Initial Attack of Meuse-Argonne Operation FIELD ORDERS No. 20 / FIELD ORDER No. 20 / FIELD ORDERS Number 20 / FIELD ORDER Number 20 FIRST ARMY, A. E. F., Ligny-en-Barrois, September 20, 1918---3 p. m MAP: Special Map No. 12 G-3. Verdun-Mezieres 1/80,000 Metz---Chalons---Mezieres 1/200,000. Metz and Commercy 1/80,000 [Extract) 1. (a) The enemy holds the front from Clemery (east of the Moselle to the Aisne) as follows: exclusive: (1) Clemery to the Meuse inclusive. Thirteen divisions in line. Eleven divisions (estimated) in reserve in vicinity of Metz. Of the foregoing divisions four are being reconstituted. (2) The Meuse exclusive to the Aisne inclusive. Five divisions in line. (3) The morale of all these divisions is below normal. (b) The Allied Armies attack on the front the Meuse exclusive to the Suippe (1) Direction: Toward Mezieres. (2) Mission: To force the enemy from the line of the Aisne. (3) Objectives: First, Dun-sur-Meuse---Grandpre---Challerange---Sommepy. Second, Stenay---Le Chesne---Attigny---Rethel. (c) The French Fourth Army attacks on the front La Harazee exclusive to the Suippe exclusive and assists our army in the reduction of the Argonne Forest by the capture of Binarville, Lacon and Grand-Ham. The French XXXVIII Corps will attack on the right of the French Fourth Army. 2. The First Army, A. E. F., will attack on D day at H hour on its front west of the Meuse and will hold on its front east of the Meuse to Clemery exclusive. (a) Front of Attack: The Meuse exclusive---La Harazee inclusive. (b) Zone of Attack: Right boundary---the Meuse exclusive. Left boundary---La Harazee inclusive---Binarville exclusive---Lancon exclusive---Grand-Ham exclusive--Grandpre inclusive---Boult-aux-Bois inclusive---Chatillon-sur-Bar inclusive (green and red line). - 82 - (c) Direction: Buzancy-Stonne. Troops: (a) IV Corps. (b) French II Colonial Corps. (c) French XVII Corps. (d) III Corps. Division A---the 80th Division. Division B---the 33d Division. Division C---the 4th Division. Division D---the 3d Division. (e) V Corps. Division E---the 79th Division. Division F---the 37th Division. Division G---the 91st Division. Division H---the 32d Division. (0 I Corps. Division I---the 35th Division. Division J ---the 28th Division. Division K---the 77th Division. Division L---the 92d Division. (g) Army Reserve. Division M---the 1st Division. (III Corps) Division N---the 82d Division. (I Corps) Division O---the 29th Division. (V Corps) 3. (A) The IV Corps: (1) The IV Corps will hold the front Clemery exclusive to Le Chaufour-BOis exclusive. (2) The IV Corps will make a demonstration along its front by joining in the artillery bombardment and also by making deep raids at H hour. (B) The French II Colonial Corps: (1) The II Colonial Corps will hold the front Le Chaufour-Bois inclusive. to Mesnil exclusive. (2) The II Colonial Corps will make a demonstration along its front by joining in the artillery bombardment and also by making deep raids at H hour. (C) The French XVII Corps. (1) The French XVII Corps will hold the front Mesnll (inclusive) to the Meuse inclusive). It will hold itself in readiness to attack. (2) The French XVII Corps will make a demonstration along its front by joining in the artillery bombardment and also by making deep raids at H hour. (3) It will assist in neutralizing hostile artillery and observation from the heights east of the Meuse. (4) Constant observation of enemy's rear areas will be maintained. Liaison will be maintained with the American 1st and 29th Divisions. (D) The III Corps: (1) The III Corps will attack the front from the Meuse exclusive to Malancourt exclusive. as indicated on map. (2) Zone of Action: Right boundary---the Meuse exclusive. Left boundary---Malancourt exclusive---Cuisy inclusive---Septsarges inclusive--- Nantillois exclusive---Cunel exclusive---Hill 299. 2 km. northeast of CuneI inclusive (double red line). - 83 -(3) Mission: (a) By promptly penetrating the hostile second position it will turn Montfaucon and the section of the hostile second position within the zone of action of the V Corps, thereby assisting the capture of the hostile second position west of Montfaucon. (b) With its corps and divisional artillery it will assist in neutralizing hostile observation and hostile fire from the heights east of the Meuse. (c) Upon arrival of the V Corps at the corps objective (dashed brown line) it will advance in conjunction with the IV Corps to the American Army objective (full brown line). (d) It will protect the right Dank of the advance and organize the line of