Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F. - Inventory

(click for full-size image)

Case I, Side A

Top shelf

1. Receipt for "Pat" being stuffed

2. Bandoleer Nato 7.62MM Lot CC 12484

3. Gas Mask and bag 1918. Bag has 79 Div stenciled emblem

2nd Shelf

1. 79 Div. Unit history donated by Norma Hanson

2. 45 shoulder holster donated by Mrs. Rosborough (Gen's wife)

3. Pocket camera Eastman 1913, donated by Andrew McFarland, U.S.M.C. 5th Regt. 2nd Div.

4. Hand bomb S and 6(?) Inert!!

5. General Order No. 38A of thanks and services. Donated by John Schul???

3rd Shelf

1. Leather Puttees D.B. Myron Neiswender Sup. Co. 314

2. Pair leg wraps

3. Web pistol belt 9 F.A.7

4. Pic-Mattox with web scabbard US on wood handle

5. Field Equipment List, framed

4th Shelf

1. U.S. helmet belonged to Randolf Grace, donated by Winifred McCue

2. 3 tent pegs

3. Tent pole

4. Back pack with pack tail 2946 LCC 43

5. U.S. Helmet camo painted, shell only, nail hole

Case 1, side B

Top Shelf

1. Gas maks, shaving kit, dog tags, Randolf Grace, donated by Winifred McCue

2. Book, The War of the Nation's Portfolio by N.Y. Times

2nd Shelf

1. Photo, 6"x8" , 314 Reg. Band, D.B.L. Salkowski

2. Ship's bell, 5" diameter, donated by crew of Princess Matoika which brought 314 back from France

3. Gavel presented by Justin Finley to 314th

4. Eye glasses with case

5. Sailor's navy blue cap, J.C. Lackey, Jr. U.S.S. Leviathan on inside band

6. Legion magazine, 3/20/69

3rd Shelf

1. Field telegraph set with batteries

2. Field message book, unused

3. U.S. field mess kit knife LF & C 1917

4. Anti-dimming stick and can

4th Shelf

1. U.S. helmet shell, 79 Div insignia painted on it (nailhole???)

2. Condiment can

3. 1916 model meat can

4. U.S. canteen, cover, cup US ASMCO 1918 on canteen

5. U.S. mess kit LF 2C 1917 Woodbury stamped on lid and arm

6. Mess knife US LF & C 1917 spoon CPC 1918

Case II, Side A

1st shelf

1. Book, Pictorial History of World War I, 1918, donated by L.& A. Harris

2. Corporate stripe, Sergeant stripe, 1st Sgt. Stripe, Overseas stripe

3. Hate Belt belonging to Corp. John Schuck, donated by J. Schuck Jr

2nd Shelf

1. Copy of Photo Cp William Davis

2. Copies of enlistment record and discharge papers of James Fondes, 314

3. Dog tag, Sebatian Diehl, 314, CP, Co. F

4. Dog tag, William Kromer, 314, Pvt, Co. G, donated by wife

5. U.S.N.A. (Script) collar disk

6. Allentown Victory Medal with ribbon

7. Purple heart and ribbon bar to Sebastian Diehl, 11/10/18

8. Effects of Lt. John R. Cushing: Purple Heart , Victory Medal MA. DS.; saw campaign 24488, Saw Veterans Medal 50856, Presentation Cigarette Case, 1917, roster on back; 79 Div. Patch, tie bar, lapel pin, button, collar button P.H.

