314TH INFANTRY ACTS TO HONOR WAR DEADRegiment Will Perpetuate Memory of Hero Members With TabletCabin Built by All Before the War Will Be Moved to Valley Forge When the 314th Infantry of the Seventy-ninth Division, was being organized at Camp Meade, its members built a log cabin as a recreation centre for the regiment. Then the regiment went to France. In the skirmishes at Montfaucon, Death Valley, Damvillers and Hill 318, three hundred and sixty-five members of the regiment .went west," and all of them helped to build this log cabin. To perpetuate the memory of these heroes, veterans of the 314th Infantry will move the log cabin to Valley Forge, install it behind the Washington Memorial Chapel and emblazon on the walls of the cabin a bronze tablet bearing the names of those who died in France. The log cabin is still standing at Camp Meade. Some time ago, when the thought of moving the cabin to Valley Forge was first brought to the attention of the committee on memorials for the organization, a letter was sent to the War Department asking permission to remove the cabin to Valley Forge. Permission Granted Permission was granted several weeks ago, and the War Department, eager to dismantel Camp Meade, urged the committee to remove the cabin within two months. A survey was made. The approximate cost of moving the cabin and placing the memorial tablets it $10,000. Former members of the regiment, living in every State in the Union, and three members who are living in foreign countries, more than 3000 in all, have been asked to contribute what they can to the memorial fund. Captain W. J. Nicholson said yesterday that be expected to hear from every member of the organization within two week. "The 314th Infantry always stuck together," he said, "and although memory dulls as the years pass, and the war, now is little more than history, they think always of the little white cross that remains to mark the spot where lies the man who did his bit and gave his life for his country." "When we have sought" aid from former members, especially when we were organizing, their response was wonderful and bubbling over with the same spirit that put the Seventy-ninth Division on history.s pages. I am confident they will respond to this splendid memorial appeal in the same spirit. Permanent headquarters will be established in a few days in the Lafayette Building. |