May be Sen l to Outflt~ ~~ . ^. Officer^6 and men of the Seven l inth who desire to collect photo l graphs showing the progress of th l division from the first days in Franc l to the last days of fighting, can ge l them. An extensive collection of 79t l war photographs is on exhibition in a l album in the office of the Division Ad l utant. Each photograph bears a dentification number and a title. How To Get Them In connection with the sale of wa pictures, the Special Service Section holographic Section, Signal Cry,, l erectly made the fvlluw^lng announcene^}~t: "Photographs desired for persona] l r private use and taken by the Photo ^l raphic Section, Sig^l^lal Corps, mat l c obtained by application to the Phi, ographic Section, Si^Fnal Corps U. S. rmy, Washington, D. C. The late- ~ report of price of such prints is fiftee^i l (1~,) cents each, and remittances ^Fhoul be made bar money order payable t the Photographic Section, Signal Corps U. S. Agony, Washington, D. (;. II each case the A. 13. F. file number l together with title or caption, of th l photograph should be quoted. Tithe Historical Officer of each Sta I Service, Division, Corps and Army ha l been issued an album~and copies of al photographs pertaining to that orga^l^li zation or unit, together with the fit numbers and titles or captions". To Be Sent Home Further information concerning th pictures is to the effect that those sell log at fifteen cents will be, in size 6-1-2 by 8-t-2 inches. Various plan for the circulation of the division pie turf album to the vario^l^ls units are be inn cvn~idere^(i at the office of the Di VifiiU^n A~lju~ant. Aunt^luneement of th method ^Fe^lec~e~i will cl me in the use future. Previous announce^luent re garding war photos stated all pictur ordered would only be sent to addres ses in the United 'stated It is pro wmed this rule stir holds,. WE'RE HIKIN' O. we're hll~ln'otl Torah Chaumont Where they huts our G. II. Q. We're hikin' away from 80uilly And beaucoup mud and goo. We're gain' toward the mcado^?os 17he fields and groloi~g hay. ' Ov,r spirit's in the movement. We're glad to p^7~11 away. 0, hikin' ain't so awful When it means ~ change of scene ^' When it means for us swell billets ~ And the green fields' pleasant sheen. Yes, ?Cc'r~ goip' tamp ~ ^q~eadou~^$ lithe Gelds and Awing 7hy. Our spirit's in the mo^Deme^7^lt. We're glad to pull al I- F.A. G. ~ ^. PLAN IS TO AMUSE TROOPS IIiki nil Seventy Niners Wlll Have Plenty of Entertainment Tentative arrangements are bein made by Lieut. Roy B. Scudder, Diision EEntertainmentOf~i er,toproide for the amusement of th I oldiers while they are moving. Nothing definite has yet been set fled on, on account of the uncertainty of transportation, but if everything goes through as planned,ther will be movies and soldier vaude ille for everybody. It is planned to have four trucks, l each with a moving picture outfit I board, accompany the troops as I ey move, and two more trucks l ferrying show troupes. At the vaI ions stops that will be made, th l ucks will be unloaded, and performances given. ^\ NO TERRAIN EXERCISE Division's Move WlU Make Proposed I ^Irill Impossible Th^P move of thedivision mill make I t impossible to hold the terrain ex . .... . .. .. .. WE'LL HIKE THE WHOLE DISTANCE ^. ^. Our D~ln~tlo~ 1o the Pours Tralnln~ whoa Whloh too ~Cilom~tre~ From 80uilly and Only 700 From Brent.Order tar Move Calls off "Big Doingo" Plan ned for Seventy Ninth, But Will Not Interfere With To D~y's Track Meet. The Seventy Ninth will leave its present station on Friday fo r the Fourth I'raiuing Area, which is in the general vicinity of Chaumont, the location of Generai Eeadquartersof the American l^i;x^l.editionary Forces. Movement of the division will be oval land, the troops making the whole distance, about 10,0 kilo netres on foot. The change of ta'ion will take about five days, the outfits covering approximately twenty kilometres each day. Actual marching will start early Friday morning. The Fourth Training Area is much more desirable, from all' standpoints, than the territory the division is leaving. according to information received at division headquarters. Living quarters are better and the -roads are In better condition than those we have used since our arrival in this section after the armistice went into effect. ~ he towns, generally, are much more attractive and every -uck will t e made much more comfortable. No troops have been in the fourth t. aining area in a long time. Extensive arrangements are