the Meuse for defense. (e) When ordered by the army commander it will continue the advance from the Combined Army First Objective (full brown line) to the north, in the zone between Meuse exclusive, and the line 1 km. west of Aincreville --Villers-devant-Dun inclusive--- 1 km. west of Montigny-devant-Sassey. (El The V Corps: (1) The V Corps will attack the front Malancourt inclusive to Vauquois exclusive as indicated on the map. (2) Zone of Action: Right boundary---Malancourt inclusive---Cuisy exc!usive---Septsarges exclusive--- Nantillois inclusive---Cunel inclusive---Hill 299,2 km. northeast of CuneI exclusive (double red line). Left boundary---Vauquois exclusive---Very exclusive---Eclisfontaine inclusive--- Sommerance exclusive---Imecourt exclusive (double red line). (3) Mission: (a) With its corps and divisional artillery it will assist in the neutralization of hostile observation from Montfaucon. (b) It will reduce the Bois de MontJaucon and the Bois de Cheppy by outflanking them from the east and the west, thereby cutting off hostile fire and hostile observation from these woods against the II! and I Corps. (c) Upon arrival of the III and I Corps at the corps objective (dashed brown line) it will continue the advance to the American Army objective (full brown line) and penetrate the hostile third position without waiting for the advance of the III and I Corps. (d) With its tanks it will, if necessary, assist the III Corps in U1e capture of the hostile intermediate position, hostile second pOSition and hostile third pOSition. (e) Upon orders of the army commander it will continue the advance to the Combined Army First Phase Line (dashed red line) capturing the heights of the Bois de Romagne and the Bois de Gesnes. (0 When ordered by the army commander it will continue the advance to the north between the eastern line 1 kilometer west of Aincreville---Villers-devant-Dun exclusive. 1 kilometer west of Montigny-devant-Sassey. and the western line Imecourt exclusive--- Sivry-les-Buzancy exclusive---l kilometer east of Buzancy---l kilometer west of Sommauthe. (F) The I Corps: (1) The I Corps will attack on the front Vauquois inclusive to La Harazee inclusive, as indicated on the map. (2) Zone of Action: Right boundary---Vauquois inclusive---Very inclusive---Eclisfontaine exclusive--- Sommerance inc!usive---Imecourt inclusive (double red line). Left boundary---La Harazee inclusive---Binarville exclusive---Lancon exclusive--- Grand-Ham exclusive---Grandpre inclUSive (red and green line). - 84 - (3) Mission: (a) It will reduce the Foret d'Argonne by flanking it from the east. (b) It will assist in cutting off hostile artillery fire and observation from the eastern edge of the Foret d'Argonne. (c) Upon arrival at the corps objective (dashed brown line) it will advance to the American Army objective (full brown line) in conjunction with the V Corps. (d) Upon orders from the army commander it will advance to the Combined Army First Phase Line (dashed red line) and assist the V Corps in the capture of the Bois de Moncy and Le Petit-Bois. (e) It will clean up the Foret d'Argonne. tn When ordered by the army commander it will continue the advance to the north in the zone Imecourt inclusive---Sivry-les-Buzancy inclusive---l kilometer east of Buzancy---l kilometer west of Sommauthe, and the western line Grandpre inclusive ---Boult-aux-Bois inclusive---Chatillon-sur-Bar inclusive---Les Petites-Armoises inclusive. (g) It will maintain contact with the French XXXVIII Corps on its left. (h) Special measures will be taken to insure contact between the 35th Division and the 28th Division on the line of the Aire River. (G) Army Reserve: DiviSions of the army reserve (less 29th Div.) will be concentrated and will be held in readiness to move at points indicated below by 12 noon of D day. The 29th Division will be concentrated at the point indicated by 7 a. m. of D plus 1 day. These divisions will reconnoiter roads to the front and also crossings of the Meuse River as indicated. They will be prepared to assist in the attack or to assist in meeting counterattack east of the Meuse when ordered by the army commander. (1) Division M (lst Division) in the vicinity of Blercourt. This division will reconnoiter roads leading to and crossings between Dieue-sur-Meuse and Marre and roads to Forges and Malancourt. Liaison with French XVII Corps and American III Corps. Division to be held in readiness to entruck. (2) Division N (82d Division) in the vicinity of Clermont-en-Argonne. This division will reconnoiter roads to