Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

George E. Hentschel Diary
Company G, 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.



George E. Hentschel was the first American born son of immigrants from Austria-Hungry living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Through early travel with his father George was familiar with his land of ethnic origin.

When the war broke out immigrants found themselves under a cloud of suspicion.

The Hentschel's stopped speaking their ethnic language and did everything possible to prove loyalty to America and separate themselves from their country of origin.

George joined the United States Armed Forces.

Whenever an American chooses to stand against their country of origin he or she proves themselves a patriot and a citizen.

Italicized entries denote consolidated diary entries and map locations.

The bold print denotes historical events that are not found in the diary but may assist in the understanding of the entries.

             -- Bruce Hentschel

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George E. Hentschel 1917

Diary of

George E. Hentschel

Served: November 3, 1917 to May 30,1919

79th Division, 314th Infantry, Company, G

American Expeditionary Force

Dispatched to France

to Win

World War for Liberty

April 6, 1917 United States Declares War with Germany.
June 26, 1917 First American Troops arrive in France.
October, 27,1917 First American shots fired in France.
Sunday, November 4, 1917 Left B & O railroad station (24th & Chestnut St, Phila.) at 9:57 a.m.
Arrived at Camp Meade, Md. at 2:16 p.m.
Camp Meade is located between Baltimore, Maryland & Washington D.C., USA.
Thursday, November 29, 1917

Thanksgiving Menu:

Breakfast: french toast, bacon, potatoes, syrup, and coffee.

Dinner: Corn beef, potatoes, tomatoes, bread, and coffee.

December 6, 1918 U.S. Warship, Jacob Jones sunk by German submarine.
December 25, 1918

Christmas Day Menu:

Breakfast: Bacon, rice, bread, and coffee

Dinner: Pork, rice, apple sauce, nuts, grapes, cigars, cigarettes, chocolates.

Tuesday, January 1,1918 Barracks quarantined for measles since Christmas, indoors due to very cold wind blowing with snow on ground
Wednesday, January 2, 1918 On account of Quarantine we drilled inside barracks a.m. and p.m.
Thursday, January 4, 1918 Having no coal for furnaces, we carried logs all morning and cut them in the afternoon.
Still very cold weather.
Friday, January 4, 1918 Kitchen Duty from 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, January 5, 1918 Inspection 8:10 a.m., cut logs for remainder of the day.
Sunday, January 6, 1918 Guard duty outside quarantined barracks 10 - 12 am, 4 - 6 p.m., 10 -12 p.m., 4- 6 a.m.

Daily measles inspections and drills

Wednesday, January 9, 1918 Measles inspection.
Drill in a.m.
Walk and run through woods for 2 hrs. in p.m. “fox hunt”
until we perspired then hot-cold shower-bath & good rub.
Monday, January 14, 1918 Received my 2nd pay of $11.58. The 314th Regt. was quarantined.
Wednesday, January 16, 1918 Regular “Squad” drilling and rifle drill or exercise accompanied by music.
Thursday, January 17, 1918 “Short arm” and feet inspection.
Three hour hike in the afternoon and had bayonet, scabbard, and cartridge belt issued at night.
Friday, January 18, 1918 Resumed bayonet practice with “blob” stick. My weight 146¼ lb.
Saturday, January 19, 1918 Inspection at 8:00. Had haversack issued in a.m.
Sunday, January 20, 1918 Attended Regimental Services at Y.M.C.A.
Capt. Laurence left Co.“G” – 314th inf. for the Aviation Service in France.
Capt. Muhlenburg [1] succeeded him.
Friday, January 25, 1918 Finger prints taken at regimental hospital in p.m.

314th regiment still quarantined while drilling and hiking to encourage sweating, then

experience hot- cold shower baths.

Each morning bunks were set outdoors to air out. The men could then drill inside.

Tuesday, January 29, 1918 My pace is 32 inches,
My stride is 64 inches,
112 paces = 100yds.
56 strides = 100yds.,
1971 paces = 1 mile,
985½ strides = 1 mile.
Friday, February 1, 1918 Shoveled snow all day from obstacle course. Capt. Smith in command.

United States troopship Tuscania sunk by submarine, 126 lost.

Wednesday, February 6, 1918 Automatic rifle school in p.m..
Thursday, Febuary 7, 1918 Quarantine was lifted
Automatic Rifle and theory of Fire School was held every afternoon for two hours
Monday, February 11, 1918 Dug “butts” at the range.
Vaudeville show at YMCA.
Movies on Squad Formations and Manual of Arms by West Point Cadets at new Liberty Theatre.
Wednesday, February 13, 1918 Pay Day. $11.40
Thursday, February 14, 1918 Gun Drill. Gen’l Nicholson reviewing.
Monday, February 18, 1918 Fired my first shot on range. Name sent to headquarters for transfer because of photography experience.
Sunday, February 24, 1918 Lieut. Brigham [2] told me to get a few pointers as S.Sgt. (Supply Sergeant)
Monday, February 25, 1918 Helped Supply Sergeant in a.m.. . School in p.m.. .
Wednesday, February 27, 1918 Appointed Ass’t. Supply Sergeant.
Thursday, February 28, 1918 Graduated from Automatic Supply Room / Arms School
George worked the Supply Room and practiced at the firing range daily.
Friday, March 8, 1918 Pay Day, $9.72
Sunday, March 10, 1918 Gus visited me for 20 min. He was quarantined for diphtheria
Monday, March 11, 1918 Hike to Rifle Range
100 yds. 4444545545         = 44
200 yds. 4445444555         = 44
300 yds 540443544444444 = 57  
Score 145
Sunday, March 17, 1918 Physical Examination in Reg’t. Hospital for Over Seas Service.