9. U.S. bugle donated by Dan Meckert, Bugler M Co.

10.Book, Are You a True American

11.Book, Calender 1918, prayer & bible reading book, John Schuck? Used it as a diary, 5/19/18- 4/4/19

3rd Shelf

1. Effect of Charles Lachat, 314 Co. F., donated by Lousf?; Victory Medal MA.DS. Verdun Medal, F of A medal, 2319, pins, badges; cooks, 79th infantry; 314 bronze souvenir

2. 314 block and 2 gavels

3. President's war message book

4th Shelf

1. Framed certificate of service to 314 Vet Assoc, Joseph Cushing

2. Leather 3-finger mittens, Hoffman Manufacture contract 4/10/18

3. U.S. trench shovel and cover (Beaker Mfg. 1917)

4. U.S. canteen (LFC 19A) and cover - 1918, int. SR#219405 W.B. on cover

5. Shelter half sipler I 314

6. Money belt W.L.K

Case II, Side B

1st Shelf

1. Book Inf. Drill Regs. 1911 Wm. L. Kramer, 314, Co. G

2. Book AEF in cartoon by wallgren, donated by S.W. Knowlan, K of P, PA

3. Victory medal MA.DS, city of dickson, PA medal, donated by Lorraine Siakowki (daughter of Frank Parchinski, Co. B

2nd Shelf

1. Book, The daily Telegraph Pocket Atlas of the War, John Schuck

2. Photos in frames: Field ambulance, 2 cple on motorcycles, Cpl Davis on motorcycle

3. 6 WW II overcoat buttons from Gen Rosborough

4. Lucky Strike mtal cigarette tin 4 ½"/5 3/4"

5. Pack of Lucky Strike cigarettes in plastic box

6. Brass oiler R.R. 5 ½" long, 3 1/8" dia.

7. Medals to Cpl. John Shuck; WWI Victory 28 Div, Supply Co. 109 FA QA YL MA DS, PA Nat. Guard Medal WWI and Ribbon Bar

8. Sons and Daughters of Liberty Medal, pat. 1907, flag ribbon 4: medallion 1 ½" wide/2" long, lid w/flag and scales, broach hammers crossed

9. Bronze medal: The Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1918, 31 to 1, reverse "The War Chest I Will Stand by the Boys Till We Win." Name bar black 1 3/4" 1 1/8"

10.English penny, 1914

3rd Shelf

1. Book, Doughboy Ditties, by Joe Cushing, 314th member 1927

2. Leather wallet, 3 ½ /5"

3. Canvas wallet 6 ½"/4 ½: Wm. Kromer name tag and post card of sailors on Princess Matoika

4. Leather wallet Robert Mercer carried 8" x4". Contains: 5 receipts of balance due for a Hamilton watch, 1917; receipt from Collier Pub., 11/14/17; 5 receipts of dues for Fra. Orders of Orioles, 116 Birdsboro, 1911-1918; 2 tickets to Orioles Social Quaters, 1917, 1918; receipt Groff and Wolf Co., ID card (blank); receipt Reading Printing Co., 4/27/18; ticket "Annual St. Patrick Smoker", 3/16/17; 8 receipts from M.O.B. Birdsboro, 2/18-4/18; photo of woman and child

5. St. Mark's Gospel, English/French, 1918, Army/Navy edition. Donated by Col. John Whiteman, USAF

6. Collier Pictorial History of W.W. book donated by Michael Alderman

7. Draft card: James O'Conner, 5/6/17,Phila., PA #31

4th Shelf

1. Book, U.S. Official Pictures of the World War

Case III, Side A

1st Shelf

1.Grey Feldmuts - Paper cloth grey, black band, red piping, R or B 2 H cockards missing

2nd Shelf

a. 1 pfennig, 1917, aluminum

b. 5 pfenning 1918, steel

c. 5 pfennig, 1918, nickel

d. 10 Kleingeldersatzmark, 1917, steel

e. 5 Kleingeldersatzmark, 1917, steel

f. 5 Kleingeldersatzmark, 1917, white metal

g. 5 Kleingeldersatzmark, 1917, white metal

h. 10 Kleingeldersatzmark, 1917, steel

3rd Shelf

4th Shelf

Case III, Side "B"

1st Shelf

2nd Shelf

9.5" x 2.25", donated by W. Jennings Jr., West Pawlet, VT

3rd Shelf

4th Shelf

Footlocker of Pvt. Walter R. Balthasher

31"/16 3/4"'/11 ½"Co Hh, 314th Inf., 79 Div. 11/30/92-4//25/75, Lenterport, PA, photo in

uniform on lid:

Overcoat Leather money belt

Overseas cap . Canvas belt and brass buckle

Canvas leggings pr. Ticking ditty bag 16"/14" Red Cross 5"/5"

Leather leggings pr. Fork nickle

Puttees pr. Spoon Albert Pick and Co.

