Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

Lorraine Cross newspaper dated April 3, 1919

This web page contains the four pages of the Lorraine Cross newspaper dated April 3, 1919.
The Lorraine Cross newspaper was published by the 79th Division of the A.E.F. while in France.

The Lorraine Cross newspapers you see on this page were saved for future generations by Roy Leslie Sawin, who set all the column heads. He passed away in 1958, but fifty year later, Diane Sanborn, his Great-Niece, found the papers he had carefully saved, and took the time to scan them in for this website.

We are indebted to both of them because these newspapers are very rare
and not available anywhere else on the entire Internet.

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Lorraine Cross Newspaper Volume 1 Number 5 France April 3 1919 Page 1
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Lorraine Cross Newspaper Volume 1 Number 5 France April 3 1919 Page 2
(Click to see full-size image of page 2: 2616 x 3546 pixels 3.1 Megabytes)

(This issue contains only two pages)
THE LORRAINE CROSS PUBLISHED BY THE 79TH DIVISION Volume 1 FRANCE, APRIL 3, 1919 No. 10 BIGGER AND BETTER SHOWS FOR DIVISION Entertainment Officer Alms For Quality Rather Than Quantity ~ COOPERATION IS NECESSARY J3UCCFSS Ot Plan Depends On (commands nil Otllcers.Several I A. E. F. Hits. Booked For 79^l^h Circuit.latest Available Theatri cats Will Be Secured An augmented entertainment program is under way for the amusement ol the Seventy Ninth in the new area. Lieut. it. id. Scud der, ol' the Beth Infantry, has late ly been appointed Division Entertainment Ollicer, and his department will come under Major A. A. Moninger, Division Welfare Of ricer. In outlining the program for entertain~nent, Lieut. Scudder said: "Our aim from now on will be quality in entertainment rather THIS ISSUE The Staff of The L ^jrraine Cross made frantic efforts to give you a four-page paper this issue. But, OWiDg to the move of the division, it couldn't be done. We Nave Regular sources of news in the division. But, they moved with the rest and the normal routine, for us, was disturbed. Please be patient. We offer, as special proofof our interest aid desire to give you Service, the fact that we put out a special estra for you in time for you to read about the move before it started. Big plans for The Lorraine Cruss are afoot. Not the least of the changes we hope to put thru are the printing of pictures and the addition, to our equipment, of ~^U~^U~^U ~ ~ :^W'g ^?^! . . ATHLETIC GOOOS SENT TO OUTFITS Units in Division Get Beaucou Supplies For: Baseball and Olller Games Supplies for baseball, soccer, boxiu than quantity. In other words, we and even quoits were sent to variuu will put on better shows, even if USA of the Seventy Niuth recently b we cannot arrange as many as we C~ptai^l^l Edwin W. Jordan, ~iViFi9 have had heretofore. We are now ^A'^h~^e^t^l^c Other. A^ln^Jng the stuff ^Feu arranging to bring to Rimaucourt .,u^l were th^L se four atop watches whicb "Ah Oui," the big G. H Q revue, and "Let's Go," the A. E. F. show v. hich had such a phenomenal run in Paris. The latter show has 90 men in the cast, and is the big hit of the season over here. In addition to those, we shall secure ab^Q~l..t~l~ the hint th^P~trir~U: that tarp were ue^l^lvereu to one isaoc^lum luau t ,rum of Athletics in the Seven Niuth a time ago. Exactly tu16 baseball were distri baled. There were, also, 276 fielders' mitts; eight catehers~ mitts; 214 ba^qe ball bats and twenty gloves fur first basema^l^l. Fifty Casks were sent out Ilk so were fifty protector . (Ju SUIU HI 11 COWL ll d l-l la L 11-1 what kinds L f pr.~tect~^)r~ toe are ion ~ available. Clear bait we assu~ne, as Auk the "Aluch of the success of what we ieht~ ~...~A ~~ ~1~. .