March 23,1918

German "Mystery Gun" shells Paris France.
Thursday, April 4, 1918 Left camp Meade at 7:30 AM. On hike to Baltimore with “full” packs
Walked 14 miles to Shipley, Md., camping there over night. No sleep
Friday, April 5, 1918 Left Shipley at 6:20 a.m.. For Balto..
Arrived at Druid Hill Park at 10:40 a.m.. Liberty allowed.
Saturday, April 6, 1918 Parade of 79th Div. in Balto. . Review by President Wilson.
Sunday, April 7, 1918 Left Druid Hill Park at 8:00 a.m.. with "small packs" for Camp Meade [3]
Arrived at camp at 4:20 p.m..
Friday, April 12, 1918 Gus Brueninger [4] left Camp Meade for Camp Merritt, NJ. and from there to France.
Sunday, April 14, 1918 Lutheran services in YMCA. in a.m...
Strolled about camp with Eggs Hampton in p.m.
Monday, April 15, 1918 “Eggs” came over to see me at 9:25 a.m. to say he would leave the next morning for Camp Merritt, NJ.
Tuesday, April 16, 1918 At 10 a.m. “Eggs” left for Camp Merritt.
Wednesday, April 17, 1918 Baseball – Co. “C”– 11, Co. “G” – 7

36 hour passes appear to be granted to George every two to three weeks

First week of May, 1918 Very busy all week , clothing and measuring recruits from West Virginia.

Weekly weekend passes are granted to George

May 24,1918

British Ship Moldavia, carrying American troops, torpedoed; 56 lost.

Reports of influenza affecting troops in Europe.

Saturday, May 25, 1918 Liberty Theatre (Camp Meade) – Vaudeville
Monday, June 3, 1918 Four day liberty at home in S. W. Phila. .
Stopped at office, Ethel's [5] for supper, Willow Grove [6] in evening.

June 3, 1918

German submarines attack U.S. coast; 11 ships sunk.
Monday, June 10, 1918 Left barracks for a 2 week stay on the rifle range.
Spent many days firing on rifle range until June 19, 1918.
The diary's stressful penmanship and entries appears to suggest the first week of July
was spent preparing to break camp and move onto the unknown.
Saturday, July 6, 1918 Left Camp Meade at 5:19 p.m. for Camp Merritt (New Jersey).
Sunday, July 7, 1918 Arrived at Jersey City at 3:10 a.m.
Stayed over in station until 8 a.m.
Took ferry from pier at 9:40 and boarded the Leviathain.
Mess was a great sight to witness.
Monday, July 8, 1918 Leviathain sailed from Hoboken at 6:24 p.m. N.Y. Harbor was a pretty scene. First night at sea.
Cannot feel vibration of vessel.
Leviathain : Largest, fastest, transport afloat. 8 decks,42 boilers, crews of 1,200,
carried about 18,000 troops.
Two meals daily and had to wait in line for 3 hours each time.
Good and plenty to eat.
Abandon ship drill in 13 minutes.
Trip across Atlantic in 6 1/2 days.
Zig-zag coarse.
No submarines.
Tuesday, July 9, 1918 At sea, very balmy. Nothing sighted. 3 mast schooner
Wednesday, July 10, 1918 At sea. Getting rougher. Nothing sighted.
Saturday, July 13, 1918 5thday at sea, 3 steamers & 2 whales sighted.
"Abandon Ship" drill every day
Sunday, July 14, 1918 Slept with all clothes on. 6th day at sea. Met by 5 convoys.
Monday, July 15, 1918 Arrived at Brest (France) at 12:40 p.m.
Tuesday, July 16, 1918 Touched French soil at 11:20 pm. Baggage detail in Brest. Slept in stable in Stockyard.
July 18, 1918 Allied forces, after much loss, launch successful offensive that turns the war.
Friday, July 19, 1918 Left Brest at 8 a.m. Arrived at Royan 5:15 p.m. Arrived at Laval 7:45 p.m.
Saturday, July 20, 1918 Orleans 12:50 a.m.
Arrived at Cours 7:10 a.m.
Train very slow.
Traveled only about 50 miles in 24 hours.
40 men per Box Car.
Sunday, July 21, 1918 Arrived at Dijon at 7:10 p.m. Arrived at Avallon at 10:50 p.m.
Bivwacked at Laignes for night.
Slept on barracks bags at Laignes Station.
Baggage detail at Laignes
Tuesday, July 23, 1918 Billeted at Puits in old kings mansion (1500 years old) for 2 days.
Thursday, July 25, 1918 Slept on street. Puits, Baggage Detail.
Saturday, July 27, 1918 Left Puits at 4:30 a.m. passing through Chatillon and Champlitte and arriving at Frettes at 5:30 p.m.
Sunday, July 28, 1918 Frettes. Quartered in barn. First good cooked meal since leaving Camp Meade.
Monday, July 29, 1918 Quartered in loft of very old house .
Wednesday, July 31, 1918 1st day of drill for me.
Thursday, August 1, 1918 Hard Life, Reveille at 5 a.m., Breakfast at 5:30 a.m. Drill Call - 6:20 a.m.,
Recall - 11:45 a.m., Dinner at 12, Drill Call at 12:40 p.m.,
recall - 4:30, Supper -6:00, Retreat -5:00 Taps -9:00. 6 days a week.
First week of August, 1918 Billets in Frettes. Daily all day drills.
Sunday, August 4, 1918 3rd letter to Ethel [7]. Stroll through country in p.m. ( Dunbar [8], DeWolfe [9] & I).
Monday August 5, 1918 Drill. Received 1st letter from Ethel [10] dated 7-12-18. Steel helmet issued.

Second week of
August 1918

Daily Drills
Tuesday, August 6, 1918 Rain, Supply Office.
Thursday, August 8, 1918 4th letter to Ethel [11].
Saturday, August 10, 1918 Worked on grenade course all day. Gas mask, French bags, gloves issued.
Billets in Frettes
Sunday, August 11, 1918 Day off.
Attended religious services in a.m. (Rev. DeWolf, member of Co.- G ),
Stroll through country in afternoon.
Monday August 12, 1918
Friday August 16, 1918
Another week of daily drilling.
Thursday, August 15, 1918 Drill, Co. Amateur Night - Songs, Delate, Stunts, (head), Lassao.
Saturday, August 17, 1918 Built German dummies on drill field. Company went on 6 hour hike.