Tunic: bullion 79 patch Helmet

Collar Disc missing 314 Gas mask and bag

2 Q.S.S. 1 Dis. S.X. Rifle 11

Also in footlocker:

1 Leather cart. Belt and shoulder strap M..M..K.32 rounds

2..C.F. Lachat

Pr. Puttees

Brown duffle bag

Brown bag and strap (paper cloth) 15"/10


Tunic: 1 O.S.S., 1 Dis.S., 79 Div., rifle, disc 314 F

White duffle bag

100 round Krag mills belt

Overseas cap Blue Cross of Lorain pinned to it

V.F.W. cap

Footlocker of Major Thos. H. Stilwell, 314th U.S. Inf.

31"/16 1/2"/13"

1. Lock removed

2. Painted and stenciled green/black/white on trunk

3. 3 compartment shelf

4. Contents:

A. Shaving mirror and case with Stilwell's stenciled name

B. Piece of shrapnel (6 ½"/2 ½") with letter from daughter about how hot piece almost hit

her father so he retrieved it, signed, dated 11/1/93

Metal steamer trunk, Clifton Lisle, Wayne, PA

25"/19"/20", dented, paint chipped, white lettering

1. Tag - "Family paper and records, do not destroy"

2. Tag - Steamer trunk Col. Clifton 316 Inf., 79 Div. Donated by wife, Chester Springs, PA

Contents of steamer trunk, Lisle:

1. Old electric fan, G.E.

2. Tin map case with cover, 19 1/4"/3" cylinder

3. Duffle bag made of blue jean material, contents belonged to R.B. Grace 25"/20"

A. Another blue jean duffle bag

B. Cloth wool money belt, 20 ½"/3 ½", tan.3 pocket

C. Tan housewife bag, 7"/8"', red, white, blue cloth swatches for needles, small inner

small inner bag containing buttons: 2 bone, 1 metal, 1 mother of pearl, 9


D. Calico cloth red cross ditty bag, 14"/12"


1. 3 wool leg wraps

2. Shaving mirror and case

3. Overseas cap, name on band Cpl. R.B. Grace, Co. B.314 ,

bronze collar disc attached

E. Linen bag (brown) 11"/14", name tag R.B. Grace, 314/B


1. Canteen cup U.S. 1 F. & C. 1918 aluminum pebble engraved

name, R.B. Grace, 4"/5 1/4"

2. 58 cal lead musket ball

3. Aluminum mess kit U.S. 1917: 8 1/4"/6 1/4", top initialed P.Z.

bottom initialed P.P., knife U.S..L.F. & C., 1917, spoon U.S.

WB/W 1917, fork WB/W 1918

Wood Box Green 33"/17 ½"/13 ½"

Brig.. Gen. James C. Rosborough

Contents: locked flags?

Mascot "Pat" and showcase

42"/53"/23" included: Dog with brace and leash, photo of dog, taxidermist receipt,

framed article from Sunbury Times, 7/14/32, about Pat

17"/18" piece of shell casing from one of "Big Bertha's" Shells. "Polte Jul 1914 Magdeburg", photo of gun glued to it.

German typewriter taken by 314, 1918, 15"/14.5", name very faint

Shell case carrier for 42 cm shell - wicker with leather straps, rope handles, 21" x 21"

Shell case, 32 cm, 10.75"/40.5"

Patron, Apr. 1918, Karlsruhe, photo of gun with it

U.S. Army collapsible organ used by 314th in U.S. and France: Estey Organ Co.