Varennes. Ste-Menehould and La Harazee. Liaison with American I Corps. (3) Division 0 (29th Division) in the vicinity of Osches. This division will reconnoiter roads leading to and crOSSings of the Meuse between Bannoncourt and Verdun and roads to Malancourt and Varennes. Liaison with French XVII Corps and American V Corps. (H) Artillery: (1) For plan of employment of artillery. see Annex No. l. (2) Artillery preparation will start at the hour deSignated by the army commander. (3) Hostile artillery fire and observation will be neutralized espeCIally at the following points: (a) Heights east of the Meuse. (b) Montfaucon. (c) Eastern edge of the Foret d'Argonne. (4) The chief of army artillery will deSignate certain units of amlY artillery to accompany the advance. Routes over which they will move will be deSignated and regulated by the corps commanders. (5) Corps commanders will insure that corps and divisional artillery move forward with the advance. (6) Gas: (a) Non-persistent gases will be used in the Foret d'Argonne---Bois de Montfaucon---Bois de Chehemin and the Bois de Septsarges (N. E. of Montfaucon). - 86 - (b) Persistent gases will be used on the heights east of the Meuse. (c) Gas bombardment will cease as follows: At H minus 4 hours: (1) Foret d'Argonne south of hostile second position. (2) Bois de Montfaucon. (3) Bois de Chehemin. (4) BOis de Septsarges (N. E. of Montfaucon). At H hour: (1) Foret d'Argonne south of Bois de Chatel (inclusive). (I) Antiaircraft Defense: (1) For plan of employment, see Annex No.2 (2) Mobile sections of antiaircraft artillery will have right of way over roads while moving to attack hostile aeroplanes. (3) It will promptly inform the Air Service of hostile aerial activity. (J) Tanks: (1) For plan of employment. see Annex No.3. (K) Air Service: (1) For plan of employment, see Annex No.4. (2) It will attack and defeat the hostile Air Service while screening our army front from hostile observation and attack. (3) The army dropping ground for messages from aeroplanes will be at the Souilly aerodrome. Four command planes will be held ready to execute any missions given at the army landing field at Sou illy. (4) The Chief of Army Air Service will designate certain army balloon companies to accompany the advance. Corps commanders will designate and regulate roads for these movements. (L) Special Gas Troops: For plan of employment, see Annex No. 10. (X) General Instruction for the Attack: (1) The rolling barrage on the line between the III Corps and the V Corps will be regulated on the basis of 100 meters in four minules until the hostile second position is penetrated. The rolling barrage on the line between the V Corps and the I Corps will be regulated on the basis of 100 meters in four minutes until the hostile intermediate position is penetrated. The rolling barrage on the line belween the I Corps and the right of the French Army will be regulated by mutual agreement between the corps commanders. Other than on the above lines the rolling barrage will be regulated by corps commanders. (2) Each corps will advance to the corps objective (dashed brown line) without waiting for the corps on its right or left. The advance to the American Army objective will be based on the V Corps and will be regulated by corps commanders. (3) Each corps will advance from the American Am1y objective (full brov.. r n line) to the Combined Army First ?hase Line (dashed red line) upon orders from [he arm} commander. (4) Each corps will advance from the Combined Army First Phase Line (dashed red line) to the Combined Army First Objective (full red line) upon orders from the army commander. Corps upon reaching this objective will organize it for defense. (5) The advance will be pushed with great vigor. The American Arn1Y objective (full brown line) will be reached during the afternoon of D day. The penetration thus made in the hostile third position will be exploited during the night of DID plus 1. (6) When the Combined Am1y First Objective (full red line) is reached the corps within their zones will exploit toward the line Dun-sur-Meuse---Buzancy---Grandpre. (7) In woods, front lines will be indicated to contact aeroplanes by flares or Very pistols fired toward the ground. (8) Deployment will be made with suITicient depth to insure several fresh impulses during the advance and the holdings of the various objectives. At all prolonged - 87 - halts. especially at objectives, strong covering forces will be pushed well to the front and flanks. (Y) General Instruction for Corps East of the Meuse: (1) Corps east of the Meuse will hold the general line: Xon---Bois de Presle---Jaulny---St-Benoit---Hattonchatel---crest of bluiT running northwest to Bezonvaux--- thence west to the Meuse at Samogneux. (2) For this purpose reserves both local and general will be moved up by the night of 0 minus one within supporting distance of this line, and every preparation will be made for repelling a counteroffensive. 