Billets in Frettes

Sunday, August 18, 1918 6th letter home.
Services in a.m. (DeWolf [9]). Dunbar and I walked to Champlitte in afternoon. 9.1 Kil. away from Fretts.
Good swim in Seine River.
Tuesday, August 20, 1918 Regimental Problem from 7 a.m. till 5:30 p.m. Over the mountainous country.
2 sandwiches for dinner eaten while laying on back.
From Frettes to Argillieres to Frettes.
Helmet very hot.
Hard day thick brush.
Wednesday, August 21, 1918 Drill.
2nd letter from home.
7th letter home.
Allotted $10.00 home. Total now $25.00 .
Thursday, August 22, 1918 Supply office

Billets in Frettes

Late August, 1918

Influenza virus ( 2nd wave) was reported at port cities of Freetown,

Sierra Leone, and Brest, France ( port of entry for 314th).

Friday, August 23, 1918
Saturday, August 24, 1918
Preparing to move. Paid at 10 p.m. (101 f.)

Sunday, August 26, 1918 8th letter to E. (Ethel [11]). Stolz [12], Dunbar [13] , &
I walked to Champlitte in afternoon for good swim in Seine River.
The week of August 26, 1918 Week spent stamping tags, repairing rifles, and odd jobs
Tuesday, August 27, 1918 While Bo was on Reg't problem I stamped id. Tags all day.
Saturday, August 31, 1918 4 hour hike and did odd jobs. Maynard, Gillette [14] & I bought 2 lambs for tomorrows dinner.
Sunday, September 1,1918 Seitzer [15], Sevan, and I walked to Grenant.
Bought 2 doz. Eggs, had omelet,
Met girl who spoke English had piano, songs, victrola, and lived in American style home.
Good time until 6 p.m. Paid at 9:15 p.m. ( 49 f. ).
Monday, September 2, 1918 Labor Day. 3 hour drill in a.m..
Field inspection of equipment in p.m. by Col. Dury.
Battalion parade at 4:30 p.m.. Reviewed by Maj. Caldwell.
Tuesday, September 3, 1918 Regimental problem in vicinity of Frettes from 8 a.m. till 4 p.m.
Box containing 3 pks. Durham, 1 can Tuxedo, and 2 packs Lucky Strike Cigarettes
issued by Tobacco Fund of America, Donor, Miss Francis Jeffreys , Rocky Mount, N.C.
Thursday, September 5, 1918 10th letter home to E [16]. 1st rainy day since leaving Brest.
Mechanical were supposed to build Y.M.C.A. for battalion
but on account of rain they rested and wrote letters.
Saturday, September 7, 1918 Battalion problem from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.. Immediately afterward we were told to pack up for moving.

Last week in Frettes

Sunday, September 8, 1918 Left Frettes at 9 a.m. (Baggage Detail) because of truck passing through
Genevrieres and Pierrefaites and arrived at Laferte R.R. Station at 11:30 a.m.
Left Laferte at 8:20 p.m. and arrived at Musseyat 7:30 a.m.

Train ride of 9/8 – 9/9 was in small boxcars containing 42 men.

Ride was similar to one from Brest

Monday, September 9, 1918 Hiked from Mussey 9:40 a.m. ,to Fains 11:35 a.m., ( Sept.10)
Heavy packs, occasional downpour while hiking. Fains to Bar le Duc is 4 kilo.
Wednesday, September 11, 1918 More rain, and rest. All personal equipment taken from us.
September 11,1918 – First all American force made three day attack at St. Mihiel salient.
Thursday, September 12, 1918 Occasional showers. Rested in a.m.. Prepared to move in p.m.
Friday, September 13, 1918 Packed up.
Left Fains at 8:20 p.m. via. auto-trucks (Jap. Drivers) passing through
Bar le Duc, Verdun sector and arrived at Recicourt at 4 a.m..
Hiked to Camp Brocourt through mud arriving at 7:40 a.m..
This area is west of the town of Verdun
Saturday, September 14, 1918 Rested in a.m.. Dunbar [17], Borden [18], and I walked to Jubecourt in afternoon.
Rats were plentiful in shed we slept in.
Sunday, September 15, 1918 Day of rest.
Still in Camp Brocourt about 5 miles from trenches.
Left Camp Brocourt at 7:26 p.m..
Hiked with full pack to Camp Recicourt about 7 miles distance, arriving at 10:35 p.m..
Monday, September 16, 1918 City of Recicourt and Camp Brocourt were bombed before and after leaving.
quartered in bomb proof “dugouts” at Camp Recicourt.
Tuesday, September 17, 1918 Living in “dugouts” with nothing to do.
Germans again bombed the village of Recicourt last night.
September 17, 1918 Influenza reported at Camp Meade, Maryland.
Wednesday, September 18, 1918 Dunbar and I walked the “Sacred Road” for about a mile.
Saw crude cemetery where French and German troops were buried.
Thursday, September 19, 1918 11th letter to home and E [19].
Another day in camp Recicourt with nothing to do.
Made small finger ring from 1 fr. piece.
Thursday, September 20, 1918 Same “ dugout” Supper from 5:30 p.m.
At 6:00 we were told to “move out” at 7:30 p.m. Left at 7:40.
Hiked along ‘Sacred Road’ for about 4 miles and at 11:50 p.m.
bivouacked under trees until dawn.
Shells flew over us.
Had two false gas alarms.
Brewer [20] (no mask)
Saturday, September 21, 1918 Pitched tents at dawn under trees. Cool, damp day. located in Camp Bretagne.
The woods we quartered in this week was known as the Hesse Forest.
Sunday, September 22, 1918 12th letter sent home to E. More rain. Day of rest and letter writing.
Visited 76 F.A., Brit , Sam, and Harrigan were not in at the time
Monday, September 23, 1918 Borden [21] and I walked along “ Sacred Road” visiting various outfits.
Tuesday, September 24, 1918 Recalled from road and stone detail.
After supper Dunbar and I visited 76 FA but Sam Dairs was not in.
Wednesday, September 25, 1918 Distributed “Over Top” Equip. and am. (ammunition).
118 French tanks motorized down Sacred Road to front. At 8:10 p.m.
While Company departed for trenches Cooks, Brewer [22], Seitzer [23], O Sullivan[24],
Gillettes [25] and I hiked with Regt. train passing through Dombasle
and arriving behind lines in a wood at 11:25 p.m.
Germs. began at 11:15 p.m.
Heavy firing all night.
Left woods at 12:00 p.m..
passed through Avocourt at 7:00 p.m..
Slept in open field outside village.