~A A r shall do depends on the coopera- c tion we receive from the command'in~ ot~icers old the organizations to i_ which we renal troupes. Careful 0 , service of the memoranda sent a out fromthisofficewill be necessary if the shows are to be on time and , give the performances in the manner planned. If we have this cooperation, the Seventy Ninth will ; be as well entertained as any dinsion in the A. E. F." A force of about 25 enlisted me is engaged in the entertain^lnen I work, Sergeant First Class- H. A. Bears has charge of routing; Se l tenant M. J. Coyer, of transportation I and Sergeant William E. Howlan l of the, moving picture department l ^ MOVIE ~RAWS C~D . Fr.e~ch Turn Out For Sho At Reynel - The whole French population tnroed out at Reyneldast Monday night to See an A~uerican moving picture. The movies had boe^D sent on ahead. add when ~ he show was put on men, ~vo~ueu ~ and children crowedo.~ into the Hair and gave evidence of the liveliest i~terest in the picture. Some of them pa ^(1 they bad never roes a movie bear Kenneth Clark was on hand and led the crowd,in ~u~rm~^Yo,o~ Poem lees to 8~, the Preened did not loin In FRANCE, APRIL 3, i919 DEPART FOR ARMY SCHOOL en. Johnson And Col. Knowles To Be Gone Three Weeks GENERAL KUHN IS BACK Resumes Command Oil l~lvision After Gavin Been Away Two Weeks On Leave Brigadier-General Evan M. John^l on, commander of the 158th In1 ntry Brigade, and Cal. A. (: l nowles, commander of the 3^15 In gantry, have left for three weeks' duty at the Army Artillery ~choo at 1 roves. flu General Johnson has beep division commander for the past two weeks in the absence of Major-Gen eral Joseph E. Kuhn, who has been clay on leave. General Kuhn re sumed command of the 'divisio on Monday. 79TH M^aRKSM~N GET GOOD SCORES 1 ,, . ~ ~ Noo-coms who Attended whir Corps School Stand IIls~h in Blot Classes I^bLIL^I~ ~VUIU^l I inapt ~ ~~ ~^1^1~,~ al ~ IV^I arches an;l umpires. ) Iadour baseball comes in for a chance u the distribution of goods. This is videuced by the fact that 141 indoor fireballs alla thirty bats fur the game ere distributed. Sets of boxing glove istpi buted numbered twenty awl 2~)0 occer balls were sent around. Twelv cts of quoits and six tug-uf-war ropes swell the list. It ii further swelled by wenty-five basket balls; twelve basket ball goals and forty five volley balls. BOY. PAGE A CHICKEN!^I Seventy Niners Fill Up On Evils The thing the French inhabitants of Rimucourt and towns nearby are now trying o find is eggs.den errs. When the Se~eny plinth hit the new area the soldiers took ne look at the restaurants and cafes de la ares, and piled right in. Everybody bo ~n ~~ .;n~ Pirate in Pliant ten ninny High scores in musketry were made by three Seventy Ninth ^Auou-mommis iuned ouicers who took the special ourse in musketry at the Third Corps Wool last mouth Anuvuocement that certificates of mark~u^lanship had been awarded to the three non-eou^l freon this division was matte recently, The men are Sergeant Ralph B. Reed, Company B. Beth Infantry; Ser^Feau Heury Lutz Jr,, Company D 314tb I,,fautry, and C corporal Harry E. Case, Company H. 315th Infautry. III a class of 314 students, Sergeant | Reed stood third with a score of 18 ^1 ,A~oiuts out of a possible 200. 3ergean l Lutz, in a class of 409 students, finish l ed sixth with 26Y points out of a possi ble score Dot announced. Curpora Case. with a score of 182 points out o a possible ·20v, stood seventh in a clas of 314 men. TOMMY CRANSTON GOES TO TOU :WII1 Train Kaiser and Sullivan The Division's Representative.s On Second Army Team Tommy Cranston, division boxin ECU VYING- ~~ GOAD. ~ ~ instructor, has gone to Toul to trai the supply was exhausted. But in ^a^b^o^u^tj~^ay Kaiser and K. O. Sullivan, th te^D more minuted more began to come Ink Seventy Ninth Division Men wh t^hedeman^d,t^h^Dug^ha^l^ltt^leres^nurcesofthe won places on the Second Arm population are being badly strained. boxing team. Apparently the appetites of the Ameri- Before leaving the division, Crans cans are such that nothing can surprisethe ton said, "I may do some boxin LOfiR ^\INE CROSS stag bait ordered Myself while I m down there. 