Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

Lorraine Cross newspaper dated March 13, 1919

This web page contains the four pages of the Lorraine Cross newspaper dated March 13, 1919.
The Lorraine Cross newspaper was published by the 79th Division of the A.E.F. while in France.

The Lorraine Cross newspapers you see on this page were saved for future generations by Roy Leslie Sawin, who set all the column heads. He passed away in 1958, but fifty year later, Diane Sanborn, his Great-Niece, found the papers he had carefully saved, and took the time to scan them in for this website.

We are indebted to both of them because these newspapers are very rare
and not available anywhere else on the entire Internet.

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Lorraine Cross Newspaper Volume 1 Number 5 France March 13 1919 Page 1
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Lorraine Cross Newspaper Volume 1 Number 5 France March 13 1919 Page 2
(Click to see full-size image of page 2: 2616 x 3546 pixels 3.1 Megabytes)

Lorraine Cross Newspaper Volume 1 Number 5 France March 13 1919 Page 3
(Click to see full-size image of page 3: 2562 x 3456 pixels 2.4 Megabytes)

Lorraine Cross Newspaper Volume 1 Number 5 France March 13 1919 Page 4
(Click to see full-size image of page 4: 2562 x 3444 pixels 2.4 Megabytes)

THE LORRAINE CROSS PUBLISHED BY THE 79TH DIVISION Volume 1 FRANCE, MARCH 13, 1919 No. 6 Node EXPLAINS NEW COMRADES PLAN Chaplain Lee Outlines Organization to General Kuhn and Others TEAM WILL VISIT 79TH ove~nent Aims At Eli^S^Iher~lorale, ~ otter Citizt~n~hi p, and Bindiu^S^I IF Ether of Men in Uniform. dea Meets Approval Aims of the A. E. F. organization, Oracles ill Service, were explained the attern~^Jon of Mareh 6 by Chaplain win F. Lee in the courseofac~nence and luncheon in Sou^llly at ich Major General lochs, the division n^lmander, was guest of honor Chapir^l^P~ representing vari^tus units in the euty Ninth, headed by Chaplain I^tyd W Benedict, senior chaplain of e division, were present. (:ba~ lain Lee, who is one of the le~d~ in the Comrades in Service muvee^l^lt, ~ an e ^rrv^ln Paris for the confer~:e. He pt~iuted out that the aiu^ls of e ^C;~^l^l^lra^de~ or~anizatiou are to create highest Wylie elf morale; to devclv~ best talk of citizenship and to bind ether, iu lasting cum ade~hi^l~, al e furrier, both military and auxiliary permuting in the army and navy. In ^F^l~eakiug of the movement, Gen~I Kuhn said ^Ihe idoawa^P cv^lun^lend,le Slid added he believed the vr^Fauiti,,n would meet with the approval the ^t,fticer~ and ^luen Or the l;evebt~r Ah it presented to them properly. teals to work up iutero^ct in the C~u^ldes in Service soon will visit the Verity Niulh. ASONS HOLD MEETING r^S^Ianization oI ~lembera in Seventy NiDth Diyision Discussed _ _ al he first formal gathering of [aeons of the Seventy Ninth was old in ~haumont-sur-Aire I a s t Saturday night under the auspices 1 members of the order In the 15th Infantry. More than 100 uests were present, representing dges in fifteen different states. There was a supper faith an elaorite menu. Afterward, t h e r e ere speeches and interest in a movement for a get-together of all lasons in the Seventy Ninth was bused by the speakers. 310TH M. G. BN. LOSES . mmunition Train Talked Fa^6 · Basketball Game at Souilly The 304~h Ammunition Train de sated the 31t~th ~SachineGuuBattalio n a fast {salve of basketball at ;;o^l^lill ast Frida^J by a score of 31 to 18. ah oachiue Lungers put up a game fight, ut they were considerably outweighed . ~ ^Ihe A^lutuunition Train. Pr^(h~b!~ the most brilliant playin i If the gable bras dune by Lieut. Austin, he center fur the machine burners. e war all over the court, his Boor ork and goal-~ting beihg of film rder. Wills, of Ebb Ewe team, ED . lid some accursed ~tiu~ at the Dulled '' 17 ^sEr HIM STRAIGHT The following letter, which a^rppeared recently in the Overseas edition of the Baltimore Sun, is written by somebody who evidentl~ does not know much about what the Seventy Ninth was doing that joyous morning of the arrr^!i~tice. It the Cote de ~lorimont and Viliedevant-Chaumont were rest camps, us for the work detail. To the editor of the Overseas Edition The Sun:.Sir: Received a copy of the Bahy Sun, for which I was very tfiiankful. But I do not think. it proper to speak of such a well-trained division of soldiers who t'ought so fine on the front as the Anni^bton bunch. We are known all over France as the gallant Twenty-ninth, or Blue and Gray Oivision. We have heard that the Seventyninth Division is known as Ba~timore's Own. The favorite saying of the A. E. F. is that the Seventyninth as a whole is very good. But to give one regiment the credit of a whole division's fighting is ab^bolutely absurd. If you come down to fine pi ints and find out what division made the last and most effective drive of the four years of the war you Dill find the S~vent~-nintli was not present, but were in some rest camp, where you forget war WAGONER Wet. H. GRAY, Headquarters Co., 112th M. G. B., Twenty-ninth Division, A. E. F. France, No^Y. 28. . . HOTELS TO TAKE MORE OFFICERS Low Ratea to Commissioned Personnel on l)uty or Leave in Paris Additional accommodations in Paris hotels for officers on te~nporar~r duty or leave in Paris hate been arranged fu v th eOffiicers' Leave Bureau in that ty. All ruu^lns will be at reduced ral e^P be o^ueuiug up of extra rooms fur the officers is the result of an agreement ~efwcen the Leave Bureau and ^Ih French !~tiuistry of war, by which 1 2t aria lintels will reserve quarters fur ,U00 officers. Anunug the Paris hostelries Deluded u the agreen^leut are the Ritz, (maraud eus-~luude Castigliuue, Pal:ais d'rca^D, Coutiueutal, Plaza anti Metrop~le. The ogre e^lueut is expected to reieve the difficul y many officers find 11 getting StOppillg places in 'Paris he Hutel du Luuvre, whith is coutrulled by a Military B lard of Director is filled to ca~aciry each day. Officers arriving in Paris can us l busses marked "Arneriean Off^lcer^F l Bus' in getting to the Hotel du Louvr l or, if that hostilery be filled, in gvio l to the Officers' Leave Bureau, whic l is in No. 4 Avenue Gabriel, at ^Ih Place de la Cuncorde. A^l~plicatiuu~ fu aecomrnudati~n^R in the above hotels Should be made at the Laave Bureau before. six o'clock P. M. PENTATHLON SCHEDULED Dlvistonal Champtonship Will Be Do aided by May 1 Orders have been issued for the pentathlon, so that the competition for the divisional championship ^loillbe com. leted by May 