September 25, 1918

American troops quietly replaced French troops at night along the Verdun front.
The attack began on the morning of the 26th.
Thursday, September 26, 1918 Woods in which I slept were shelled .
Horseshoe firing line from where we slept (about 3 miles from Dombasle)
Very heavy firing all along line. No sleep.
Beginning of big drive in Argonne Forest.
Co. on firing line for 5 days and 6 nights then relieved by 3rd Div..
Fort de Chauma (Verdun) on top of high hill overlooking Verdun.
Germans were shelling city of Verdun at time.
Could see hills through glasses about 10 miles away.
View is never clear, always hazy.
Dugouts where Co. slept were 100ft. deep and about 500yds. long, holding 400 men.
Very damp and dark inside.
2 Naval guns were fired at 30 sec. to 11a.m..
Shots reached Longville at 10sec. to 11. Distance 30 miles.
Guns are 14in..Range 50 miles.
On railroad. Manned by Marines. Shells weight 1400 lbs.
powder charge weights 440 lbs., 26 men to load oven.
Friday, September 27, 1918 Left at 9:00 a.m. Slow travels, roads were blown up.
Passed through Malancourt, 6:00 p.m. Arriving in woods outside of Montfaucon.
Woods shelled at night . French Sg’t- shelled.
Saturday, September 28, 1918 Same woods until 7:05 p.m.
then we moved in pouring rain to woods about 1 mile to rear,
Rained all day and night.
Here I fell in shell hole filled with water above my cuffs.
Very muddy everywhere. Met Toby.
Our drive was in Argonne Sector.
Sunday, September 29, 1918 First shave and wash since last Sunday.
No water to drink, little to eat.
Woods we slept in on 9/27 were shelled again killing 2 codes and Mec. of Hdq. Co.
Germans shelled hospital killing 43 wounded. Camped in open outside of Malancourt.
Monday, September 30, 1918 Again shelled , Buner,Seitzer,West [26],and I buried
Sipler (William), Shimko (John), Zerillo (Donato),Castro (Joseph) in large shell hole.
5 other Co. G. men buried nearby in same hill.
In evening Co. was relieved at front.
Met them at Malancourt.
Monday, September 30, 1918 VERDUN, 1st Drive from Sept. 26 to Oct. 1 – Argonne Woods.
Towns captured were Malancourt, Montfaucon, and Nantillois.

20 Men killed :

Sgt. Lee A. Brooks-Troy,Pa.
Cpl. Geo. J. Druding- Phila., Pa.
Cpl. Chas. L Guthrie, Williamsport , Pa.
Cpl. Harold R. Peters, Troy, Pa.
Cpl. John Shimko, Mt Carmel, Pa.
Cpl. William W. Sipler, Phila. Pa.
Pvt. Saverio Calvaresi, Conshohocken , Pa.
Pvt. Jos. E. Castro, Provindence,R.I.
Pvt. Jefferis Higgins,Chester, Pa.
Pvt. Sampson Dodrill, W.Virginia
Pvt. Harry D. Miller, Pa.
Pvt. Clarence F. Surprise, R.I.
Pvt. Gurney F. Weist, Pa.
Pvt. Donato Zerillo, Pa.
Pvt. Paul Zinder, Pa.
Pvt. Demetrus Dionne, R.I.
Pvt. Anthony J. Mitsko
Pvt. Frank E. Pickering,
Pvt. Chester E. Riley

38 men wounded and missing.

Tuesday, October 1, 1918 Walked muddy street all night as Germans were shelling us.
Left at 9:05 a.m. hiked all day, feet are sore, very tired, lost train.
Slept in dugout along road.
Met Co. in woods where we were located before we going to front at 8:15 a.m. 9/20
Wednesday, October 2, 1918 Met Co. at 8:15 a.m. Went to salvage camp for pack.
Pitched tents in woods near camp Bretagne.
Thursday, October 3, 1918 Left woods at 8:50 a.m. with full packs. Still in supply train.
Passed through Dombasle, Ancemont and several other villages and
arrived in woods about 16 miles away at 5;05 a.m.
No sleep all might.
Friday, October 4, 1918 Left Camp Toubibs at 9:40 a.m. passing through Senoncourt, Souilly and
pitched tents at Recourt at 11:50 p.m.. Sore feet and hungry.
Saturday, October 5, 1918 Continuing our hike we left Recourt at 8:00 a.m.
Passed through Fresnes, Benoite-vaux,Courouvre, and Lahaymeix, arriving at 7:35 p.m. at Rupt.
Still sore and hungry having a loaf of bread, corned beef and a can of hams to eat in 3 days.
Sunday, October 6, 1918 13thLetter to home and E.
Spent the day cleaning myself.
Took bath, 1st since 9/7.
Housed in old shanty in Fresnes.
Service in Catholic Church in afternoon by chaplain.
Everybody in Co. has diarrhea and feeling ill.
Monday, October 7, 1918 Revelre at 6:00a.m. Two meals daily. Very little to eat.
Wrote letters while company drilled 4 hours.
Diarrhea. Showers.
Tuesday, October 8, 1918 Heavy showers all day. Rested in billet. 3 meals today. Diarrhea.
Wednesday, October 9, 1918 Still in billet in Rupt. Diahrea easing in evening. Weather cloudy.
Thursday, October 10, 1918 2 meals today. Left Rupt passed through Fresnes at 11:55 p.m.
Traveled with train again, while Co. hiked with full packs.
Friday October 11, 1918 Arrived at woods outside Bannoncourt at 5:45 a.m.
Pitched tents, rested during day. Cloudy.