1' and the waittess said: "Seex far e^aah^-A~fee^ling fine now; I'm in condition ' Nol" we yelled; "Six for both. What and I o~yweihg142 pounds. Ma do you think live are?' But we, happened be the Seventy Ninth will have an to see a big M. P. next .tol~^A. with eight An . . big plate, Sol she probably had cause ^h;^Q~,other Addition to ~~ boxmg tea iwoderstandin~. ^I~erore ~^Q~g.- ^. ^. Division Athletle Otficer Is Planning Varied Program ' Tbe days Rent in the Dow area are going to be brfmful of Atbledcs, accord iu^E^lo Ca^Pt. Edwin W. Jordan, Oivisio Athletic Officer. He has already plan ned for increased activity in all sports and was quick to realize that the nex few weeks offer many possibilties fo the enlargement of tho athletic life i the division. lathe advent of spring weather wit probably establish baseball as the favorite sport," said Capt. Jordan 'Inter-unit co^l^lte^fit^fi are being arrang ed between the teams which had bee formed before the division left the Quills area." The division nine will be for^l^l^le^i^l as quickly as possible, an 11 ,^t^)ro~pect^i are that a fast ^l^l^lachiue ill be developed. Din outdoor busing ring will be uilt in a few days at Rimaucour^t, here bouts will be staged regularly he division boxing team will be kept ntact and will meet all comers. Other ranches of athletics will be got under way as speedily as possible." WARILY MOVIES COMIN l pictures Taken Of Ssvanty Njnth I l Action To Be Seen Soon It is understood that the moving pictures which were taken of th Preventer Ninth when they were in ac lion will soon be shown on the divisio movie circuit. - Just when the pictures will be re leased is not known, but it is possibl that they will be shown within th next tnoo weeks. A large variety of the pictures mer made, both of troops generally and th close-ups mbere faces can ' easily -b recognized. Those mho see the pie tures mill probably have recalled t them many a place that was familia while me mere at mar. J. W. B. OPENS CENTE ReIi^s^lious And Welfare Wor To Be Done The Jewish Welfare Beard ha established a center at Rimaucaurt Rabbi Nathan E. Barasch, formerl a chaplain at Camp Gordon, wi have charge of the work. The center will do general re litigious and welfare; work. Specia Passover service will be held 0 April ~,4 find 15. Not ~~ FRENCH CHEER HIKING SEVENTY NINERS; NEW AREA IS BEST YET ATHLETICS TO MORALE IS iHIG~ BE KEPT GOING 15th Marches into Rimancourt Sin^S^Iln^s^~ en Stand Low March Well . lIot Chocolate And Movies Are Provided O^l^l The Way Satisfaction is expressed everyhere' in the division with the new area. The towns are better than those left behind in the Souilly area, and the people are friendly and accomtnodating to American soldiers. On the u^lhole, the division has probably the best accommodations it.has had since it came to France. The hiking units felt the change n country as soon as they had got own toward St. Dizier. There they truck the beautiful valley of the Marne. with its high hills on both ides. and everybody realized that he war-scarred territory has been oft behind, and that the division had struckintooneof the more picturesue part of France, which, on acount of the many months spent in e vicinity of the war zone, it had previously missed. ' '' French Are Interested . It was a novelty to see the population'of the various towns through which the division passed turn out en masse to see the soldiers go by. Heretofore the French have been quite indifferent to the Americans Shaving seen plenty of them, presumably.but all along the route during the last few days there was a general turnout of cheering civilians to see the Seventy~iners go by. The morale of the men was high all during the move, each outfit sticking it out to the last without ; grumbling. The315th Inf'antry came into Rimaucourt singing "Home, . Boys, Home;" " HaiI, Hail, The , Gang's All Here," and other Sunday 9 School songs, and generally giving evidence that while they were badly , bent they were still a long way from a, being busted. (ether organizations , came in with the same high spirits, The