4. (a) Evacuation and Supply: For plan of evacuation of sick and wounded and for supply. see Annex No.5. (b) Engineers, Troops, Materiel and Water Service: For plan of employment of engineer troops and supply of engineer materiel and for water service, see Annex No.6. (c) Circulation and Prisoners: For plan of circulation and evacuation of prisoners, and for corps rear areas, see Annex No.7. 5. (A) Liaison: (1) For plan of liaison. see Annex No.8. (2) Axes of liaison: (a) III Corps---Rampont---Dombasle-en-Argonne---Montzeville---Esnes--Bethincourt ---Cuisy-- -Septsarges- --N antillois- --Cunel- --Aincreville-- -Villers-devant -Dun ---Montigny-devant-Sassey. (b) V Corps---Ville-sur-Cousances---Brocourt ---Recicourt ---Avocourt --Montfaucon--- Cierges---Romagne---Andevanne---Nouart. (c) I Corps---Rarecourt ---Auzeville---Clerrnont -en-Argonne---Neuvilly ---Varennes-en-Argonne---Apremont---Cornay---St-Juvin---Champigneulle---Verpel---Buzancy ---Authe---Verrieres. (d) Army---Ligny-en-Barrois---Bar-Ie-Duc---Rumont ---Chaumont ---Souilly ---Ippecourt---Julvecourt---Ville-sur-Cousances then following axis of center corps. (B) Observation Plan: See Annex No.9. (C) Posts of Command: First Army, Advanced P. C. - Souilly. 1st Echelon - Ligny-en-Barrois. 2nd Echelon - Neufchateau. IV Corps - Menil-Ia-Tour French Second Army - Laheycourt. II Colonial Corps - St -Mihiel. French XVII Corps - Fort du Regret. III Corps - Rampont. V Corps - Ville-sur-Cousances. I Corps - Rarecourt. 1st Division - Blercourt. 82d Division - Clem10nt-en-Argonne. 29th Division - Osches. By command of General Pershing: H. A. DRUM, Colonel. Chief of Staff. - 88 - FIRST ARMY. A. E. F. Ligny-en-Barroiss, September 19. 1918 ANNEX) ) Operations Z [Field Orders No. 20] No.1) No.2 included (MAP: Verdun---Metz---Commercy. 1/80.000) EMPLOYMENT OF ARMY ARTILLERY I. ORGANIZATION: The artillery at the disposal of the First Army will be organized as follows. Subject to minor changes: a. ARMY ARTILLERY: (1) VERDUN GROUPING ( P. C. 2 kms. N. E. of Fromereville): 1 bn .. Fr. 247th Arty. 12. 75 Guns Fr. 86th R. A. L. 28. 155 G. P. F. Fr. 11th and 16th [Naval] Btrys. 4. 16 M 2d Bn .. Fr. 282d 9. 220 T. R. 11 th Bn .. Fr. 73d 6. 293 (2) MEUSE GROUPING (P. C. near Sivry-Ia-Perche. 079---645): 1 bn .. Fr. 86th R. A. L. 8. 145 Guns 1 bn .. Fr. 87th R. A. L. 8. 145 57th C. A. C. 24. 155 G. P. F. 66th F. A. Brigade 146th F. A. 24. 155 G. P. F. 148th F. A. 24. 155 G. P. F. 17th Btry .. Fr. Navy 2. 16 M 1st Bn .. Fr. 282d R. A. L. 8. 220 T. R. 7th Bn .. Fr. 71st Arty. 9. 240 St. C. (3) AIRE GROUPING (P. C. Recicourt): 31st Brig. (less 57th RegL) 55th Arty. 24. 155 G. P. F. Guns 56th Arty. 24. 155 G. P. F. Fr. 81st R. A. L.. 2 bns. 16. 155 G. P. F. 10th and 12th Btrys .. Fr. Navy 4. 16 M 3d and 6th Bns .. Fr. 71st 18. 240 St. C. 1 bn .. Fr. 73d Arty. 6. 270 C (4) AISNE GROUPING (P. C. 1 km. N. of Locheres): 60th Arty. 24. 155 G. P. F. Guns 2 bns .. Fr. 81st R. A. L. 16. 155 G. P. F. 3 bns .. Fr. 87th R. A. L. 24. 155 G. P. F. 6th and 18th Btrys .. Fr. Navy 4. 16 M 1st Bn .. Fr. 73d 12. 270 M [Editorial Note: Amendment and the 10 annexes pertaining to Field Orders No. 20. follow In their numerical order. regardless of their respective dates of Issue. J - 90 - (5) RAILWAY ARrILLERY RESERVE (P. C. St-Andre): 19th Btry., [Fr.] 70th Arty., Operation Btry. [240-mm.] (a) East Railway Grouping (P. C. St-Barthelemy): 4th Btry., [Fr.] 78th Arty. 964 2d Bn., 52d Arty. 966 & 967b Btry. A, 53d Arty. 967a Btry. B, 53d Arty. 953 1st Bn., 43d Arty. (b) West Railway Grouping (P. C. Recicourt): 19th Btry., 75th Arty. 951 1st Bn., 52d Arty. 952 20th Btry., 76th Arty. 963 23d Btry., 77th Arty. 963 Btry. D, 53d Arty. 962 3d Bn., 43d Arty. 26th Btry., 78th Arty. 962 bis (6) ANTIAlRCRAFr ARfILLERY (P. C. Souilly): (a) Post 56 4 krn. N. E. of Sommedieue. Post 123 - Les Monthairons. 