1. Regimental champs onshiDs mill be coodud~t~4y Apr}15 Bri~;die c~mpion~b5^r April ISI _ EDUC^aT^IONAL CARL VROOMAN MUSKETRY TEAM CENTER READY VISITS 79TH'S BATTLEFIELDS E. F. Contest in Shootin^u Will . Ire lleld at Le Mans in lazy INDIVIDUAL PRIZES One Man from Each Infantry Company Will Enter the Tournament . Wilt Ellminatlon ~ .h^f~^f^lr~l^d~: Pr^l^lh^l^lhl~ _ ~ The ' Seventy Ninth will enter the l A. E. F. contest in musketry which will 1 e held at Le Man^fi in May. The v^ls^lou will also enter men in the ~nividual competition in rifle and pistol hooting. Oue platoon of fifty eight men from ach division will be entered, in the rocketry event. Thi^R will not be a icked platoon, but' will be selected hole from one of the i^l.fau^lry co~nauie~. The G. H. Q. order authorizing e shout strictly prohibits straogthenng a good ~latu~u by transferring poor hots out of it and good chute into it. f the platoon is hel~,w ^Qtreugth, it ^luay e filled up by transferring men from e particular co^lupa~y. to, which it bel~u~ into it; but no man not in the ^Go~npany may be drawn on. This arrangement promises to make for strong rivalry between different companies to represent the divi^Fiuu. here ~ naturally ~.i~ interest in picked team than in a team draw: whole from one unit. One man will be selected' by eac comma^l^lde^F of au infantry cmnpauy to eater the individual shan't. Iu mos units, there will probably be held company elimiuatiun. In the pistol hooting, four men from earth infantrv egiment will enter, and two from eac egiu^len~. of engineers. Iu the Sevent inch, the 304th Engineers and lh teeth Ammunition Train will togethe be considered as one regiment. . ! ~ . Men to Report at Ambulant d^ff-Rnvl~ny for Instruction on Saturday SALESMANSHIP POPULA Next Most Popular Courae Is Mechanical l)rawi^l^l~ . Thre Branches to Be Tau^uht Awn from Saho~1 The Educational Center of th Seventy Ninth Division, organized in compliance with G.0.30,G.H.Q., will start next week. Men who a going to take courses at the cente have been ordered to report t Ambulance-de-Ravigny, Saturday Eleven courses.have been pro ided at the school, five of whic re vocational, the remaining six be ing in line of general education The vocational subjects are: Me hanical Drawing, Salesmanship Surveying, Cooking and Baking The general education subjects are Algebra, Trigonometry, Economics American and Englsh Literature. Advanced French, and Advanced :Elistory. In addition to these subjects, Carpentry, Road Construction, and Automobile Repairing will be taught away from the center at Vi~lers ur-Meuse, Recourt, and Souilly, espectively. Salesmanship proved the most popular of the courses offered. One hundred and twenty will take this course. The next most popular was Mechanical Drawing. In all, 42 men will received instruction. Believes A. E. F. Aren't Energy Will Qualify Them for Farrnirn~ . _ Former Assistant Secretary of Agriculturc Cautions Them, However, Againsf Plunging Without Knowing the Gamc ^ Discu^Fsing the practicability of makDg arrangemeuts whereby A. E. ~' men could go to farming after they are discharged from the service, Carl Vrooman, who visited thedivision last week, expressed a firm conviction tha Be energy and training of the American .ddiers would make them splendid farmers. "'^rhe whole ^Fpirit of the American Army," said Mr. Vrooman, "is that a difficulty exists only to be overcome. ho A^luerican soldiers are energetic. Their life in the army teaches them a active outdoors existence, and many of them will dread to go back to indoor cccu^l~ations after the life in the open they have led ill the army. Country Needs Farmers '~There are various pla~^l.c b. lug cou~i^d^ered to encourage the . Amcrie~u. Metier to take up farming after he gob Opel of tb,e army. If he Till be claret of~hat ~ if doing, the o~portu^liiti~ that will be offered will undoubtedly h a splendid thing for him, and for th country; for the country needs mor farmers.many more than it has. "soldiers who contemplate taking u farming should always rams nor tha farming is a business one has to b thoroughly familiar with before on can make money out of it. If a soldie (toes not know m u c h a b 0 u t farm, he had better plan to learn great deal about it before buying tan and getting into business for hammer If possible' he should go to an agricul tural college,aud s~^lpplemont his cuurs there by working on a fara^1 and learn iug the practical end of ir. II he i Cable to atten~l a c~llO^Fe~ he ghoul put iu a year or glare working for ~ucce~^ru^l far^lner. I say 'Ruce~ct~ farmer:' it is highly important that th beginner learn farming methods fro^ln who 'has made them (Con ~ ~ 4 ormer As^31stant Seoretary of A^5^1rlculture Impressed By What Divlslon Ead Accomplished RIENDOFGENERAL KUHN Ivision Commander Takes Him on Tour Of the East Of the Meuse Fi^s^lh^lin^s~ Ground, Includln~ Famous Hill 378.Recalls D^ln^Dor with General Persh^ln^l^J Carl Vrooman, who recently reigned as Secretary of Agriculture, aid a visit last week to Majoreneral Kuhn, Division Commandr, and was taken by the latter on n automobile trip over the ground he division took east of the Meuse iver, in the weeks immediatelyreceding the armistice. Mr. Vrooman had come to Souilly o visit his wife, who is doing work n the division with the Y. id. C. A. e took occasion to run over to ivision Headquarters to see Genal Kuhn. The two had been ends before the Seventy Ninth me to France. Appreciated Difficulties Commenting on his impressions n seeing the front, Mr. Vrooman aid: "I was tremendously irnressed by the d~fliculities which ad to be overcome by the Seventy inth Division, and indeed by the hole American Army. "I knew, of course, that the Aronne section was regarded as very ifficult fighting. On one occasion took dinner with General Pershing ere in Souilly, where the advanced . C. of G. H. Q. was then located. We could hear the big guns going, nd General Pershing said they ere the guns in the Argonne, and dded that the fighting then being one by the American Army in that egion was probably the most difcult on the whole front. He was ighty serious at that dinner, and 0 were the staff officers present. Terrain Impressed Hlm "But one cannot get an idea of' what it was like from hearing it ascribed by others. When I saw hat battle-scarred country, and relized that every one of those jagged ills was just raked by machine gUDf re, I got an idea of what the boys hat took them had to go through. hat they took them at all, adancing through bullets, shell-fire, nd gas, IS amazing. I am more eeply impressed than I was ever efore at the spirit that is in Ill merican Army." The activities of Airs. Vrooman with the Y. M. C. A. are probably ittle-known to most men in the di sion, au^{^l probably very wellnown to a lucky few She makes ~a, ,~u~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~^.