rain at^ld snow that prevailed during tu^Io days of the hike made the going hard, but everybody stuck to it and kept plodding on. ^Pra^( tically the u^lhole division is now established in the neui 'area. Entertainment On Rand All the entertainment that u^las scheduled came through without a hitch. Four trucks with moving pictures gave shouts every night s except Monday nights when it was . thought that the Men were too 5~ tired to want moving pictures or 1 anything else except sleep. The "1Y" u^las on the job all the may through with hot chocolate, cakes, 1 and cigarettes, and everything was n done to mealy the Move as pleasant as poss,i~le; i Pal ? , · 5 ,. if, , ._,._ _.... .., .~..~ . ~ THE LORRAINE CROSS Published even Thursday by the enlisted men of the 79th Division. .~ _ t o EDITORIAL STAFF JAMBS At. CAIN, Private, Editor GILBERT M1!^LLCOLM, Private, Sporting Editor t DONALD CRONIN, Pvt., Girculation Manager. HARPY F. COSSACK, Sgt. Ist Class, b Business Manager fit Collot Press, Bar-le-Duc. li , . . Subscription rate; Two francs for two months,. No subscription will be accepted for more than two months,. 1 ... . . 1 THE LIBERTY OI~ISION ~ 1 The nickname of the Seventy Ninth Divi- t sion has been, is now and will continue to E he The Liberty Division. No other outfit i has the right so to term itself. ~ In the latest issue of The Stars and t Stripes to reach us, the nicknames of divi- t sions of the A. E. F. are listed. The Seventy Seventh.glorious outfit!.is termed a The Liberty Division in this list. But, the Seventy Seventh is The Metropolitan Divi- ~ sion and, as far as we know, has held the t ~ name from its birth. It represents the ~ j Metropolis of Our Country, together with c the Twenty Seventh. Thus the name. Tears came to our eyes when we noticed The Stars and Stripes didn't even make a weak effort to give us a name. In the list published, there is an Aching Void between the Seventy Eighth and Eightieth. Is there an idea anywhere^j we wonder, that the I Seventy Ninth remained at Camp Meade? Yale didn't. Any Boche who happened to be in Mont- ~ toucan or around Corned Willie Hill will t testiliy to the truth of the statement. s ^. ^. BREST ^. ^. Lest we forget, a little dope about Brest ( wouldn't hurt. · Breast is a city in France. Yes, its the k Breast of France, in veriest fact. It is built c very close to the Waters so close, in fact, · that they made a Seaport of it. Some sea~ort, we're here to state. Brest is very hilly. If anybody in this division knows 1 anythingabout Yonkers, he can visualize · Brest. Only, Brest is worse. o There are many Odors in Brew. Too c many odors, in fact. Yes, Brest is not only Odorous but is Odoriferous. You walk along the quaint streets looking into the quaint shops when something quaint hits your nostrils. "How quaint" you say. You pass that odor up. But, along comes anotherand anotherand.still others. You get the idea Brest should be called Odor, or something like that. Beside the odors, there are parks and Wicked Places · where Naughty Sailors go when the soldiers ain't around. There are also hotels and theaters and Austrians Shovelling Coal. Gendarmes existin Brest. Theyresemble, therein, all the natives af the town. Everybody exists in Brest. Nobody lives there. There used to be a Sorting Yard in Brest. And^j near at hand, were -a lot of Rough Sergeant Majors and others who sassed · Golonels and made all of us feel we didn't know a Thing when we first reached that place where Napoleon's men violated all the sanitary regulations. Some camp, we're here to vociferate. There'll be Cook's Tourists in Brest some day. The guides will point out all the places where the Yanks went. They'll point out the Little Iron Fences, vhich show your knees, and the Pretty Stores where the Yanks Got Soaker. And they'll point out the docks from which the Transp~s Sailed. ~~ id Cry intern T~.E ~~R,IR,~I~ EN If °~ to Kit an 191~ ; ' ''it I ,e;: 1 | Palette end THERE Never mind, its a step in the right d ration. HERO STUFF Home