4-32 (M. 84) 4-32 (M. 81) 2-400 1-340 8-190 (platform) 2-305 3-32 (M. 81) 2-305 2-340 1-340 B 8-19 G 2-370 Ob. [How.] Section 163 near Sorcy, for protection of Commercy, and Battery B, 1st A. A. Bn., near St-Remy. Dommartin -la -Montagne. (b) Section near St-Mihiel. Post 48 near Foret d'Amblonville. Post 51 near Foret d'Amblonville. Post 55 near Herbeuville. Post 123 near Thillot-sous-les-Cotes. Post 164 near Vigneulles-Ies-Hattonchatel. Post 57 near Heudicourt. Section 70 near Pannes. Post 119 near Euvezin. Section 208 near Regnieville-en-Haye. (c) 2d Grouping, Remorques (P. C. near Dieulouard): 2d Section near Ste-Genevieve. 3d Section near Dieulouard. 9th Section near Jezainville. (d) (1 section - Bois de Bethelainville. 19th Grouping (6 Auto Cannon) 23d Grouping (6 Auto Cannon) (1 section south edge Bois de Parois. (1 section near Dombasle-en-Argonne. (1 section near Neuvilly. (1 section near Florent. (1 section near Clermont-en-Argonne. 1st Grouping (1 section near Chattancourt. Remorques (6 Guns) (1 section near Esnes. (7) ARMY RESERVE: 61st* F. A. Brigade . Arrival doubtful. (1 section near Bois-Bourrus. - 91 - 48, 75 24, 155 C 12, 6" T. M.'s Guns (8) ARMY ARTILLERY PARK. FIRST ARMY: b. CORPS ARTILLERY: (1) III CORPS: 1st. 3d. 4th. 52d and 155th F. A. Brigades - 240. 75 Guns 120. 155 C Guns 60. 6" T. M.'s Fr. 212th. 228th and 250th Arty. - 108. 75 Guns Fr. 456th Artillery - 36. 105 Guns Fr. 308th Artillery - 24. 155 C Guns 1 bn .. Fr. 289th Artillery 12. 155 C Guns Fr. 407th. 413th Artillery 72. 155 L Guns 1 bn .. Fr. 81 st Artillery 12. 145 Guns 2 bns .. Fr. 289th Artillery 16. 220 T. R. Guns 2d Bn .. Fr. 176th Artillery 12. 150 T. M.·s 12. 240 T. M.'s 32d Btry., Fr. 176th Artillery 6. 240 T. M.'s 10th Bn .. Fr. 1 76th Artillery - 36. 58 T. M.'s 3, 150 T. M.'s 2. 240 T. M.'s Artillery of Position (Fr.) 8, 155 L Guns 12. 120 L Guns (2) V CORPS: 54th. 57th. 58th. 62d and 158th F. A. Brigs. - 240. 75 Guns 120. 155 C Guns 60. 6" T. M.·s Fr. 203d and 21 1 th Artillery 72, 75 Guns Fr. 454th Arty. - 36, 105 Guns Fr. 301st and 330th Arty. 72, 155 C Guns Fr. 420th Arty. (less 1 bn.) - 24, 155 L Guns 2d Bn .. Fr. 282d R. A. L. 8, 220 T. R. 65th C. A. C. (less 1 btry.) 20, 9.2" How. 4th Bn .. Fr. 73d 8, 270 M's 6th Bn .. Fr. 282d Arty. 8, 270 5th Bn .. Fr. 282d Arty. 6. 280 M's Artillery of Position (Fr.) 4. 155 C Guns 8, 155 L Guns 12. 120 L Guns 28th Btry., Fr. 176th Arty. 6. 240 T. M. 5th Bn .. Fr. 176th Arty. 24. 58 T. M. 6, 150 T. M. 6. 240 T. M. (3) I CORPS: 53d. 55th, 60th, 152d and 157th F. A. Brigs. - 60. 6" T. M.'s 120. 155 C Guns 240. 75 Guns Fr. 219th, 238th and 247th (less 1 bn.) Arty. - 96, 75 Guns Fr. 451st Arty. - 36, 105 Guns Fr. 317th Arty. 24, 155 C Guns Fr. 416th Arty. - 36, 155 L Guns 4th Bn., Fr. 282d R. A. L. 8, 220 T. R. 3d Bn., Fr. 282d R. A. L. 8, 220 V. M. 59th C. A. C. - 24, 8" How. 5th and 6th Bns., Fr. 289th R. A. L. 12, 280 M's - 92 - 1st Bn., Amer. T. M's (less 2 btrys.) 12, 240 T.M.'s 1st Bn., Fr. 176th Arty. 24, 58 T. M.'s 12, 240 T. M.'s 9th and 10th Btrys., Fr. 176th Arty. - 24, 58 T. M.'s Artillery of Position (Fr.) 10, 155 C Guns 16, 120 LGuns 6, 95 Guns (4) IV CORPS (includes VI Corps to be formed later): 2d, 5th, 67th, 153d and 164th F. A. Brigs. - 240, 75 Guns Fr. 182d Foot Arty. 44th Arty. 51st Arty. (less 3d Bn.) 1st Bn. 2dBn. 2d,3d, 13th, 21st, 22d and 23d Fr. 6th Foot Arty. and Sector Arty. 2 btrys. (from 1st T. M. Bn.) 35th Btry., Fr. 176 Arty. (5) II COLONIAL CORPS: Amer. 51st F. A. Brig. Fr. 16th and 273d Arty. 1st Bn., 142d R. A. C. 3d Bn., 142d R. A. C. 16th and 56th Btrys., 6th R. A. P. 1/2 34th Btry., 5th R. A. P.*; 24th and 25th Btrys., 6th R. A. P.; and 17th and 18th Btrys., 10th R. A. P. 14th, 18th, 26th, 31st, 32d and 7th Btrys., 6th R. A. P. and 1/2 34th Btry., 5th R. A. P. 19th and 27th Btrys., 5th R. A. P. 23d and 24th Btrys., 176th Arty. *Personnel of this battery serves also 4 guns of 95 shown below. (6) FRENCH XVII CORPS (P. C. Regret): Fr. 33d, 22d Col. and 41st Col. Arty. 1st Bn., Fr. 117th Arty. 5th Bn., Fr. 109th Arty. 5th and 6th Bns., Fr. 142d Arty. - 93 - 120, 155 C Guns 36, 6" S. N. Guns 24, 58th T. M.'s - 32, 120 L 8, 155 C 12 8, 220 C-VM 24, 8" 6, 8, 51, 46, 96, 8, 6, 12, 6, - 48, 24, 12, 72, 12, 12, 18, 20, 28, 8, 12, - 108, 12, 12, 24, 240 S1. C 270 M 90 Guns 95 Guns 120 LGuns 145 L/93 155 L/77 240 T.M.'s 150 T.M.'s 75 Guns 155 C Guns 6" T. M.'s 75 Guns 105 Guns 155 L/77 90 95 120 L's 155 L's 240 T.M.'s 75's 105's 155 C's 155 L/77 3d Bn .. Fr. 117th Arty. 1st. 4th. 5th. 9th. 16th. 23d. 24th. 29th and 30th Btrys .. R. A. P. 10th. 28th and 38th Btrys .. 5th R. A. P. 17th Btry .. 5th R. A. P. 4th Bn .. Fr. 176th Arty. II. ORGANIZATION OF COMMAND: 12. 155 L/77 45. 155 L/77 14. 120's 6. 95's 24. 58 T. M.'s 6. 150 T. M.'s 6. 