October 11, 1918

American transport Otranto torpedoed; 500 lost.
Saturday, October 12, 1918 In tents on damp ground with 1 blanket. Nights very cool. i
Left woods at 5:05 p.m.with train passing through
Bannoncourt, Woimbey, and Bouquemont, arriving at Tilly at 8:25 p.m..
Showers all day.

Many peace rumors during this week.

Sunday, October 13, 1918 In old house in Tilly (20.6 km from Verdun)
The occupants had fled when the Huns [35] shelled the town, visited the house in the p.m.
Day of rest. Went to bed at 7:30 p.m. Rainy.
Monday, October 14, 1918 Resting in billet in Tilly.
Still raining.
Issued winter underwear and socks.
Bed at 8:45 p.m. Reveille at 6:00 a.m..

October 14, 1918

President Wilson demands surrender by Germany.
Tuesday, October 15, 1918 Getting a good rest. Damp and cloudy weather. 2nd blanket issued.
Wednesday, October 16, 1918 15th letter home and E.
Battalion talent and 314th band constituted an afternoon of entertainment..
More showers.
Thursday, October 17, 1918 Another issue of woolen underwear and socks. Still raining.
Home made pancakes on old circular saw.
Friday, October 18, 1918 Saw sun for 1st time in about two weeks.
Sent Christmas package coupon home. (9”x5”x 4” not over 3 lb. in weight)
3rd blanket issued.
Saturday, October 19, 1918


Sunday, October 20, 1918 17th letter home to E [27]. Rain. Wrote two letters home today.
After supper attended service by Chaplain in large old house. About 50 present.
Used 2 candles to light whole building, so imagine how dark it was during services.
Monday, October 21, 1918 At 7 p.m. Co. was ordered to pack up at once. Moved out by 8:50 p.m..
I remained in Tilly with the combat wagon overnight.
German planes flew very low over Troyon and vicinity all night.
Expected bombardment. Heavy bombing in nearby town.
Tuesday, October 22, 1918 In Tilly with combat wagon. Co. returned by 6:55 p.m.
Expected a Hun [35] attack so 79th was called to front.
Enemy aviators again flew over town at night.
Received a box of candy from Mrs. Gormley.
Wednesday, October 23, 1918 Clear warm day. Battalion entertainment in afternoon in town square.
YMCA gave sketch at night in barn.
Talent consisted of 3 men from 316th and Miss Wilmer from Chicago (presentation).
During Y.M.C.A. entertainment on 23rd, German plane flew overhead.
Heavy anti-aircraft firing and enemy bombing nearby.

Wednesday October 23, 1918

President Wilson refuses German peace plea.
Thursday, October 24, 1918 Packed up for moving. Left Tilly at 5:26 p.m.
Passing through Villers-sur-Meuse, Genicourt-sur-Meuse, Diene-sur-Meuse, and Sommedieue.
Arrived in valley outside of Sommedieue at 11:55 p.m.
Slept with baggage, on stretcher in open.

This area is south of the town of Verdun

Friday , October 25, 1918 Strolled through mountainous vicinity in a.m..
Went to Sommedieue in afternoon for 14 new recruits from replacement camp.
Quartered in wooden building in woods. To bed by 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 26, 1918 In woods near Sommedieue. Day of rest. Wrote two letters.
Cold damp Day – cloudy. Retired at 8:10 p.m.
Paid in afternoon (47 Fr.).
Sunday, October 27, 1918 Beautiful sunny autumn day. Services in afternoon by Battalion Chaplain.
Communion (dipped wafer in wine) in thick pine woods.
Moved out at 9:25 p.m.
With train passing through Sommedieue, Dieue, Ancemout, Dugny, Landrecourt,
and arrived at Lempire at 4:05 a.m.
Monday, October 28, 1918 In billet at Lempire.
Moved out at 5:30 p.m. and arrived at woods between Fromereville and Germonville at 12:55 a.m.
Slept in hugh dugout. Hdq. Det. Slept in shed.
In afternoon visited Font-de-Charney, saw Verdun in valley below.

This area is west of the town of Verdun

Tuesday, October 29, 1918 Left woods at at 5:00 p.m. passing through Fromerville, Marre, Chattancourt, Forges, Bethincourt.
Slept on road in shell torn woods taken from Germans (by Americans) about Oct.5th.
Arrived in woods at 4:05 a.m.. French heavy artillery in rear fired all night.

This area is north of the town of Verdun

Wednesday, October 30, 1918 In same woods. Retired at 5:45 p.m..
French heavy artillery fired continually from midnight until 6:a.m..
Heavy frost.
Thursday, October 31, 1918 Left woods at 6:55 p.m. Passing through Forges, Cumieres, Marre, Chamy, Bras, and Vacherauville.
Arrived at “Death Valley” at 4:00 a.m.
Our heavy barrage was responded to by Huns [35].
Friday, November 1, 1918 Along road in dugouts in “Death Valley” Co. in trenches.
One cooked meal to Co. taken by Brewer and Gillette. “Death Valley” is between Bras and Samogneux.

This is our second encounter with the Boche [28] and is in the Verdun Sector.