~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ _ . ~ ' ^S . . - . ^! r ~ ~ ~ it it ~~ ' !~ ~ ~ TH E LORRAINE GROSS Published every Thursday by the en'iiste.c men of the 79th Mnsion. ~1~ L~^P~N~ ^CRO^J^!~^!~, TEA, ~~t^U ltl~ EDITORIAL STAFF AlY138 M. CHIN, Private, Editor BERT MALCOLM, Private, Sporting Edito RONALD CRONIN, Pvt., Circulation Manager LARRY F. EOSSAC1~, Sgt. At Class, Business Manages Collot Press, Bar-le-Duc. Subscription rate; Three francs for three m~^Dthr.. Nip r.ubscriptions will be accepted fu more than three months.. . . SEEK A JOB A great deal of pavement pounding i search of jobs by men of this division when they get home, can be preventer now. Judicious use of thinking caps, ant necessary Stationery will get many ; job without all the Bother and worry ant competition which impure to face us whet we Ret home. Lyon have qualifications for a certain job, your qualifications are marketable Sell your talents to someone in the States Sit down and write a letter telling someone over there how Osgood you are. It's a cer taints he'll never discover what you can d unless you tell him. Golden hours are flying by. Lay th foundation stones now. Think of any firs in your line in the States and write then allabout yourself. Tell them you'll be free when you get back and see if yo^l^1 can' fix it with them so that, when you step oi the transport, you'll not be one of thos who jump from the Army of Fighters t the Army of Job Seekers. You are the very man someone in th States is looking for. Go to it. , ^. . ^. OH, OUR EH6LISH IS GREAT It is a sad fact, yet true, that when some of us go home, we are going to shock on; families by our freesome habits of speech Hypotheticalscene,~lothertalkin~: "An/ did you see much of Bill?" "by, that. What in the..did he do? He was hacl in the ninth training area all the time, mitt that th Division. him, -This is about what is going to happen t add at the same time help you'if you watcl things like that. OUR MORALE The morale of this division is high ant its getting higher every week. We have never been able to tell whether morals should be measured in inches or kilometre~ but we have, arbitrarily, as it were, hi upon the idea of measu^l ing morale in in ches. Ten inches, we say, is the maximun of morale. After that, our indicator need le shoots off the chart. Morale is affected by many, many things For instance, morale might be hovering around the seven inch mark (we maintain seven inches is very, very good) when some more corned Willie hits the division. Im mediately, morale jumps down to two in ches. lit just gets started up again whet somebody in the States pulls some rougl stuff about service stripes. What happen , then? Morale drops to about half an inch It gets up to about three inches when som^l rumor about Going Home Soon proves t, ~ be fallacious, as our friend, Sultan Mogul 1 Murad, the Egyptian Straight of ~ienegam bia, would say. Then it drops to o^De-hal an inch. (Very, very low, say we.) , Things look very black when the needl sits the half inch mark. But, good new Bout going home brings it away up again. For instance, our chart expert found the needle jumped up to nine inches when that Sailing List was published recently. The needle still is hovering around nine inches. As soon as that rumor about letting us wear the service stripes after all is verified, ;hat darned needle is going to jump Right [nto Space. . We will try and give you a brief Morale S,ummary each week. , ~ LETTERS TO US GNAT-WEIGHT DlVIS10~ .. Co the Editor, Why is it the One-Pounders of our remeet have ompletely shut up about fighting now that they ave a set of boxing elopes? Before they got them, hay used to come in all ^Yin-blanced up and *ant to Lean out the town Anxious, Company 1:. 313th Infantr Probably, being in the one-pounder class, the can't ti^l^ld anybody to meet their weight..Edit) 1 . THE "X" IS SILENT . ., Dear Editor; To settle an argument, will you tell me hoer t ~ pronounce the name of tab town I live in? It i most of us, if we are not careful. It IS SUg pelted HEIPPE~, and all the fellows down her Bested that little practising bees be inaugu- ay it differently. rated, with one buck taking the part of Supply Company, 316th Infantr Mother, another of Sister, and yet another (^P^rODOU~C^e as in this sentence: Pit lies around in of Father, and a fourth the part of A. Buck, Heippes.".Ed.) Private, in order that something be accompfished toward policing up our speech before we get to the parental door. POLICE UP The men of the Seventy Ninth Divisio l in general present a snappy appearance but in passing through the towns m the Division~ area it is not uncommon to see men going around with their coats unbuttoned; In order to keep up the reputation of the division, it is suggested that men be careful about their buttons. And, though it is not by any means suggested that men take unauthorized trips away from their towns, it is highly ~mportant that when they are away from their home towns they go strictly regulation in the matter of dress. It is easy enough to get away with a few hours in a neighboring town if one does not get into any trou ble with the M. Ps. But if one of these gentlemen happens to notice a blouse buts ton undone, orders you to button it, and then says, "Let me see your pass, buddy,' you are author luck, Sky,, ~~ 'I 1 ~ | ATROCJTIES IN VERSE ; . , '''''1 THE BAR LE-DUC. SPECIAL 1 . .. Who brings the papers up on time? , Who always makes the tript ; iVh~ hauls the biggest lot of freight?. ; Enough to sink a ship? | to the Bar-le-Duc-Special Barlow at the wheel, bumping down the Road, . Through each town and Ills. They load her to the Funnels; She's lap sided, it's tragic, She's a poor blasted griever, i But 8^h^c always come^f^l thrash , Who hits all the muddy holsat . Who sills all the cheeses Who takes the turns upon two wham? . Who burns all the grease? it's the Bar-le-Duc Special, With Barlow in charge. ^rhe M. P.'