Brattleboro, VT: fully extended 31.75" x 31.75" x 12"

314 spittoon made from log, 11" x 8", Veterans 314th emblem on front

Capt. Uniform, 314X collar insignia, 79 Div. Patch on shoulder, 1 Oss, U.S. cutout collar insignia, sewn Capt. Bars on shoulder straps, victory ribbon bar, helmet (P.M.R.R.), Sam Brown belt, pants, putts, shoes, donated by Bud Sherwood

2 shell casings, 28.75" x 6"

2 shells on wood stands, 24.5" x 3"

Inventory of 314th Items Stored in Tin Shed at Washington Memorial Chapel

Old wooden ledger desk, 22" x 38"

Inside green Tupperware bin:

"Source Records of the Great War, Volume I, Causes" (red)

"Source Records of the Great War, Volume II, A.D. l9l4 (green)

"Source Records of the Great War, Volume III, A.D. l9l5 (red)

"Source Records of the Great War, Volume IV, A.D., l9l6 (black)

"Source Records of the Great War, Volume V, A.D., 1917 (brown)

"Source Records of the Great War, Volume VI, A.D., l9l8 (green)

"Source Records of the Great War, Volume VII, A.D., l9l9 (black)

White physician's gown w/red edging in plastic bag

White sheer curtains and pink and whie curtains in gray garment bag

Framed cloth picture of General John J. Pershing, 29" x 25 ½"

Picture of Machine Gun Company,314th Infantry, 1919, 33" x 10"

Pictural history of Machine Gun Company, 314th Infantry, 39 x 28"

An issue of The Philadelphia Inquirer Magazine, June l4, l959, "That Cabin at Valley Forge" (5 pages)

Photo of 314th Cabin, 8" x 10"

Picture of Perpetual Light, 8" x 10"

Picture of letter, June l4, 1985, 12" x 15"


Three glass display cases

Inside wooden box marked "Kenya": canteens, torn up lamp shade of 314th Veterans old cans, circular brass items of different sizes (unknown use) woodensquare (5d) bases w/screws in them

Picture of Great War color patches, 32" x 24 ½", donated by Mark Fletcher

Picture of Meuse-Argonne Cemetery, 29" x 27"

Map of Montfaucon, 64" x 48"

Picture, Log Cabin Memorial, Veterans of the 314th Infantry , 23" x 33"

79th Division sign

Three wicker chairs

One wicker couch, 3-seat

Large table

Two books of visitor registrations:

(1) September l923-October 1930

(2) May 3l, l93l - May 24 1932, 4th Annual 1923, 5th Annual 1924

May 22, 1932 - May 20, 1933

Two green drums

One mess kit

Box labeled "Odds and Ends" (key, screws, scissors, etc.)

Plastic white alarm (OMEG) (2 pieces)

Green canvas messenger bag

Large green canvas bag

Veterans of the 314th Infantry, A.E.F. Memorial booklet and directory, 30th annual reunion, September 1948

Photograph of Bob Houser and Bill Warner in front of the d314th Cabin, November 1979,

5" x 3 ½"

Framed poem about the American flag, 12" x 10"

Framed articles about the Cabin at Valley Forge, 24" x 12"

Two American flags

Framed picture of Company G, 314th Infantry, 18" x 24"

British recruiting poster, 30" x 18"

Framed picture of Cabin, 22" x 24"

Framed, signed letter, 314th Infantry, A.E.F., 18" x 24"

Square frame with pictures of construction of Cabin

Framed pictures with a piece of paper at the top saying, "Donated by John Schuck of King of Prussia, son of Corp. John J. Schuck, Supply Co., 1088th Field Artillery, 28th Division"

Log Cabin door

This inventory was completed on August 14, 2001, as part of Evan Fitzpatrick's Eagle Scout project.

In the tin shed, because of the limited availability of room and because of the weight of some of the items, it was impossible to move everything out to see what was all the way in the back, Those doing the inventory moved as much as they could, but it is possible there are more items stored behind everything else.