Saturday, November 2, 1918 Same place. Sleeping in trench. German shrapnel dropping nearby quite frequently.
Sunday, November 3, 1918 19th letter home.
One year ago today I was inducted into military service.
Between 7:03 and 7:20 p.m. "Fritage" [29] dropped about 100 bombs and
about 250 gas and shrapnel shells about 2 squares away - still sleeping in open trench.
Monday, November 4, 1918 316th went “over the top”.
During the day the Hun [30] dropped 11 G.I. cans (14”shells) about 2 squares away
82 German prisoners went by.
Tuesday, November 5, 1918 Heavy shelling at night. Our trench was great shelter.
German aviator shot down our observation balloon near us
and made a great get-away by flying low through a valley.
Wednesday, November 6, 1918 A few shells were fired at us. Nothing new.
Thursday, November 7, 1918 Walked through Samogneux and about 2 miles up “Death Valley” for 80 Jerkins [31] which were sent to Co..
Returned with only 60, the other 20 being lost by detail.
Germans shelled us again at night for half an hour.
Friday, November 8, 1918 Co. went “over the top” at 4:20 a.m.
All artillery inactive all day.
German armistice delegates came over battle line at Haudroy to visit Marshal Foch and talk peace.
More rain and lots of mud.
Our trench (sleeping quarters) caved in at 2 a.m..
Saturday, November 9, 1918 Kitchen moved 2 miles up “Death Valley”.
I stayed behind with blanket rolls.
Slept in dugout along Road.
11/09- This drive was in the Neuse Valley Sector of the Verdun front.
Sunday, November 10, 1918 Put blanket rolls on truck and went along with them to Verdun, passing
through Vacherauville, Bras, Chamy, Thierville,and Jardin-Fontaine.
Arrived in Verdun at 5:30 p.m. Slept in Citadel.
At 9:40 p.m. I heard the Armistice with Germany had been signed.
Fourteen men killed:
Sgt. J. Delbert, Hipple, Pa.
Sgt. Brewster A. Dibble, Pa.
Cpl. Dawd W. Crawford
Cpt. Chas. G. Devoe, Pa.
Bugler, Geo. M. Robinson, Pa.
Pvt. William J. Priddy
Pvt. Alphonse Yelle, R.I.
Pvt. Orbie F Ore
Pvt. Chas. N. Mc Gee, R.I.
Pvt. Fred’k N. Mc Laughlin, R.I.
Pvt. Michael J. O’Connell, R.I.
Pvt. Christos H. Stavris, R.I.
Pvt. Austin F. O’Hare, R.I.
Pvt. John McKenna, Pa.

50 to 70 men missing and wounded during this drive.

Monday, November 11, 1918 Armistice went into effect on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.
It was our 11th day in the trenches.
Verdun, 2nd drive from Nov. 1 to Nov. 11- Verdun Sector, Valley of the Meuse.
The following towns were taken- Bois Bellieum, Bois Des Chenes,
Hill328, Hill 319, Cote Romsuge, Crepion, Chaumont, Gibercy, Wauille,and Moirey.
Visited Cathedral in Verdun in am..
Left Thierville at 9 a.m. passed through Thierville, Jardin-Fontaine, Charne, Bras,
Samogneux, Wavrille, Crepion, Damvillers, then back through
Crepion Wavrille to combat and escort wagons in “Death Valley”.
Naval guns (14in.) at Thiersville at 11a.m.
Tuesday, November 12, 1918 Sight-seeing over battlefield in a.m..
Hiked back to kitchen passing through “Death Valley” , Wavrille , Crepion.
Arriving in Chaumont- Devant- Damvillers at 6:05 p.m.
Co. still at front 1/2 mile away.
This area is north of the town of Verdun
American troops cross the former German frontier and enter Alsace - Lorraine.
Wednesday, November 13, 1918 Train moved out of Chaumont, near Wavrille at 3:00 p.m..
Met Co. outside Damvillers at 5:20 p.m.
Sleeping in “pup” tent in open field.
About 200 Italian prisoners from Germany and Austria were fed by 2nd Battalion kitchens.
Thursday, November 14, 1918 Same vicinity.
Late afternoon, I walked over battlefield and to outposts about 2 miles away.
No Germans on other side of line.
Sleeping in German billet.
Friday, November 15, 1918 Day of rest. Nothing new. Co. drilling 4 hours per day.
Friday, November 15, 1918 American Distinguished Service Metal conferred on General Pershing
at his field headquarters in France by General Tasker Bliss.
Saturday, November 16, 1918 Everybody happy.
250,000 American troops advance nine miles into territory evacuated by Germans.
Sunday, November 17, 1918 Still resting. Nothing new. Church and communion in evening in German barrack.
3rd Platoon had poker Game before and after services.
Great scene in room.

November 18, 1918

American troops reach German border.
Monday, November 18, 1918 Left billets at 8:10 a.m. with train.
Passed through Wavrille, Chaumont and Ville.
Again in German dugouts along front.
Co. doing outpost duty.
The 6th relieved 26th and we relieved the 6th.
Germans changed name of Ville to Fap der Gutung Hoffnung.
Tuesday, November 19, 1918 20th letter home.
Brewer [32], Delay, Richie [33], and I strolled over the battlefield held by Germans just 10 days ago.
Wednesday, November 20, 1918 Nothing new, Co. still on outpost duty.
French and English prisoners are still coming through.
Friday, November 22, 1918 Nothing new. Outpost duty ceased.
Saturday, November 23, 1918 21st letter home and E [34]..
Still in German dugouts. Co. drilled 1 hr. on road.
Have had no rain since hostilities ceased.
Monday, November 25, 1918 Breakfast at 2:30 p.m.. Co. went on 4 hour hike before breakfast.
First rainy day since hostilities ceased.
Tuesday, November 26, 1918 Rained again – Mud galore.
Wednesday, November 27, 1918 Left German dugouts with train at 9:15a.m.
passing through Ville, Chaumont, Gibercy arriving at Mureau -Ferme (German camp)
At 12:06 p.m. . Excellent Place.

This area is north of the town of Verdun

Thursday, November 28, 1918
Thanksgiving Day
Wrote letter # 22 to home and E. Rain.
Band concert in afternoon in German theatre in camp.

This German camp was called “Kuhne Lager”. Kuhne Lager is on Mormont Hill.