240 T. M.'s a. Chief of Artillery. First Army. Maj. Gen. E. F. McGlachlin. Jr. b. Verdun Grouping. Anny Arty .. Lt. Col. A. Teissier. Fr. 86th Arty. c. Meuse Grouping. Army Arty .. Col. E. D. Scott. F. A.. U. S. A. d. Aire Grouping. Army Arty .. Brig. Gen. W. C. Davis. U. S. A. e. Aisne Grouping. Army Arty .. Brig. Gen. Dwight Aultman. U. S. A. f. Railway Artillery Reserve. Brig. Gen. William Chamberlain. U. S. A. g. Antiaircraft Artillery. Col. R. W. Collins. C. A. C. h. III Corps Artillery. Brig. Gen. G. W. Gatchell. U. S. A. i. V Corps Artillery. Brig. Gen. G. R. Alexandre. French Army. k. I Corps Artillery. Brig. Gen. C. Walch. French Army. 1. Army Artillery Park. Col. W. H. Tobin. C. A. C. III. ZONES OF FIRE a. The exterior limit of corps normal zone is as follows: Road Consenvoye--Gercourt- et-Drillancourt---Septsarges---Montfaucon---Very and the line through Very--Montblainville--- Conde-Ies-Autry. All towns named. except Consenvoye and Conde-Ies-Autry. are included within corps zones. b. Normal zone boundaries are as follows: (1) Verdun Grouping East line. railroad Moirey---Damvillers---Lissey. West line. Meuse River (incl.). Regneville---Sivry-sur-Meuse---road Sivrysur- Meuse---Fontaines; both towns (incl.). (2) Meuse Grouping: East line. the west line of Verdun Grouping. West line. the road Montfaucon-Nantillois (incl.). CuneI (incl.). (3) Aire Grouping: East line. the west line of Meuse Grouping. West line. the road Baulny---Fleville--St-Juvin (incl.). (4) Aisne Grouping: East line. the west line of Aire Grouping. West line. the west edge of Foret d'Argonne from Binarville to Senuc. (5) III Corps: East line, the Meuse River (excl.) from Regneville to Consenvoye. West line, the road Haucourt-Cuisy (incl.). Septsarges (incl.). (6) V Corps: East line. the west line of III Corps. West line, Vauquois, Hill 190 two kilometers north, and Very. all (excl.). (7) I Corps: East line, the west line of V Corps. West line, La Harazee (incl.). due north to Hill 212 to angle in west edge of Bois d'Apremont, one kilometer northwest of Binarville. c. Eventual zone boundaries are as follows: (1) III Corps: East line, the road from Samogneux north to Bois de Consenvoye, near Hill 338. West line, north edge of Bois de Malancourt and Bois de Montfaucon. road to Montfaucon (incl.). - 94 - '" MON1'F'IIUCO;V·CUNEL AREA l..ooktng norlh·norrh,,,",sr from MOIlifoucon (2) v Corps: East line, Hill 218 one and one-half kilometers east of Malancourt, to Hill 250, one kilometer south of CUisy, to Cuisy (incl.), road Cuisy---Bois-Sachet. West line, the road Boureuilles (incl.)---Varennes-en-Argonne (incl.)--- Baulny (incl.). (3) I Corps: East line, west edges of Bois de Cheppy and Bois de Very to Bois-Chehemin. West line, the road Vienne-le-Chateau (excl.)---Binarville (incl.)---Conde-les -Autry (excl.). lV. MISSION OF THE ARTILLERY: a. To prepare the attack of the infantry, destroying obstacles and neutralizing the enemy's forces by a preliminary bombardment. b. To support the advance of our infantry, advanCing in part with it to reach more distant objectives. c. To make demonstrations at points other than those to be attacked. V. THE ATTACK: 1. Artillery fire of preparation will commence at H minus _ hours. 2. Barrage tables will be coordinated by army corps commanders to provide continuity across boundaries between corps. 3. USE OF GAS: West of Meuse River. a. ToxiC gas shell, but no yperite [mustard gas) shells. will be used west of the Meuse. No gas will be fired south of the hostile 2d position after H minus 4 hours. No gas will be used in the Foret d'Argonne south of Bois de Chatel (incl.) after H hour, and its use on the western edge of the Foret d'Argonne will cease at H minus 3 hours unless written agreement to the contrary is entered into by corps commanders, the boundaries of whose zones of operations lie on this forest. Should weather conditions be favorable for gas shelling at later hours than those mentioned above. corps commanders may authorize its use after such hours. b. Yperite shells will be used to neutralize the woods and hostile batteries on the east side of the Meuse River. 4. For fifteen minutes after commencement of artillery preparation all artillery, army, corps and divisional, will place an intense bombardment of H. E. and gas shell upon hostile cantonments. important headquarters and telephone centrals in their respective normal zones. 