~ all know her; She's a friend of the barge. He'll founder some day, But until she goes bwt, He'll haul hotnmes and papcrJ~ For get there #he must. who is it Meyer makes a stops Who always breaks a spring? t's her, and it you know her, You damn the dear old thing. oh Casey Jones, and Paul Rev~c, You're backed off the boards, You're all to the queer; And Buffalo BiCI, out on the plains, The Toonerville Trolley, That meet^l^l all the trailed Set onto the siding, here she corrals downthc ^SJ~d^fc, The Bar-le-lhuc Special Zig the fastest thing made; A crazy old flintier, with Barlow behind hits, t The Bar-le-l^Iuc Special Elan them all in the Shade. BOOST COLYUM Our Boost for This Week goes to the Q. M. gang. They're the boys who get our food and firewood to us and are on the job all the time doing what they can to make this man's army happier. The Q. M. Iads also got those heavy brogans to us but we won't hold that against them. When you want to pound the Q. M. for shooting the corned Willie your way, just stop a minute and realize they'd shoot us mutton chops and ice cream for every meal if they could. They've done a whole lot of good things for the bucks. Did you ever stop to think who it is that hustles all over France getting beaucoup francs W^lt^h which to pay you each month? Gosh darn it, its our Division Disbursing Officer. flees\ a Q. M. man. Who broke his back trying to get the the necessaries of life up to . us when we^q^qere scrapping hard add chap h*~J~ ~2 TV ~ M, ODE TO A SQUARE MEAL am feeling sad and hungry As I think of mother dear; And memories of the way she cooks Bring to my eye a tear. his~eat big stomach I possess Is ^radirng fast away; And as it wraps around our mess, It thinks of a by-gone day. From this country, queer and strange, I can look across the sea, At my mother's shining gas range, Waiting there for me. For better days are coming And we'll partee toute-de-suite For the land of c hairs and hbles And all good things to eat. There'll be a roast beef, beans, and ~aeon, And flapjacks in the pan I can see my mother makin' Every food that's known to man. There'll be pork and veal and mutton, And Food old sauerkraut. I fear I 11 be a glutton, After all this camping outs Pvt. Frederick P. Morpn, Headquarters Gompan~v, 815 Infantry. - I AM GOING HOME _ On a mighty adventure was I Bung, Like an autumn leaf before The first whisperings of Winter; Across the dark, roaring, phosphorescent ocean, On a huge ship, Painted by a cubist Into a strange land, among strange people, Who, I was told, ivere barbarous. . Nights I slept in shell holes and mud; Days revere remorseless driving, conti^Dusily, Where the bursting and crash,j>f high e~plosivs, And the spit of machine-gun Eiullets, Was ^l^dnaeasing. It is all over now; I sit by the smoldering embers Of a French fireplace, thinking. I em going home The Indolent Scribe, Company I^l^l. 313th It. YES, YES, We hate W Wag, for modest As a ~irtul~,~ certainly swill Bus them bli~bve~y filthy .~ 'sip 1^141^L HERE ~~ THERE Spring is here. A friend Rave us a sprig of pussy willow yesterday. lit looked goof to ue. Hope you know daylight Wiving ~ on in Fr~noe. Honest Injun, haYe you synchronized your watch? ~ .. . This, ser,ms to be the open season to eve ~r^ean~zatians. How Gout forming anr Ancient Order of Permanent Loots? Plenty of 'em around. Know a place where we can swin · lads, summer. Our idea of a New Joke: An army store without a rap at the second lieutenants. ^. A certain huntsman in this divisio^l Who's just t^leen made a captain, is going to 'hare tea with us soon. Yes, you are, cap I. Let'slay off the "when are we Coin' Shine?". June isn't so Jar off. . There's a darned good band playing just above us as we write. More music wouldn't hurt, say we. ^. . ^. First Lieut..Have you dug that hole yet? Buck Pvt..No. First Lieut..No what? Buck Pvt..No shovel Suggestion for Battle of Paris service ~tripe: mauve chevron rampant ~ elephant's breath heart design. _ Gee, we sure do work to get this paper out^i In a group oi fire bucks we passed the other day there was one train despatcher; one newspaper man; one medical student And one plumber. The fifth ones They say he was a burglar. Health Hint: Don't lcid the TQP Cutter. Giving the Office these days: $^l~orbii~ lootl Ain't it springy, thou' That sailing list sure kicked the tar ou of Latrina, the Queen of the Rumor Mans gers. Eh, Latrina? You little devil. Our idea of Something Joyful: Listening to a Yankee Dinsion man giving th^ff Sevens ty Ninth credit for all it did in this v^iar. While we're on the subjects the men of the Twenty Sixth are SOAR boys themselves. Its our notion that our division transpire tation is looking damned well these days Those nags sure do look different since they've been shaved. ^\ Speaking of shaves, Private Helm 0 Italy (1), is going to open the National Arm Tonsorial Emporium when he gets home How about it, Harry Our idea of no place in which to "pull 'I bone" is in Beaune. (Staph backs my and We bib air! The poor devil is nut. ~j~ti~ }A Abut that ~ ^1^1~^l ~~ q~T~,,,~^7^F^F~^nr~s~ ~_~ Al ~ ~.~ ~*.,~ ~~ ~-~i~ my, ' ~~.E~i~, ~~ 1~ ~ \ ^ RPS SHOW ^nN THURSDAY . . . aion's Elorses Should Take lest Place in Tamp Gerard Exhibit RY-OUT SHOW IS TODAY I i m in ary Contest to Select tries in Bigger Show Ally me till at Ten O'clock in lerrelitte he Horse Show of the Ninth Corps e Seco^Dd Army will be held next ,rsday at Camp Gerard, Lerouville. entries of this division will leave otte Monday, and will probably be he road until T^ue^cda^y night. rom the showing that was made at division show held in Pierrefitte two ks ago, the Seventy Ninth shvubl ad a good chance of winning in the per contest. The condition of the lies and vehicles evoked the highest rise frotn the division and'curps com~nder^q, from the judges, and from the ricers visiting from other divisions.. A "try-out" show will be held today l Pierrefitte, to determine the entries machine gun carte, one-pounder rt^q, individual ty^l es, the quarter-~ile ce fur enlisted need, and enlisted l e~^I's runts. There are more cias^fiec in the corps u~r^lhan in the division ^Ph^i,w, ani performances demanded of entries outgo cases are more difficult. Ther It be a class for officers' polo ponies, danufficerc's~eeplechase. Theju^lup the jumping classes will be higher d Inure difficult than these the dit~ion'^q eu^!ries negotiated at Pierrefitte Kelly, of the Ammunition Traiu, will a on baud as the division's entry in the O. L. class. AIR TRlPS PLANNED _ Iillcers May Go up in Vavincourt Machines Officers of this division who de^Rir take airplane trips may do so by ~u~ to the First Agony Observation roup field at Vaviucvurt. There are bservation planes going up every day at the weather permits and the ¢ou~audiug officer of the Group Frill be lad to give officers of the Seventy lath who desire to go up the oppur^Dit~y to do so. If the weather looks doubtful, offi~ers desiring tomake the trip should Trot call up the field and ascerlai whether the planes are going up. WANTED: AN INTERPRETER We understand that Private Revell the pride of the Ea^Ftern Shore, no fighting the Huu in Coude with th 3i?th Iutantry, is going to act as th French interpreter for the divicio ~uXillg teatn when it goes into Pari the next tine. MORE BANDS TO GET TRIPS AWAY Contest Will Be Held to Select the Three Best Organizations ,. 