being made for the amusement of the troops on their way to the Fourth area. The divisional entertainment department and the ' Y" are laying- plans whereby there will be entertainment for all each night taken up in the movement. Near Old Dome Examination of a map of the new area shows that the town of Andelot appears tb be the principal vine in the section. Division headquarters may be located in that place. Other towns noted in the area are Rirnaucourt, which will be the Seventy Ninth's railhe;~d; Doulaincourt, Briaucourt, Leurville, Mareilles, Hurnberville, Saucourt, Monot and Brechai^Dville. Our old hone, the Tenth Training Area, the first real home we had in France.is not very far from the new area. Prauthoy, where we had division headquarters in the Tenth, is approximately seventykilometresfrom Andelot. Champlitte, where headquarters of the 157tli Inlantry Brigade was located is about eighty kilometres and Vaux-sous-Aubigny, where the 158th Infantry Brigade had its I else wt^l^lcn was scne~u^le~ to lake eadquarters, is approximately sev~ ~ .~ . ~ ~ _ r . ~ ~ _ _ ^1 _ ^1 ~ ~ ~ L _ metres from Ande'ot. The latter place is about twenty kilometres Irum Chaumont, and is only 700 kilometres from Brest. Move Discussed A meeting of brigade, regimental and separate unit commauders far the purpose of discussing the move, was held in the Division Headquarters Theatre in Souilly Monday afternoon. Brigadier General Evan M. Johnson, cornmanding the 158th Infantry Brigade, and at present in command of the division, was present. So war Brigadier General John S. Winn, commanding the 157th Infantry Brigade. The headquarters of the With Field Artillery Brigade was represented by Co}. Larry P. Wilbur, commanding-the 31'2th Field Artillery. Many Events Postponed Announcement was made at the meeting that the field and track meet of the Seventy Ninth scheduled for today, will be held. The events will be run off on the ~athletic field neardivision headquarters. But, the division motor show, booked for Saturday, Pill be postponed because of the move. The terrain lace on rr^l^(^lay In ^Ine v^lc^lm^ly o^l emy ^Inree ^K^l^l~^l^l^ls~^le~. ^L^l^l^Ju^l^l, AUK exercise scheduled for Friday has Rosnes and Erize-le-~rulee. Other first grande ville we had a chance been called off. So has the Horse terrain exercises and maneuvers to get a good look at 'after we left Show of the Second Army, schedu~illprobablybeheldin the newarea.^lBrest, is approximately ~15 Icilo- led for April ~ in Foul. \ '1 1 ' , 1 : TH E LORRAI N E- CROSS Published every Thursday bat the enlisted men of the 79~h Divisiom . EDITORIAL STAFF . JA~lES M. CAIN, Private, Editor GILBERT MALGOLM, Private, Sporting Editor DONALD (;E~ONIN, Pvt., Circulatiun Manager. IVY F. HOSSAC1~, Sgt. Ist Class, Business Manager Collvt Press, Bar-le-Duc. t . . C ~ubscriptiuu rate: Three francs fur three 1 mumhs. Mu subscriptions will be accepted fur s more than three months. E '1 THE ROAD REPAIR e . ~ Two weeks ago, when the men of the Sev- c enty Ninth were set to work at road repair, t , ~ T ~ E fig O R RA I N E I: R OJ ~ WEDNESDAY, II :28, ~18 ~~ . ...............~ . . ~~ ~ _ ....... ~ - ~ it =: Welfare Work ~ ~iv~ion Hqls . HERE and TEEPEE Reached Highest Efficienc 1 Service Being Given Men by the Y. M. C. A, Red Cross and Salvation Army Greater Than Ever Before.Scope of Activities Shown By Statistics of Organizations , - , , , : . . . ~ . ^' The Welfare work for the men of the division being done bar the Red Cross, ^y. M. C. A., and the ~alvatiu^D A rmy is now greater than at ardor time since the Seventy Ninth has been iD France. The Y. M. C ~L. now has 22 stations in the division, and the personnel operatiog them number 46, of which 24 re men and 22 are women. The locreased personnel of the "Y" makes it possible for much more work to be |done. As a result of the transfers im~e roads ot the-division were in very bad ~ I- ~ ~~. ~~ - ~ape.. The hard use to which they have been subjected since we have been in this Yea was not alone to blame for this; the years of war had knocked the bottom oul .of most ot the main roads, and the result was a lot of bad ruts and holes. Now, as a result ol the work that is being done upon'them, the roads are rapidly get Dig into some kind of shape. Places that ware formerly nothing but ruts are nod covered with limestone, and the raw stone is ceme ting into good macadam. Withir a short time, all the roads should be in con dition. That the roads have been got into shape so quickly reflects