Saturday, November 30, 1918 Nothing new- Battalion “armistice” in German Theatre in afternoon.
Field inspection.
Sunday, December 1, 1918 Spent day writing of my itinerary “Over Here”. Rain.
Monday, December 2, 1918 Very busy checking Co. for lost equip..
Found first cooties and black fleas on my person. Co.drilling 4 hours a day .Rain.
Tuesday, December 3, 1918 23rd letter home and E.
More cooties. Threw underwear out door at midnight. Rain.

December 4, 1918

President Wilson sails from New York Harbor to Europe
aboard the George Washington, escorted by War Ships.
Wednesday, December 4, 1918 Co. on 4 hr hike. Took bath in bucket. Rain.
Friday, December 6, 1918 316th trio and Ken Clark at theatre in Camp Kuhne. Mud and Rain.
December first to the twenty fourth – Cloudy and Rain
Sunday, December 22, 1918 Services in a.m. In Theatre. Muddy & cloudy. Occasional rain.
Received Christmas box from mother.
Wednesday, December 25, 1918 Clear, warm day. Band played Christmas music from midnight to 1 a.m..
Played again from 6:30 to 7:00 a.m. 1st call at 7 a.m.
Church service from 10 to 11 a. m.
Issue of chocolate, cigarettes, tobacco, cakes, candy, and cigars by YMCA. At 11:30 a.m..
Dinner at 2 p.m.
singing, speaking, and jokes in mess hall until 4 p.m.
Prepared for furlough to Aix-les Bains in evening.
Thursday, December 26, 1918 First call at 4:45 a.m.
Co. left Mormont Hill for Souilly area . 3 day hike.
Men on pass boarded trucks at 11:00 a.m. passing through Reville, Etraye, etc. to Verdun.
Missed special train.
Attended YMCA show in Verdun Theatre in evening.
Slept in Caserne Neil at Jardin Fontaine
December 27 and 28, 1918 Breakfast at 8:00 a.m. in Caserne Neil.
At 2:15 p.m. Boarded narrow gage R.R.at Verdun for Bar-le-Duc.
Arrived at 8:25 p.m..
Walked about the town until midnight.
At 4:45 a.m. boarded Strassburg - Paris Express (6fr.)
passing Vitry, Chalons, Athis Epernay, Dormans, Varennes,ChateauThierry, Meaux, Gagny, Bondy.
Arrived in Paris at 1:30 p.m.
Stopped at “Y” in Hotel Pavillion.
Walked along Boulevard Bonne Nouvelle.
Left Gare de Lyon at 9:05 p.m. for Lyon.
French men, subways, hookers, cafe´ on streets, fast life, etc.
Sunday, December 29, 1918 Passed Moneteau, Dijon (2:50a.m.) Chalon (5:00 a.m.) Macon and arrived at Lyon at 8:20 a.m..
Had pack checked at Y.
Seitzer and I went sight seeing all day.
Left Lyon at 4:30 p.m.
Passing through Amberieu, Culoz, arriving at Aix-les-Bains at 11:35 p.m..

Southern France - Lake Bourget

Monday, December 30, 1918 Registered at Hotel Allion.
Saw “Old Lil” in morning.
Took sulfur bath in afternoon, YMCA Vaudeville in evening.
Tuesday, December 31, 1918 Trip to Mount Revard in a.m..
Walked down mountainside in snow in the afternoon.
Wednesday, January 1, 1919 Trip to gorge
Thursday, January 2, 1919 Train to Albens then hiked to mount Chambotte and back to Aix-le-Bains via. Lake Bourget.
Trip conducted by Miss Fredricks of Conis.
Friday, January 3, 1919 Bath and massage in morning.
Bicycle ride through Aix- les- Bains and country in afternoon.
Saturday, January 4, 1919 Wrote letters and postals in a.m.
Vaudeville and movies in afternoon.
Lecture and dance in evening.
Every night this week was spent at the YMCA.
Attending some form of entertainment.
January 4, 1919
January 18, 1919
Diary entries from January 4th to 18th, 1919
noted train travel, letter writing, Vaudeville, and weather.
Sunday, January 19, 1919 All our wounded and sick men who were evacuated to the hospital are returning to the Company.

- The End of Diary Entries -

I shared with my father an experience I had with an infestation in a Colorado Army Hospital.
He then told me of his experience with an infestation in the dug outs in France.
George E. Hentschel Jr.

When we boys didn’t like the Sunday dinner offered at Grandma’s,
Grand dad would tell us of a time in France when he had nothing to eat,
found a loaf of bread covered with mud, cut the mud off and ate the bread.
Bruce Hentschel

Diary reprinted:George E. Hentschel Jr. (Son)
and researched by:   Bruce E. Hentschel (Grand Son)
Andrew Robinson (Great Grand Son)
Web page conversion: Tony Patti, Grandson of Antonio Patti, Company K.

Addresses noted in Diary:

George E. Hentschel - GEH, American Expeditionary Forces, A.P.O.771, France
6000 Reinhart St. Phila., Pa. USA

Sgt. Bill Knieszner - Co.C. 317th Field Signal Battalion, A.E.F.

Pvt. Walter S. Cahall - Sec. 530 US Ambulance Service, with the Italian Army

Pvt. Robert Rosen - Co. G.- 34 US. Inf. , 7th Div. , American Expeditionary Forces.

30th Proirsional Company, Recruit Camp, 7th Divison, Camp Mc Arthur,

Waco, Texas. . 6033 Reinhart St. phila.

Samuel J. Reutter - 3109 N. 25th St. , Phila., Pa.

Mrs. E. Gormley - 1749 N. Marshall St. , Philadelphia., Penna.

Sophie Stumpf (Mary) - Red Cross Nurse, Base Hospital #51, Foul, France.

Mrs. Agnes T. Higgins - 3618 S. 15th Street (winter) .

Media - nearest station, Williamson School (summer).

Mr. Seiger - 2nd Motor Mechanics, 5th Company.

Harry Dellow - 312 Field Artillery, Battery B., Camp Meade, Md. (3rd French Motor Battery AEF)

Sgt. Augest Brueninger - 315th Inf., Co. H.Camp Meade, Md. c/o HQ.g.t., APO. 717 ,

446 Det. Eng., A.E.F.

Mr. L. Breidenbach - 2729 Summerset St. , Phila. Pa.