313TH WI L L BE EXCL U DE D Its Trip to Monte Carlo Area to Dlsqualiiy It from Competin^s^l in Examination-Cannes and Nlmes the New Areas Three more bands of thin divi.^qi In will get trips away to play at A. E. F. Ieave areas. Them pith infantry band has already had its trip to Monte Carla, having won the first contest among the divi~iona~bands. It will therefore be dis~^lualiGed from the present contest, in order to give other bands a chance to get away. The areas to which the winners of the contest will be Pent are Canne^fi and Nimes The dates on which they will leave have not yet been announced. The first competili~n concert was played in 130uilly on Sunday afternoon, by.the 316th Iufantry baud. All the concerts will be completed by March 3U. The judges are Cul. Philip W.Huuting~on, Ma^JorJan~es Id. McMullen, Captain Edward W. Madeira, Cautain W. L Bully and Keqqe~n C^lark^3 ^Qf two g ~i. C. A. WINNERS ARE CHANGED Amendments in Horse Show Prizes Announced . _ In the daily orders of March 7, the list of Dinners at the Division Horse Shou 1 held February 27 at Pierrefitte, is amended , in classes 7, x, and 18, to read as follows: CLASS VII. For Six-line Chariots de pare: First.Hairs, With Mach. Gun.~larti^h Second.2nd Bn., 313th Infaoiry.Mayhug Third.Supple Go.,315th infantry.Shuster CLASS VIII 37 ME Squad (horses or moles): First.313th Intantry - - Ty'er Second.314th lnfa ntry - - Howell Tbird.31Sth Intantry - McLaughlin CLASS XVIII One section 75 MM gun and caisson: First.Battery F. Moth F. A. - Brendes Second.Battery A. 311th F. A. - U hll~ki Third.Battery E. 310th F. A. ~ Ferrick ^ A RE~INDER OF MEADE There'& a remi n^ll^Pr or Ho glut ^rt~ It Camp Meade in General Orders, No I lit, Headquarter^P, /9th Division, ^lssu ed recent y. The reminder con es in the naming of Major William J. Calvert. O. M C, ~~ Al intent r~t~.~t ALBUM CONTAINS 79TH PICTURES ntere^6tio~^J Photographs of Our OIiicers and Men in Co lleclio^l^l Excellent photographs of the Sevnety Ninth in its movements from the Tenth Training Area to the battle torn plains and hills of the country our o en fought n', have been added to the icturial collection in the office of the Division Adjutant. The views came recen ly from the Signal Corps photography laboratories. Many of the pictures are of individual officers and Lieu of the division and of groups of ^lhec~mrnissioned and enlisted ^l~ersotnnel of the Seventyr Ninth. Several good pictures of l!~ajor General Joseph E. Kuhn, our division commauder, are in the set. Also, there re excellent likenesses of Brigadier General Eran M. Johnson, commander of the 1S8th lufantry Brigade thru the last phase of the tightiug, and of Brigadier Geoeral Wi llian^l J. Nicholson, co^lu~an~iiogthe 1 57thIufantry Brigade. ,, ..__...~..~. ~.~.~,-,~ r .~ it, ~ r.~ I of Staff, G-l, this division. Major Calvert was the first Camp Quaterma^cter at Meade. It looked for a time as if we had lost him But, he is back again. And we sure- are glad to see hiu . He s^lt^c^ceed^s Lt. Coi. W. A. DeLamatcr who has returned to his old division, the Twe^Dty Seveoth. .. . DO is ions D. S. C. Winner s Have Their Pictures Takers The winners of the Distinguished Service Cross in the Seventy Ninth Division all had their photographs taken this week by the Photographic Section ~^li the Signal Corps. The order for the photographing came from G. H. Q., and the pictures will be kept as a matter of record. To read over the citations of the men in the division who were awarded the Cross is to read one of the most houorable chapters in the history of the division. All the different kinrls of heroism are met:there are the fellows who charged machine gU118 under peculiarly daugervus circumstances there are the ruu^pers who kept c~ ~upplies,.in fact, there is scarcely a conceivable deed calling for unusual valor that somebody in the Seventy Niuth has not performed. There are citations covering every action the division was in: the first, when M~,ntfaucon was taken; the ~eooud, in the Troyon sector, where the gas attacks were so harassing, and the final one, iu the Grand ~uutagne sector, where the division wan still ^l^)ressmg ahead when the armistice put an end to hostilities. AlU~lu~ with its work of pbotogra^l~hing the recipients of 4he D. S. C., the Photographic 63eotivu~f.^1he Si^Fnal^rC ,rp~ muu^lca^t^lo^l^l~ upon ^I^U^r Air ur~au^I^Z^i^h- A ..~..~.~ a tions; there are Coke Rho made Eel, Remelt ~aaardoua trips f~fabi~ whose ide^l^ltifio~tiun ph~i~aphs have Bother b~tal~d~ ~ al. . VU17 ~-1 IUV ~1^r.1UI~ ~~ ~~ ·~ c~a~uiu~ general with the entire division staff. There is much pictorial proof in the unction of the drainage our men did to he Bvche. Brady views showing the effect of our artillery on the Buche p.,si~i~,us in the general neighb^l,rhuud of Etraye and Reville are included. Several of the i h..tugraph~ delict the havoc of American shells id the Etraye valley. CHAPLAIN KEARNS ILL Chaplain Hal T Kearns, Division Entertainment Officer, has been evacuted to ^1 be hospital. The diagnosis of his trouble is still undetertnined. Until Chaplain Kearns returns, the Entertainment Department will operate ineptly under G-l. MASONS TO DINE Masons in the Sovou~y Ninth Division are invited to atteu~l a Masonic banquet to be given March 22 next under the auspices of members of the fraternity in the 3u4th Engineers. Those desiriug^qtv attend call register tbe~ iptenti~u~ by calling up. the P. id. of th^0 First Battalion uf~ the engined SUBSCRIPTION IS EASY Since our last issue came out, many men hare called us up on tile telephone to ask us if ills too late to subscribe, who takes subscriptions, and so many things in connection with the circulation of the paper that we thought Are had better print a few explanations. It is not too late to subscribe. Subscription may not be made in excess of three months, but the division will be over here that long, and the paper will come