highly to the credit of the Seventy Plinth ^Ir. THOSE LUSTS · We are not much on the threat stuff. If fact, Qur Parents used to remark on OUI entire lack of the Threatening Attitude. "lsn t it remarkable' they would verbiate "how lithe threatening the little larnbkin~ does." · Yes, we lay off the Threat Stuff whenever possible. But, if we find the Name of the Man Res possible for the putting out of Those Light each night when we are dashing off Squibb for this here poiper, we re going to print hit -mane 'whining the Belt" is a favorite indoo sport every night in these parts in so^ln^l shack which, to us, still remains a House of Mystery. Where is the^ilight, plant? In Brest lBar-le Duc or Bridgeport, (:onn.? SALUTES. There is a Brown Derby, with Pink Ini tials, waiting in the ollice of this newspape^] for the inventor of the brand of salute which ends, with a flash of the hand, at the chest of the person saluting. It is a mos interesting lorm of greeting and is so differ ent from what we have been made to re gardas the Really Correct Thing that would like to know its history. In this form of greeting, the hand is snap Bed smartly to the visor of the cap or, if i be an U~erseaser^7 into the eye of the per eon reordering the courtesy. Then, wit] the speed of an eye-flash, Ihe hand is low ered about five inches. What becomes o it alter that is a mystery. We have search ed all books of reference, even "La Vie Par Irene" and Bagatelle," for the history o ^Ib,.s form o^i salute but w haven tabled abl to find a line about it. r · Somehow or other, it seems to us w saw this salute used at a grand maneuvr~ of the Swiss Navy some years ago. ^m~^al^al~l~ IUIIUW111~ tar ar^lms^L^lce, Ice ~ersunnel of the 'BY" was at one time reduced to as few as 14 fur the division. -with more than twice that many working now, mueh more service cau be given the mea than formerly. The figures on the amount of business doue by the canteens of the · Y" tell the same story. In Augusta 214,0uu francs worth of merchandise was sold in Se^l,tenuber, 1 ~O,oOU; in October 2lI0.UUu; in November, 288,UUI^J; ir Duceu^lher, 106,00U, plus 44,^l^JU(): francs worth of Christmas goods distributed free of charge; in January, 20~,OuU; it February, 4^U~'~,t^JUU, plus 20,UUO francs worth of cocoa, cakes, cigarettes, etc. distributed free; in March, it is estimated that the amount will run tc SUU,OOu francs, with 40,1~uO francs worth of merchandise distributed free Best Service Promised In addition to the greatly increased canteen service, the "Y" is providii ~ a great stuck If athletic supplies,. baseballs, basketballs, gloves, bats oxing gloves, etc.,.many of tin musicaliin~truments u^fied in the divine ^qion's shows, and moving pictures Commenting on the "Y's" ·ICtiVi~i^eS Err. Charles L. Moore, divisional see Dietary, said: ' We are sparing no ef fort to give the men the greatest pop bible amount of service. Alter the ar ui^st^i^ce we were hampered by tat k u personnel: during D^rcember and Jan nary transportation and the uncertain ty of rho plans for the division made it difficult for either to keep OD bans or to move large quantities of supplies Nuw, however, things are going more CATCHES LINER BY FEW HOURS l Lt. Col. De Lamater, Formerly G-1, Goes flame With 27th Dlvisio^l^l . . ,, After a flying trip across France it one of the big headc^fua'rters Cadillacs Lt. Cal. W. A. De,Lamater, formerly Divisional G-1^1 made the boat tha was to take him back to the United States by a few hours. Col' De Lamater was rejoining hi old division, the Twenty Seventb which was due to sail on Narch 11 e gut a late start, leaving the division bead~^luarters at Souilly on Saturday, March 8, in company with Capt. Vincent A. Carroll, a ssi~tant G-1 . ~Vagoner Charles H. Smith, ..^g EIeadquarters Troop, was driving. The race across Fra'nce began, and neither tires, gas, nor anything .else was spared to got to Brest before the wenly Sovet~h should pull uut. , unlay evening the ^1,ar^ly arrived: the ouat was still there, the day was saved ally Tue^Pday ^luorning the ship clear d, and the (~olopel's Wage, which , d. been following Along by truck, was tub behind. " ^£moothly, and I can assure the men o the Seventy Ninth that they are gOil I to get.as good service as any ^divisio^l over here, nu matter where it is lqcat ed". Between January I and Februar; II, the Red Cross distributed 1,625, ^UOO cigarettes, '20,1 6u cans of jam, As, too bars of chocolate, 3,500 tooth brushes, and a large quantity of shav log soap, shaving brushes, mufflers vristlets, helmets, sheets, blankets sweaters, towels anal pajamas, 15 set uf busing gloves, 511 footballs and 2u~ sets of chess and checkers. Ther was also a distribution of 3,500 news apers daily, and 3,500 magazine monthly. This work is under the di rection of Captain William H. Bricked Red Cross Home Service The Red Cross Hume Service, con dueled under Captaiu Theodore Drape Gottlieb, has accomplished much sine it has been in ope^Patiun. Betwee ^!