Mr & Mrs. Frank Martin - 838 E. Locust Ave. , Phila. Pa.

Mr. F. Brutsch - 699 E. 11th St. Phila. , 17 N. Texas Ave., Phila. Pa.

Pvt. Cliffort Fuhrmann - 311th Inf., Co. H. Camp Dix, NJ., Hdq's Co. A.E.F.

Sgt. Max Schrepfer - 109 U.S. Inf., Camp Hancock, Augusta , Ga.

Cpl. Morgan Blithe - 110th Inf. W.S.N.G. , Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga.

Samuel E. Dairs - 76th Field Artillery, Battery F., Camp Shelby, Mississippi.

Chas R. Shilling - 39th U.S. Inf., Co. D. Camp Green, Charlotte, N.C.

Mike Torpey - 311 Field Artillery , Hedq. Co. , Camp Meade, Md.

Emil Faby - 1450 N. Marshall St. Phila.

Mrs. Peters - 1939 Marshall St. , Phila.

Mrs Elizabeth Fagley - 1124 Dauphin St., Phila.

William Pedrich - 2015 S. 65th St. , Phila.

Mr. Carroll - 6013 Upland St., Phila.

Frank Martin - 838 E. Locust Ave., Phila.

Mrs. Hanan - 6017 Upland St. ,Phila.

Emma E. Decker - 2309 E. Preston St. , Baltimore, Md.

Wm. Bauer - 5663 Wister St. , Phila.

Walter Carter - N. E. cor. 26th & Huntingdon St. , Phila.

Mr. & Mrs. Frank K. Mc Devitt - 2005 S. 60th St. , Phila.

Herman Mueller - 2043 S. 60th St. , Phila.

White's - 2021 S. 60th St. , Phila.

August Schutz - 487 Fordham Rd., New York City

Cliffort Fuhrmann - 113 Pearl St. , Trenton, N.J.

Ellis Kenyon - 232 Meachen Ave. , Battle Creek , Mich.

Adolph Hentschel - 233 Stevens Ave. Ridgewood, N.J.

Box 75, Kintnersville, Pa., Bucks, Co.

Emma & Willma Knieszner - 9 Hoyt St., Danbury, Conn.

Mary Kriger - 312 Commonwealth Ave., Trenton, N.J.

Sgt. Ellis Kenyon - Q.M. Sub-Depot, Bldg. 772 Transportation Dept., Camp Custer, Michigan.

Corp. Thomas Dunbar - Camp Detachment APO. 722

Etta & Minnie Shugar - 2055 N. 8th St. Phila.

Gerrald Berdel - 884 N. Raudolph St., Phila.

Mrs. Katharine Peters - State Institution, Norristown, Pa.

Frank Y. Taltavell - 1536 Columbia Ave. , Phila.

Edward Fabry - 3949 Kensington Ave. , Phila.

Albert A. Heyer - 2026 Dickinson St. ,Phila.

Stanly J. Wenlock - 1505 N. 13th St., Phila.

Geo. Earl Eyser - 2519 N. 34th St., Phila.

Dr. W.A. Weaver - 1421 Girard Ave., Phila.

Emil Bresel - 2209 Oakdale St., Phila.

Miss Freda Spielman - 2006 Memphis St. - Phila.

Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Hentschel - 2522 S. 62th St., Phila.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nolan - 6125 Jefferson St. , Phila.

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert B. Laudenslager - 3036 N. Bambrey St. , Phila.

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Krause - 1523 Dickinson St. , Phila. , 4414 Fordham, Evansville, Ind.

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lodwig - 487 Fordham Rd. , New York City

Mr & Mrs. Emil Schutz - Interhaven Ave. , Plainfield, N.J.

Mrs. Emma A. Hentschel - 6000 Reinhart St. , Phila.

Miss. Ethel Peters - 4018 York Road , Phila.

Rev. J.W. Heintz - 6334 Elmwood Ave. , Phila.

Rev. John W. Richards - 1940 N. 6th St., Phila.

J. Geo. Peters - 3101 Taylor St. , Phila.

Syl. A. Leith , President / W.A. Carlile, Treasurer - Columbia Ave. Trust Co. Phila.

Dr. A. Rusling Rainear - 2024 Diamond St., Phila.


[1] Frederick A. Muhlenberg - Co. - SF

[2] Robert H. Brigham- Co. - G

[3] Druid Hill Park to Camp Meade - 23 miles

[4] Sgt. Augest Brueninger - 446 Det. Eng., A.E.F.

[5] Ethel Peters, future wife

[6] Willow Grove Amusement Park, Willow Grove, Pa. 19090, USA.

[7] Ethel Peters, future wife

[8] Thomas Dunbar – Co. G.

[9] Ralph De Wolf W.E. - Co. G.

[10] Ethel Peters, future wife

[11] Ethel Peters, future wife

[12] George S. Stolz - Co. G.

[13] Thomas Dunbar - Co. G.

[14] Isham A. Gillette - Co. G

[15] Bruce H. Seitzer - Co. G

[16] Ethel Peters, future wife

[17] Thomas Dunbar - Co. G.

[18] Henry C. Borden - Co. G.

[19] Ethel Peters, future wife

[20] Wilfred G. Brewer - Co. G

[21] Henry C. Borden - Co. G.

[22] Wilfred G. Brewer - Co. G

[23] Bruce H. Seitzer - Co. G.

[24] Daniel A. O'Sullivan - Co. G.

[25] Isham A. Gillette - Co. G.

[26] Harry W. West - Co. G.

[27] Ethel Peters, future wife

[28] German forces.

[29] German forces

[30] German forces

[31] a sleeveless coat or jacket worn by men or women

[32] Wilfred G Brewer - Co. G

[33] Harry Richie - Co. G

[34] Ethel Peters, future wife

[35] Huns = German Troops

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