out the rest of the time we are in France. Give your subscription.or subscriptions, for you may have as many as you like.to your company clerk, with your name. He will send it to us, and we will attend to the rest. The distribution of the paper will be made through the company clerks. They will tell you how they are going to get your paper to you. We had not intended to make any appeal for subscriptions in the columns of the paper. But, lest there be any misunderstar.ding, we take this opportunity to say we want ~ubscriptions. They have been coming in fast, but the more we get, the better we can make the paper. Pictures, cartoons, enough type to avoid using "vv's" for 'how's," and the odds and ends of things needed around a newspaper shop, all cost money. The better our support is, the better we can make the paper. It is our boast that we are going to make THE LORRAINE CROSS the best divisional newspaper in the American Army. We want you to help us do it, not onlybysubseribing, but by getting behind us and making us feel you are interested HOME SERVICE BY RED CROSS Tell All Your Family Troubles to Chaplaln Zelle or Captain Gottlieb Any man in the Seventy Ni^Dth othered over business or home troubles an get help from the Bureau of Home ervice connected with the American ed Cross group assigned to this divi~on. Chaplain John S. Zelie and ^caD^~ain Theodore Draper Guttlieb, bJth members of the staflof Captain William H. Brickel, divisional representative of the Red Cross, are in charge of the bureau. Chaplain Zelie and Gaptain Gottlieb reported recently for duty with the division and announce their readiness and willingness to take up any matter back n the States to which a soldier over ^Pr~.:nnn~,~ ^D~iv~f^l~II no^l~o~-~r ~~ An OFFICERS SEE REVUE OPENING General Kuhn and Others Wltnes~ Premiere of Pepful 315th Show IS NOT A MINSTREL New Produation Was WriUen By Chaplain Lancaster, AlonSI I^lnnovation Lines ~fiiaer~ Get 13upprise Supper "Salvage and Souvenir", a pulpal revue, hit the Division Circuit on the night of March 7 when it had its premiere, before au audience made UD exclu^Rively of o~^lcers, in the 3f 5th Infantry Theatre, Chaumont. Major Geueial Kuhn, the division commander; Bri~adier General Naylor, Chief of Staff of he Ninth Corps, and Col. Alden 0~ Knowles, commanding the 31 5th, were the principal guests. "Salvage and Souvenir" went over big. From start to finish, the production proved full of snap. It is a departure from other ambitious Productions on the division circuit in that it is nob a minstrel ^Phow. There was plenty of comedy. The quips were timely and did not seen to have such exclusive bearing on affairs in the 3l 5th that men of other outfits would not "get" them. The plot hinges around "Morris Salvage", played by Andy Rogers, and Wake Souvenir", played by William Elliscu. The book for the production is from the pen of Chaplain Lancaster of the birth. The storer iB excellent and "Salvage and Souvenir" should have a friendly reception wherever it pla~s. After the performance, Col. Knowle^g was host to the officers present at a surprise supper. SEEK DOPE ON INDIANS HERE Doings of Red Men in A. E. P'. To Be Recorded in History Activities of American Indians who came to France as members of the A. E. F. are to be recorded. ADY account of their work with the F^raB in he war is bound to make a romantic 'D'' ~~ ~~U~. addition to the history of the American "The Bureau of Home Service" reads Expeditionary Forces. Cornmanding n announcement given to The Lorraine officers or~or~anizations in this div^l~russ, "is at the disposal of every man sion have been directed to file with n the division. It will help in reference Aivision headquarters the totals of Into family matters, business affairs, alowances, allotments, insurance and failure of those at home to write to soldiers in their families. The bureau will baudle inquiries as to the condition of those at hume. In fact, it will attend to any matter which a man cannot at~end to himself. The Red Cro^Rs has a repreeeutative in every town and hamlet at home". Another addition to the staff of Ca^r^lain Brickel is ..ieutenant Hubert Boyd, formerly an officer in the air service. He will assist in the distribution of Red Cross supplies. WHERE IS HE? Many folks we know in this divisio would be interested to know what be came of Serge^Ant Hill. Pid he get commi^Psiun, or what happened to him If he got no military reward, it seems a crime. He had a wonderful aptitude for soloing ticklish situations. His Latin could be used to good avail in training camp worry fest^P And, also, it was good for cleaning the old Spri^Dgfields. All of us remember, surely, what a quick thinking man Sergeant Hill was Who can forget how he Calved ~ ticlcli6h sibilation due Nigh by ssmaphorin~ bleat Shako COYLY. dians in their outfits so than history forms can be distributed. Certain definite questions concerning the Indian soldiers will be set forth in the forms. It's a long jump, as time is measured, from the stirring days of "Buffalo Bill" and his Trusty Six Shooter and of Geronimo, with his Band of Crafty Redskins, to these days of the present when the descendants of the white men who fought the Indians and the descendants of those same Indian°s have been banded together to scalp the Huns. We haven't had many Indians.that is Red Indians.in this division and we do not know a whole lot about what they've done in thin war. But, wall bet a tomahawk against a dum-dum bullet any time that, where the Indian had a chance to strike, he struck so hard that Jerry wished to Heaven he hadn't. Now, in the matter of white Indians in the L 13. F., there are beaucoup. Show us almost any buck and well show you an Indian. Some are more ludiauey.please allow the adjective. than others. Hiawatha had nothing on our men in O. 1). when it came to downright gallantry. And, for sheer hellishness in action, old Geronimo is hacked off the boards by Basil, the Belligerent Buck. If,you know of any Indians in your outfit, ma^l^Ge the ha known. 1 Ad* . ~ ~ ~ l ME IO, T&1i~ ~ Ott . . _ . _ .