5. This fire will be followed by a general fire of neutralization by all artillery in their normal zones, and which will include the following places: a. For the Army Artillery: Montfaucon and vicinity Bois de Septsarges. Hostile position on east bank of the Meuse. For the VI and lV Corps: The group of hostile batteries on the east bank of the Moselle, and woods south and southwest of Gorze. For the II Colonial Corps: Enemy positions in vicinity of Woel. For the XVII Corps: Woods in vicinity of Braquis---woods 1 kilometer northeast of Gincrey---Foret Domaniale de Spincourt and adjacent woods---Bois de Tregibuceau---Soumazannes. For the III Corps: Bois de Forges. For the V Corps: Bois-Chehemin---Bois de Montfaucon---Bois de Malancourt---Bois de Cheppy. For the I Corps: Foret d'Argonne b. Follow this neutralization as soon as completed with destructive fire against groups of hostile batteries and important points and continue until H hour. c. After the bombardment described in Paragraph 4 above, maintain in addition to a. and b. a prohibitive and harassing fire on the following pOints until such time as our infantry may arrive near the same. - 96 - For the VI and IV Corps: Cheminot---Bouxieres-sous-Froidmont---Champey---Arnaville and vicinity---Waville----Villecey-sur-Mad---Chambley. For the French II Colonial Corps: Lachaussee---Jonville---Harville. For the French XVII Corps: Morgemoulin-Gremilly. For the III Corps: Road west side of Meuse River---Cuisy. For the V Corps: Roads leading out of south side of Montfaucon. For the I Corps: Very---Cheppy---road Marle-Varennes. d. The guns in the Fortress of Verdun are at the disposition of the chief of artillery for preparatory and supporting fire of our attack. e. The antiaircraft artillery will protect our balloons and attack hostile aircraft appearing over our lines. VI. TRENCH MORrARS: Trench mortars will be energetically used by all corps from commencement of artillery preparation to H hour. Corps commanders will select points on which these mortars will fire. VII. a. The army artillery will cease to fire on points at the hour when the infantry schedule calls for our infantry to arrive within 500 yards of such places, except when continuation of the fire after such hours is expressly called for by corps commanders. All corps commanders will furnish the chief of artillery, in advance, with complete infantry time-tables, and advise him promptly of any changes in the same. b. In each corps the divisional artillery will be emplaced as a rule in rear of the French motorized 75 guns. Under the protection of these French 75's, divisional artillery will follow the advance of our infantry to forward positions and this artillery will in turn be followed by corps artillery and then by army artillery. Corps commanders will prescribe roads available for these movements, and promptly inform the chief of artillery of arrangements made. VIII. DEMONSTRATIONS: Throughout D day army corps which are not attacking in force will maintain a severe and intense bombardment on points indicated in Paragraph V above. ANNEX 3 to F. O. No. 20 By command of General Pershing: H.A. DRUM, Colonel, Chief of Staff. FIRST ARMY, A. E. F., Ligny-en-BwTOis, September 17, 1918. PlAN FOR EMPLOYMENT OF TANK CORPS TROOPS 1. The following is the general plan for the employment of tanks: (a) OPERATION: Tanks to assemble in the Foret de Hesse. On D day they will follow the infantry as soon as the way has been made passable for them, to their pOSition of readiness in the Bois de Montfaucon and near Cheppy. Thence they will operate in the sectors Nantillois, Montfaucon, Gesnes, and Baulny-Exermont. On the Hindenburg Line being made passable for them, they should be in the best possible pOSition for exercising their proper functions and will proceed to destroy machine-gun nests, strong points, and to exploit the success. (b) ALLOTMENT: The 505th Regiment A. S. light and two groups St-Chamond to the center (V) corps to operate in the sectors of the right and center divisions north of the - 97 - MONTFAUCON_BOIS DE IJR/EULLes ARt;" Looking north_norlhcrust from Monl/iluC'On line Gercourt---Cuisy---Very. The units assigned to the right division will. wherever practicable. assist the advance of the III Corps. Detraining point Dombasle. Initial supply dump Dombasle. The 504th Regiment (less 1 bn.) A. S. light. and one group St-Chamont to the center (V) corps to operate in the sector of its left division north of the line CUisy- Very. Detraining point Dombasle-en-Argonne. Initial supply dump Dombasle. The American 1st Brigade. Group Schneider attached. to the left (I) corps to operate in the sector of its right division north of Baulny. Detraining point Recicourt. Initial supply dump Recicourt. The C. O. and Headquarters American 3d Brigade to the center (V) corps for reconnaissance work and liaison of the French units attached to the corps. (c) TROOPS NECESSARY TO BE ATIACHED: One company of pioneers to the units operating with the center (V) corps. Two platoons pioneers to the units operating with the left (I) corps. (d) SUPPLY: The corps to which tank troops are attached will make necessary arrangements to insure gas and oil reaching them. (e) Headquarters Tank Corps at advanced section army headquarters. By command of General Pershing: H.A. DRUM. Chief of Staff. FIRST ARMY. A. E. F .. Ligny-en-Barrois. September 17. 