isn't so far away now. We can measure, almost in weeks, the time remaining ahead of us in France. Kit we sit in our sanctum, penning these words we can smell the sea; Ahead of us, t bred thousand miles away, is Hoboken. But. There'll be jobs to look for when we gel back. This will be made necessary by the fact we must continue to eat and dress and live in civil life. And, we won't have any Uncle Sam handing us three meals a day Yes, there'll be work to look for. hr^ld we'll have to come down to earth, too, in looking for jobs. For a time, we'll have ~ lot of fun playing the Returning Hero and Prodigal Son stuff. But, that will end There'll come a time when we'll discove^i that a man may be a Perfect Hero and · a Bum Mechanic; an Ideal Over the Topper but a Poor Sign Painter; a Dashing Mach ine Gun Nemesis and a Darned Poor Clerk We'll have to offer the employers more than a War Record. We'll have to Delive the Goods. Let us make up our minds, now, to hell along readjustmentin the States by drop ping the Hero Stuff before the folks al home get tired of us.b~fore.the employers get the idea we're asking for jobs solely or the strength of the fact we came over There are a lot of efficient men in our libel of endeavor who didn't come shrer. This hurts us, mayhap. But, its the truth. Think it over. LETTERS TO US FINE COUNTRY Dear Editor: All the boys in my outfit say the lobsters Shore of Maryland is the greatest place in the world. I am thinking about malting a Wove when I gp back home. I awn a barterer by trade, and I would like to know whether ther^( is some likely town on the Eastern Shore I coulc settle in when I go back. H. I. Ball, Company A. 310th Field Artillery. (The principal industries of the Eastern Shore of Maryland are oysters, canneries, and politics. You should find a good opening there. There are no bars but good men find it lucrative in that part of thy country to do private work..Ed.) BOCHE PAPER To the Editor: Is it true that you print The Lorraine Cros^E on Boche paper? If it is, I think it was -Vera clever of you to capture it. Admiring Friend Div. M..T. O. Offlc~ (We didn't capture it. We swiped its Ed.) BOOST COLYUM Our Boost For This Week Foes to the Mess Officers in the Division. Theirs is a hard lot. Always got a lot of corned Willie on hand when everybody wants eggs. And never got eggs on hand when everybody wants 'em. They find, so often, that Jean Francois, the Village Barkeep, has run out of Yin blanc, and other members of the Family, just when the mess supply is r^t^lnning low. "Eta Vie Parisienne", which all the members of the Mess love to read, or devour, almost is always sold out when the M. O. calls for his copies. Its a tough life. And, it happens so often that the M. O. is also liaison officer and motor transport officer and a few other officers as well as M. O. The next time you want to growl about the grub, think of the-poor man who, probably a civil engineer or a salesman before entering the service, now has to act as housekeeper to you. Pity the poor M. O. Burst into tears, for his sake, I ATROCITIES IN UERSE | ^ . ..~ GEEI Gee, I'm happyl Things are lookin' Up. I'm not a bit Scrappy. I'm teeliq' awful Sna^P^Dy. Ridiculously Ha~pyl 7; .P Lookin' are Thi^l^}ga Gee, I'm sprightlyt Things are looked' Up. Sun is shining i~htlr I caper Pound ~ Li~1^2L~r The I. V, hi. seems 4~r~htl5^lt IJp~ Loo~ln' Are Things Gosh, I'm contentedl Things are loohin' Up. This trip I've oft Latnenied More'n one Growl Augmented But, now I'm quite Contented Up. Looltin' Are Things Gee, I'm blestl Things are lookin' Up. We're on the way to Brest By lapping waves Ca$ecsed By Odors quite Uub~eased . , en. Lookin' Are Things Gee, I'm. Helps Beltsl I can't write any more. The Editor past Butted In And said he thought four verses were about all the Atrocities Colyu~ could stand.) PETE.THE P~IINICI~U6 POET. (NOTE FROG TIIE EDITOH: WC'11 stand about One More from this guy Pete. Then he goes back to his co~ ~Y ~ THE ARMY . O. I'm goin' to miss the Army | When