Inventory of Memorabilia Belonging to

Captain Matthew James Irwin Owens, USAR

Medical Administration

1) Original enlistment as a private in the Medical Enlisted Reserve Corps, November 19, 1917

2) Appointed as Sergeant, December 1, 1917

3) Honorable discharge as Sergeant to accept commission as 1st Lieutenant, Sanitary Corps

4) Appointment as 1st Lieutenant, dated July 12, 19818, Sanitary Corps, American Expeditionary Force

5) Commissioned as Captain, May 3, 1919

6) Original discharge as Captain, Sanitary Corps, June 17, 1919

7) Special Orders, extract from War Dept., dated July 8, 1919, confirming 1st Lt. Owens to be Captain in Sanitary Corps

8) Appointment to Officers' Reserve Corps of the U.S. Army, June 7, 1921

9) Honorable Discharge as a Captain, Retired, reserve, USAR, April 1, 1953

10) Admission as a Companion of the Military Order of Foreign Wars of the U.S., November 29, 1920

11) Postcard - picture of 1st Lt. Owens, 5 ½" x 3 ½" at U.S.A. Base Hospital No. 20, Chatel Guyon, Puy-de-Dome, France, dated September 22, 1918

12) Postcard - picture of 1st Lt. Owens 5 ½" x 31/2", Chatel Guyon, Puy-de-Dome, France

13) 20" x 12" photo of U.S.S. George Washington

14) Postcard, 5 ½" x 3 ½ ",Owens seated

15) Postcard, 5 ½ x 3 ½", Owens seated, dated September 11, 1918

16) Photo, 4" x 5", group of men

17) Double photo - first of Owens, second of three men: Lt. Col. John A. Murphy, Medical Corps, Lt. Nathaniel A. Pettit, Sanitary Corps, Lt. Matthew J. I. Owens, 9" x 11 ½", dated January 14, 1919, Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dome, France

l8) Two photos, each 6 ½" x 8 ½" - first of a group of workers (one of them Owens), second of two men (one of them Owens)

19) Photo, 11 1/4" x 13 ½", large group of soldiers sitting in a stadium

20) Picture of Royat-les Bains, 23" x 9 3/4"

21) Picture of Clermont-Ferrand, 23" x 9 3/4"

22) Street Map of Clermont-Ferrand, 19" x 13"

23) Photo of U.S.S. Leviathan, 15" x 12"

24) Rotogravure picture of "The Last Salute to the Leviathan" (from N.Y. Times per Betty Page)

25) Photo of U.S.S. Leviathan, 12" x 20"

26) Photo of Base Hospital, Unit 10, University of Penna. Medical Corps, 17" x 14", December 13, 1917

27) 9 photographs of the interior of the U.S.S. George Washington and one of the ship itself

(scenes showing the main dining room, the promenade deck, the officers of the U.S.S. George Washington, wheelhouse, after 5-inch gun, soldiers gallery, operating room, sick bay,

Post Office, and then one of the U.S.S. George Washington itself)

All of the above donated by Mrs. Betty Page and currently being stored in the closet in Kathy Howell's office in Defender's Gate. Inventory taken July 23, 2001.

Picture Inventory taken by Boy Scouts of Troop #524 - Wednesday, August 16, 2000

Pictures located in the Catacombs of Washington Memorial Chapel

1. 31" x 19 ½" - Framed collage of photos (infantry members, countryside, buildings)

2. 13" x 15" - Framed musical presentation - Joan of Arc They Are Calling You

3. 13" x 15" - Song - Keep the Home Fires Burning Ever

4. 20" x 22" - Letter presented to 314th Infantry, sent to Walter Balthaser

5. 21" x 28 ½" - Military Insignia

6. 15" x 22" - Photo of 316th Infantry Memorial

7. 33" x 10 ½" - Photo of 314th Infantry, year 1919, Company L

8. 46 ½" x 10" - Photo of Camp Dix, Wrightstown, NJ

9. 36" x 10 ½" - Photo of 314th Infantry, yr. 1919, Company M

10. 7 3/4" x 9 3/4" - Photo of remains of Church at Montfoucon, St. Manchould, France - letter on back from Albert L----