^j ~ , , ~ ~ ~ TO GO AFTER - ~EAMPIO~S~IP OF SECOND AMY Boxing and Wrestling Teams Perform at Toul on Monday find Tuesday CLEAN-UP IS EXPECTED Division's Representatives Are it Prime Shape and Have Not Yet Been Defeated Though They llama fled llany Good llen The boxing and wrestling teams of the division will enter the toucan ment to be held at Toul Monday and Tuesday, to decide the runners up for the championship of the Second Army. The winners of nexl week's fights will enter the A. E. F. championships. The division's team should walk away with the honors, as they have dope in everything they have en tered so far. The boxers have been training hard for over a month On A the nrr~c^!tl Arcs ha TV BAAED ~~ ; ~ _ HOW ABOUT IT, 3~3TH~ . And, speaking of by-gone days Of mud, and rain, and fog,. We wonder if old Jack Wheeler Stlll wishes he was his dogl them. If the Seventy Ninth can' win i next week's fights, the way will b open for the A. E. F. championship which many confidently expect th division to land. GETTING READY FOR BASEBALL Division Athletic Officer has Beaucoup Supplies on Hand With the birds twittering in the trees and the rain onlv coming down sit days in the wee~,-the signs all polo to an early start for the baseball seasor in the Seventy Niuth Division Captain Edwin W. Jordah, the Divi ion Athletic Officer, has a large a mount of baseball supplies on hand and these will shortly be distributed There are nearly a thousand baseballs plenty of bats, and a fair supply o ~..~ ~~ ~~ A Vigils ~~ ~~ gloves, chest-protectors and masks. for two weeks. Tommy Cranston, the catcher variety, not gas masks. the division boxing instructor, who The team that will represent the iS training the boxing team, says ^qPvPnt.V Ninth rho tn ha .^l~ to. the his men are in first-class shape, anc he looks foravictory. Thewrestler^c are more of an un°known quantity than the boxers, for they have nol entered so many bouts, and have therefore not had an opportunity tc show what they can do. They made a good showing with the Thirty Filth Division, however, and the extra ten days of hard work Bra Tr^Ahr~ 1~7A;1~ Oh A. ~ I ~ ^v.~0..^l~ _ . ~ V, _..~^v^v van, v. .v v^v ~~ Rev standard of the rest of the divisio^l athletics. The old team that player last spring at Ca^lnp Meade was one ol the best in the East, and much of the personnel of the old tea:n will doubt less be on hand when the call fur candidates is made. Much emphasis will be laid; however, says Captain Jordan, on the teams representing the various organi nations of the division, in addition to ~ trail VVLLII ~~O~i^r.~L ~tL~VUIU smell the "varsity. ' It is Captain Jordan's l in their being in good condition belief that it is more important to have l next week. a great nun her of men taking ^I^Jart in I Sotar,no man ofthavboxing team athletics than it is to have a winniug I has been defeated. Several of the di^Yisio^l^la^l team. To that end, regal- i bouts they have fought have re- will be fostcred~ and it is expected tha suited m draws, But no decision Venerable diamoml contests will take has yet been called over any of place. : . e~s--Ser^0eant McMichael Wins Close Election at Till~-~ur-Meuse . . From a Special Corrs~pontent ~~ditor's Note: We douche truth of this stor^Jr. We think our special correspondent was drunk when he wrote it. ) Tills~r-sur-Meuse, March 11, 1919. tBy Wireless.) Mess-Sergeant William J. McMichael won a closely contested election tonight for Mayor of the city of Tilly-sur-Meuee, defeating Master Engiueer Harry L. Grady by the small plurality of two aud a half votes The French mayor having been laid to rest, and having made no arrangements for anybody to succeed him, the 304th Engineers decided to have an election of their own and get some responsible person in office who would be able to stabilize conditions in the historic city After an exciting primary, in the course of which the Military Police ol the Seventy Ninth Division had to loch up several voters for disorderly conduct, the names of Sergeant McMichael-and Master Engiueer Grady were finally got on the official ballot. Ef forts to have a re-c~unt, on the grounds that both wereYiddish, were quashed Steam roller tactics are said to have been employed to effect this, but at yet this has not been proven Both candidates put a Rivers-of Booze plank in their platform, and some trouble calve out of the fact that both tried to claim first on the idea Mach accused the other of having stole^i his policies. Neither, however was able to establish a priority claim. ^. . ^. BASKETBALL . ^, IN FULL SWING Division Playod Eighty Eighth At St. Mihiel Last : Night. ^, TO BE A WHIRLWIND AFFAIR Besides the Booze plank, there were no other- planks in either platform. All through the day the count swine first one was and then the other. A five minutes to five, with the polls closing at five, there was a plurality o three in favor of Grady. But by ^Iuiece of electioneering that had no been anticipated by the Grady faction Sergeant Mc~licheal marched Sve o his K. P.'s up just as the polls web closing, and one cook. The trick wa^! turned. Grady's gun-mea got around after the polls had been closed. The vote of the cook counted as one half. McMiehael having won, and having won on a strictly Rivers-of-Booze plat form, the voters are deliriously happy and the election celebration threaten to run far into the night. Report^f that Madame Chevaux would close o account of all her stock being drunl up are forever branded as untrue, ant the purchase of beer and light wine! will go merrily on hereafter as here tufore CAN'T BE DONE. The^gre beginning to think thee can't run a boxing Mom at Paris unles they have the Seven plinth crew ·, , Team Will Play Yore Than Thre , Games A Week Until Corps Champ ion~hip Is Decided.S^sason End llarch as. The basketball season opened lax night when the Seventy Ninth tear went to St. Mihiel to play the Eight Eighth Divisiun. The results of thi ga^pne are not yet in The schedule arranged will be whirlwind affair, and wig permit th decision as to who is champion of th itch Corps in rapid fashion. All th Gaines will have been played by Marcl 2~. Ths teams will plater more that hree games a week. The schedule for the Seventy Ninth is as follows: March 14, 35th Divisiun at Souilly: Starch 16, 28th Diviaion at Culou^lbes; March ~0, Ninth Corps at Souilly; March 2t, Pith Divisign, a oouill^sr; March 22, 35th Divlsion, a Cummercy,; March 23, 28th division at Lucille; March 25, Ninth Corps at St. Mihiel. . CHALLENGES O'DOWD Eddie Reverie After Middleweigh Title-Claimant. A t the return match which wa fought at Commercy last week will Thirty Fifth Oirrision, Eddie Rewire he Seventy Ninth tniddleweight, an Bounced from the rind that he is will log to fight Mike O'Duwd, claimant to he middleweight cha^tupioushi^l^). I Revuire WiPS at Toul next weak, till tight will be Bluest sure to come Of as bath Pen ^w^!ll then be the contend ers fur the A. E F. middleweight title The division won the Cumu~erc; bouts, though three of the wrestling matches went to ~~ Thirty Fifth. 