Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

Judge Joseph T. Labrum

Joseph T. Labrum II was one of the original members of the Descendants & Friends 314th Infantry AEF.
The son of Sgt. Joseph T. Labrum Company G, member of the Veterans of the 314th Infantry Memorial Committee
including a member of the Board of Directors D&F 314th Inf.


Photo of last Descendants & Friends 314th Infantry Board of Directors meeting
which was held in the Log Cabin Memorial on the grounds of the Washington Memorial Chapel at Valley Forge,
before the log cabin was moved to Camp Meade, BOD attendees,
left-to-right front row:
Terry Wochok, Joeseph Labrum III, Joseph T. Labrum II, Al Douglas (in wheel chair with wife Martha behind him), Jean Harlow, Nancy Schaff, Joseph Patti.
left-to-right back row:
Ray Jude Paski, John Shetler, Frank Dube

314th Infantry - Judge Joseph T Labrum - Obituary Page 1
314th Infantry - Judge Joseph T Labrum - Obituary Page 2
"The words forget or forgotten are never used in the 314th."
- Ray Nicholson Former Pres. Veterans of the 314th Infantry AEF.

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