11. 8" x 10" - Photo of John McCausland, Camp Meade, MD, 1936 - button

12. 46" x 9 ½" - Photo of Camp Meade, Admiral, MD

13. 34" x 10 ½" - Photo of 314th Infantry - Company H

14. 45" x 10" - Photo of 318th Infantry - Company C - 80th Division

15. 40" x 9" - Photo of 330 Field Battalion Signal Corps Volunteers

16. 36 ½" x 14" - Photo of 314th Infantry, Company D

17. 39" x 9" - Photo of Supply Company Infantry 314 RA

18. 40" x 11" - Photo of Headquarters Company, 314

19. 34 ½" x 12" - Photo of 314th Infantry Company E, 79th Division

20. 34" x 12" - Photo of 314th Infantry, Company L

21. 32" x 10 ½" - Photo of 314th Infantry, Company F

22. 36" x 9 ½" - Photo of 314th Infantry, Company M, 79th Division

23. 34 ½" x 9" - Photo of 314th Infantry, 79th Division, Company G

24. 37" x 9 ½" - Photo of 314th Infantry, Regiment T, Company unknown

25. 13" x 15" - Photos and articles of E.E. Mylin

26. 15" x 13" - Newspaper clipping - "Goodbye Broadway, Hello France"

27. 11" x 8 ½" - Photo of Willard Davis and Arthur Zeiders - Motorcycle couriers, 79th Division

28. 8" x 10" - Photo of Cor. Willard Davis

29. 9 ½" x 12" - News clipping, August 10, 1922

30. 13" x 10" - Poem - The Road to Mont Faucon

31. 11" x 8 ½" - Letter from Cor. John J. Schuck

32. 9" x 12" - Photo of 314th Reg. Band

33. 12" x 15" - Rank Adv. To 1st Lieutenant for John Cushing

34. 10" x 11" - Photo of 314th Reg. Band

35. 10 ½" x 9" - News clip photo - Troops on the Line Where Fighting Ended

36. 18 ½" x 9" - Edition of 314th News - 50th Anniversary Issue, 1970

37. 16" x 12 ½" - Photo of Cabin

38. 12" x 15" - Certificate to Joseph Cushing

39. 15" x 13" - Song - God Be With Our Boys Tonight

40. 13" x 15" - Song - Dear Old Pal of Mine

41. 17 ½" x 12" - Large photo of Maj. Gen. Joseph Kuhn

42. 12" x 15" - Letter to Charles M. Stimpsin from John Perslon

43. 13" x 15" - Song Cover - "Goodbye Broadway, Hello France"

44. 14" x 18" - Certificate of Purple Heart - awarded to Salerio Del Sindaco of Company D