1 . ._ FARMING FOR SOLDIER ~ (Concluded From Pa^s^le One) worst thing is to learn obsolete ant nefficient'methods. "After learning the business thor ughly, there is no reason in the world by the average suldrer should not ake money at farming. Thousand f men will go back well equipped to elect far^lui^l^lg as a voca~iur^l; for the rmy has taught them to be goo uecha^Dics, and how lo p'an and exe ute manual labor' There are pleura f men, who, before entering the army aew nothing about machinery, auto nubiles, horses, or the mauy things sed on a farm N,w they are roux ing trucks, bussing Q. M. Ganges, tak ^DF care of horses, or building roads n^a they are accustomed to doing this nder difficulties that would make ome of the problems of farming seen o them like child s play. There it iterally nothing they cannot do. "The main difficulty with Americar rmers today is their lack of business bilious. They know how to get the rope out of the ground, but they fat own on marketing and making the rm pay. This is where the suldier'~ experience should prove invaluable The habit of looking out for one's sel in the army, of keeping from being 'out of luck,' should make the soldie^l a good business mad There are mans arm ers today, nuen who are ready to slacheo up, who would be glad to have a young, energetic, shrewd man for unior partner; and if Maoist of OU Soldiers could fall into some such ar angement, they should not Save to Mar that they will ever fail to ~~k~ pod' at the farming game." The same old thing is going to come ff this year, just as heretofore. The love league is going to disband at the first blat of baseball weather. al i Those lads that used to hit 375 upiu it the Tri-State League generally can't B it a foul in the Tri-~uad League. But we're going to nave some old ~~ team when the 79th gets gUiDg. to And, speaking of winners, when is omebody going to lick one of the Sev- to nty Ninth boxers ~ al Not that we want the job. . But it asn'^l been done yet, and we thought D ome of these other divisions Night want to experiment a little. We're in for a whirlwind basket-ball D chedule. The team plays three times to week. We trust they will play ~vbirlwind asketball. It's the onion kind that , wins. And then there is the golf season. Why is golf7 , Or do they plater it in the fall of the to , ear? be Golf and Ping-Po^Dg, Lovely Games, Suitable alike For Homes and Dames. The hockey seasons we forgot to ote, didn't come off. The Zeus idn't freeze over. That's our idea of a bum kind o l iver to live beside, one that doesn't , freeze over in winter. Wonder if it's ~ . . ~ : _: ~ 4 Doughboy. They are distribut l pamphlets on how it is played. If it is something like Old Ma and is played with cards, we will it, but we bar out the 313th Infa t{ Band. But if it is played on the hoof, _ money is on the Seventy Ninth to t _ the A. E. F. Duughbuy cha^lupiuun _ As we have already remark these sacred columns, we know ^lbout that ga^lne already. ^. ^. And also about the old Bam Don't Hide '13 ^Ln, Go Seek 'Ecu. Otherwise known as Scratch. And how about going around to t Dago's and having a little One Bal .he Side? Close. Just a little Love, Just a little lilies; She's sure to roll in If you don't ruin. ^ Did you erer have about fire up he gable, have them all off the ta t but the one ball, sod have that li t[ yellow beauty on the ~pot, and t have your cue ball up behind scratch line, and then have her sigh right fur the diamond, and then let if,. with just a touch if right haat ^1^l polish? and then watch her hit the rig unhip, sail on up to the ~ec^l,ud n ~ ;he side pocket, then slow fur Pi hire, and then begin to limp, al iually.hold.your breath.j u s ;tagger.along.and.then.just lrop.ins : ^1^16 in bWIUI ^IU ·^1^1 ~su~uu^ler~ . , We are somewhat curious to see lb That's the moment of a life-ti pecificatiousi on the new galore 0 19p t ill . ,~ MORE PARIS VICTORIES -- ; Boxing Team Walks Away Iron Fre~tchm~n Again The division boxing team went t Paris again last week, taking part i^l ~ he E. of C. show at the Cirque de Paris l and made another clean sweep. Fou Frenchmen and a Spaniard met defea . at the hands of the Seventy Niutl Ma Gu^lk's fight was the feature ofth , ve^l^ling's show. He beat Violet,; , Freneh^lnan, cn points. It was fas ! milling all the way through, with th^l advantage always with the Seventh Ninth map. The other division boxers who par icipated were: Cavanaugh, Dnudee Hinkel, and Kevoire. CORRECTION Under the heading "Thirty Fifth it defeated in Plowing and Wrestling," the statement was made in last week' issue of THE LORRAINE CROSS the ~lammucari, of the Seventy Ninth, de foaled Keller, of the Thirty Fifth, it the w.Pestling bouts. This is incorrect. Kellerwon the bout The scribe who wrote the story i^l such realistic fashion did not see the bouts that night, and made an error it reading the notes handed him. AND DRAW ONE ON THE SIDEI This talk of motber's cooking, Is very Gne, I grant. But there is just another thing I want to have and can't. It's Child's golden wheat Cakes, I long to taste anew, Those deer cld standard wheatra~^c^s ~ ply al ~ MORE MEN ON LEAN l Trains Go Three Elmer a W for Recreation Areas to There are now three trains lea ill ing every week carrying Seven is, Ninth men to the A. E. F., re ur ation centers. Each train carri gal coo men. ^th Tomorrow 200 risen each fi h the 310th and :311 th Field Artilleri ~ e will go. Next week, the schedu Hi; a is as follows: Monday forty f he the 304th Field Signal Battalio thirty from the 310th Machine Battalion; ninety from the 304t r Ammunition Train; eighty from e, 304th Sanitary Train; forty fi om t 304th Supply Train; 115 from t ~ 304th Engineers, and five from t Hi 301th Engineers Train; Wedne ~ day, 400 form the 314th Infantr ;^15 i Fr^lday,400 from the 316th Infantr l he VROOMAN PAYS VISIT (Coneluded From Page On it her business to find small isolat 0 units that do not come in f fir mu h of the entertaining and canteen se vice available at larger plac s Having located one of these bac cods places, she then procee , 0 be a sort of fairy god-mother c he outfit, and brings them mil andy, and similar comforts of lit aving spilled a large quantity ilk into each soldier's coffee . upper, she will gather them t ether in the evening for an inform . Ik, and usually manages to sho hem much they had not alrea known about how to enterta ~,~v~

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