~^larch'7 and March 17, 95 letters wer written for suldiers~desiring help ~ various sorts; 84 cards to the Pari Red Cross Headquarters as,ki^Dg for in fornua~ion fur Seventy Ninth men; ad vice of different sorts was given to 6 men, and 40 inquiries from the Unite States- about men in this division wer looked into and answered. Sine Narch 17, 261 cards have been see to Paris getting information for me in the division. The Salvation Army has but one hu in the division, located near Divisio Headquarters at Suuill;y, but has plug ged along with this hut and is givin splendid service to the men arouu headquarters. The canteen did business of 34,204 francs in thetas month, selling candy, a large suppl (If oranges, cake, jam, sardines, halls kerchiefs, r~zur-blades, etc. In add lion, there was distributed free 2,Uu~ cups of cocoa, 4,0u0 doughnuts, 3 pies, 600 pieces ol home- made fudge arid a great deal of stationary. Thi work is being conducted under 13 nsig Gertrude 8ymmonds and C a p t al Agnes Russell. 79TH INVENTORS HERE'S A CHANCE Let U^l^lcle Sam Know ii You relive Any Ideas The Chief Or^llnance Ofl^!^lcer, A.E.~. in a recent letter received at divisio headquarters aisles that officers an men who have ideas for invention which U^l^lcle Sam could uses communi eats at once with the Office of oh Chief Ordnance Officcr. The lette reads: . "All officers, enlisted men and em ~,loyees of the A. E. F., who hav made valuable inventions in the lin Of duty, are requested to immediatel notify the Office of the Chief Ordnauc Of ricer of that fact by telegram. Ill answer to such telegram, th i^Dve^l^ltur will be supplied with form upon which to make detailed report 0 his invention, whether or not applie lion fur patent the; em has been mad and will be advised as to furthe procedure. The telegram should be address follow^fi: DIE, TOURS'. It's muddy again. _. Nothing strange in ~bat, we opine. . ~ ~ ~ Prohibition Dope: 'pranks at Amp eade". - ~ Wonder if we'll know Skelly's place whew we get back. ' We've got one thing on the Prohibition- ists. Those who put I' A. S. " Bathe Dry. Column didn't get over here. .. .. Weekly French Lesson: - " Meres is "Mairsee". Try it. The Frenchman is ^90 0 understand you. French isn't so hard, after all. Just for get your "s's" and you've gone a long wag. ~ . A letter from home says most of the ret ;urning soldier in our part of the States ~ Do lot only getting Jobs but really better ones ;han they held when they took the Big Le.ap. encouraging, we vociferate. , ^. ^. Says Basil, the Belligerent Buck: "Coot have helped me in my history studies at Lorraine Cross High school. For iasta~o,e^l I know now why Bonaparte always Baby hand in the front of his shirt". ^, ^. Buck: Are you fond of indoor spotty, Hiss Mabel? Mabel: Yes, if they know when to go ome. . Barkeep, mix us a Muffler. That one got em shrieking. ~^~ r- · ~ Some of us have written to the V~aeo~ who intimated we were in a Rest Camp when the war ended. Let's malko war on he knockers. ^. . ^. And the boys in O. D. Hare going home nd telling a lot of tales of The~War They ever Saw. ~-1 ^. Lying isn't just the thing lor a soldiers s it? ^,^, ^. . . ^. The Seventy Ninth men in Barle~I~uc re living up to tradition. They're Inky e officers' elbows ache. ThaPs the Slim ep. It might be said-that, if an of' ^, lbow aches, he has air efficient ~~ ; et Us? . . ^. Or is it the shoulder which gets mast f the ache? ~ ^. . The Lorrainc Cross, our emblem Eta r Triumph. It also stands foe- Pep AL nap. ~ . Keep up the Good Work. Someone Wants to Know whence camp he habit of putting the burnt ones back e box. . .. We first saw it done in McAllen, Team n 1916. - In those days, one math stiolc n^1 company street meant special police for he company. Among the Things we couldn't do them ' Go within twenty feet of an offfioe~' latrine. Take a stroll in Officer's Row. . . . ~ We got eaught in, a. 1. one Dab . . Hi, Andy tis well ~~m,embe~ tea, 006hL

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