45. Visitors Registry, 1990, 314th AEF

Transcribed as part of Evan Fitzpatrick's Eagle Scout Project

314th Inventory Compiled Spring 1995 by Ray-Jude Paski

1. Automatic Weapons

  1. French Chachat : GSRG No. 146825
  2. British Vickers: 08774; Tripod
  3. German 08 Maxum: 47198 D.W.M. Berlin 1918: No lock, no water jacket plug, sled 8340, has blank adapter, has sight aperture, ammo box, appears to be workable, 08/.5 barrel 9.8634 from 304 Engineers
  4. no flash suppressor, how water tube water can and ammo can, appears serviceable, different trigger grip
  5. German 08 Maxum: 29365 DWM Berlin 1917, no lock, no flash suppressor, sled 9287, night apperture, ammo can, appears serviceable
  6. German 08/15 Maxum: 1416 b GWF Spandau 1917, no lock, no flash suppressor, has drum bracket, no tripod, has water snout
  7. German 08/15 Maxum : 1180 ?W? ERFERT 1917, no suppressor, no lock, has water spout, rough shape, has bipod
  8. German 08/15 Maxum 3260 GWF Spandu 1917, no lock, no flash suppressor, no water spout, fussed cover bent, appears seviceable, bipod
  9. German 08/15 Maxum 9260 Man Numberg 1918, no lock, part of flash suppressor present, water spout, bipod, seviceable
2. Rifles
  1. German Gen Commission 1888 model: Lowe Berlin 1891 S (#4624 Breech)(3462 Barrel), 40RR 10 86, good shape, missing swivel
  2. Gun case, Italy Manlicher ?, #UU3810
  3. St.Etiene Mle 1907-15, FT 87301 on Trigger gaurd, L 95054 on bolt
  4. Austrian Steir m 95 #2895M 53047 on stock, 78R on butt palate
  5. US Krag 1894 #18102 (?DAH, inspector marks on stock very faint) P by trigger gaurd, Ex. Condition
  6. 1903 Springfield #92797 S.A. 10-17 on Barrell, inspector mark on stock (F?A) P
  7. M. 1917 Eddystone #183400 inspector marks (R over 813) 36MR
  8. Italian M91-Roma #OR-X139, L.S. On Stock Off. Cost. Art Roma P-14
  9. British 303 Enfield By (BF 27A on stock) Patt 14 EY AG on stock
  10. SMLE III 1914 British Enfield E#6497 Missing butt plate, 2 large chips of wood out of stock near butt plate
  11. Japanese 6.5mm #7841 w on stock Japanese markings also a
  12. M-189 russian - New England Westinghouse Co. 1917, on breech, also #1347755, Bolt #194197, Mag #168044, no cleaning rod
  13. Gen 98 Amberg 1917 #8501 Missing a magazine screen
  14. Gen 98 Berlin #8556, bolt missing, no bolt breakdown hole in stock
  15. Gen 98 Amberg 1916, #9001
  16. Swiss Soc. Ind. Suisse + Syst. Vetterald #62671
  17. Gen 98 Amberg 1916 #4058
  18. W6 #78997 RZK on stock
  19. Gen 98 Berlin 1916 #7996
  20. Gen 98 Danzig 1915 #7041
3. Swords
  1. Dragoon saber and scabbard w 15 German Light Munition
  2. Draoon saber and scabbard I.M.CVI W 97 Train "16" XVI
  3. Dragoon saber and scabbard W 14 (in case)
  4. Saber German 1858 ? Stallman-Logan etched on 39" blade, hilt 127 R2B W.R.AM125 (marked of?) 83 on blade near hilt 82 and crown symbol on other side
  5. Short saber German #2798 6C on blade
  6. U.S. Calvary saber and scabbard with sword know; belonged to Brig. General Rosborough; 2 photos in case also
  7. U.S. Civil War musician's sword, U.S.V.H. 1863 on blade; U.S. Civil War musician's sword, Ames U.S.V.D.H. 186 on blade
  8. Dragoon saber and scabbard 9 AF 15H 89 04 on blade 9 AF 13H 42
  9. Dragoon saber and scabbard RAR 13 ILMK 110 03 on blade RAR 13 ILMK 110
4. Bayonets
  1. Enfield with scabbard 1907
  2. Italian Terni GN4372 56 16 1/4"
  3. (Tag says German) B9964 Italian sword Bayonnet Model 1870, 25 "
  4. Russian ? Socket 167091, 19"
  5. (Tag says German) x 1470, 23 ½"
  6. German butcher, 1915, 19 ½"
  7. Japanese, 20"
  8. German short sawtooth Solingen (sawback 1914 model), 15"
  9. German Butcher w 1916, 19 ½", model 1914
  10. German short w 1916 scabbard 1940 273 lg, 15"

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This is a Veterans 314th Infantry A.E.F. Car Bumper Emblem
That some Vets placed on their cars during the 1950's
(click for full-size iamge)
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