I'm out of the game for a whiles I ain't so keen Yor the game just now I want to get home and see Fly frau. But, the days are comin' the they ainf just now, When I'm gain' to miss the Army. O. I'm goin' to miss the Army When I'm out ot O. D foe a while, Ain't crazy to stay in these passing days I want to get home to a job that pays But, there'll surely come the restless days When I'm goin' to miss the Army, O. I'm goin' to miss the Army When l long for the pals l're made. They don't seem so much in ^I^l^le present hours As we talk togethe^l m ^Ir~e^l^ldly bowers. But, cumin' ^lor me are the ^l^oned^orne hours When I'm Join' to miss the Army. O. I'm goi^D'to miss the Army When I think of the life I've led It don't hold much now in the way of thrills With it's beaucuup slum an,l beaucoup drills But they'll come to me later.all the thrills. Wben I'm goin' to miss the Army. (O. you may laugh and you may sneer And wonder what there is to charm me. In the real man's game we've won ov^ar bere. You're goin' to miss the Armg.) . LORRAINE GRO88 BALLAD. HE'S SUPPOSED TO KNOW IT ALL How much postage will it take to Send this package home? Before they mark me A. W. O. Lo how long must I roam? Can a private get a pass to Paris or to Bar-le-Duc? Between what times can we buy wines without bringing down rebuke? Can I have four men to die a hole to bury these tin cans? Will you send two f'Bucks'^1 to tl^ie Officers' Mess to polish up the pansy Ohl the questions that they ask of me would make a weak man bawl. For they ·'ask the Sereeant-Major", he's supposed to know it all. What company's on guard to-day? How far is it to Heippe~? Have they got anything at the Y. M. C. h.t What became of all my maps? Can I have the truck to-morrow noon, I want to b^l^ly some stuff? What broken again? How long will it be? Why does he drive so rough? Is there a show tonight? Low many men? Will they be in lime for Messy What Idnd of a show? Will there be any ^1,irl^b? DO you think I've time to dress? And when at last I seek my cot, at rut till the bu~le's cat I regret I'm the Se~eaut-llyor~ for be' pond Is Hunt ~ Hi. ^66The Peachy ^. ^. Think of hikingover the Steppes of Russia Are they in ltussia? We'll take steps to find out. In the meantime ^, The Milestones seem a Million . ~~ ~ When your feelings ar~ asker But, only a Paltry Hundred When you're sailin' across the Blue. Huh Who ever heard of Mileston at Sea? Weekly French Lesson: For ^6^6Pas" tr ^6'Pah7^1~ not "Par" ~ . .- _ Incidentally^t that Domba^J^les place wa "Doombal^1^1.not "Dombazel~^1' or "D . bazle^j". _ Special to The Bueks: . Try "Van Blonk instead of 'Irvin Blank" hereafter. The e fecal will astonish you. E~uckerino: You don't speak to the Toi Kicker? G^lrlerina: No. I just give him the gee logical survey. B'erino: The geological surveys G^1erina: Ouil Thestonystare,sotospea Barkeep, see what the looks in the hoosgo Aid haves Our Idea of the Perfect Case of S. O. The Kaiser. Thank goodness they've stopped calli us Sa^{~mies. Had you noticed that? Our idea of a Sammy is a person wh hasnt been Roughened by Expe^l^ler^lce whose fond aunts are afraid to call hi 'Sam'7 for fear he'll want to wear 'Llongies The Long and the Short of It.(the Tex and Rhode Island of it, as it were) is th we are NOT Sammies. Neither are w Claudies or Pearlies or Willies. We ar Toof Guys. Nothing gives Willie that croix de guer distinguished service cross feelin' like bei called plain Bill. . , ^, We didn't get any Croix de Guer^Te . When we pulled any hero stuff, ou bunkie was the only one with us and h couldn't talk E^Dglish, or read or write. One officer who got theCross, was Pratt ba,dly shot up. What was the last thing h thought of before he went to the rear? -Hi bedding roll. What was the last thing a Buck though of before he was evacuated? The souvenir he'd collected. That extra, by the way, was the first eve pulled in the A. E. F. 7 Did it thrill you? ' ' 1 1/ We hops so. It thrilled up . ~ /

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