1918. Annex No.4 (Field Orders No. 20) PLAN OF EMPLOYMENT OF AIR SERVICE UNITS I. PLAN OF EMPLOYMENT: This will consist of four stages. as follows: A. Preparation until day of attack. B. During the artillery preparation. C. During the attack. D. Exploitation. A. PREPARATION UNTIL DAY OF ATIACK: 1. Surprise. being a factor in the success of the operation. the utmost secrecy will be observed in movements and concentration of Air Service units. 2. Hostile reconnaissance aviation will be prevented from entering our lines and the work of hostile balloons hindered. This will be insured by placing an absolute barrage over the front. from and including the Meuse on the east. to and including La Hazaree on the west. 3. All information necessary in the preparation of the attack. especially for the artillery preparation. will be gathered. Particular care will be taken that the suspicions of the enemy are not aroused. These missions will be accomplished by: (a) Army reconnaissance aviation - photographic and visual missions. (b) Army corps and army artillery aviation - photographiC and visual miSSions. ordered by the army corps and army artillery commanders. (c) Night 1 ~connaissance aviation - visual reconnaissance carried out at night to obtain information of the movements and concentrations of enemy forces. - 99 - 4. Bombardment aviation. both day and night. will continue to be employed in a normal manner. The above missions will be carried out so as to change as little as possible. the usual aspect of the sector. B. DURING TIlE ARfILLERY PREPARATION: 1. PURSUIT: (aJ The 1st Pursuit Wing (4 groups). will insure an absolute barrage of the front and protect our observation aviation at every altitude from the Meuse inclusive on the east to La Hazaree inclusive on the west: prevent enemy aviation from attacking through the Woevre and will attack concentrations of enemy troops, convoys, enemy aviation and balloons. (b) Pursuit aviation, French aerial division, will be so disposed as to protect our right flank, and front in case of an attack. 2. DAY BOMBARDMENT AVIATION: Will attack concentrations of enemy troops, convoys, and aviation, railroad stations, command post and dumps. 3. NIGHT BOMBARDMENT AVIATION: Will attack railroad stations and trains, troop concentrations, ammunition dumps, and enemy airdromes. 4. RECONNAISSANCE AVIATION: (a) Army reconnaissance will carry out long distance missions, both photographic and visual. (b) Army corps and army artillery will carry out the miSSions, both photographic and visual, prescribed by the army corps and army artillery commanders, including: The observation and results of artillery fire: liaison with infantry: information of the enemy of benefit to the higher command. (c) Night reconnaissance will carry out visual reconnaissance as prescribed. C. DURING TIlE ArrACK: The same general employment as prescribed in B. The offensive will be taken and maintained at all points and under all conditions. D. EXPLOITATION: The offensive will be maintained, based on the progress of the attack and the situation at the time, with the particular object in view of destroying the enemy's Air Service, attacking his troops on the gound, and protecting our own air ground troops. II. Four command airplanes will be held at the disposal of G-3, commencing at daylight on the day of the beginning of the artillery preparation. These planes will be located on the Souilly airdrome. III. APPENDIXES: Appendix No.1, shows the distribution of the air forces. [omitted) Appendix No. 2*, shows the plan of reconnaissance aviation. Appendix No.3, shows the plan of bombardment aviation. The plans for the utilization of aeronautical units with the army artillery and with the army corps conform to the general scheme and are prepared in detail by those units. By command of General Pershing: . Omitted. See Annex 9 to F. O. 20. following. - 100- H.A. DRUM, Colonel. Chief of Staff. September 18. 1918. Appendix III PLAN OF BOMBARDMENT AVIATION [Extract] * * * * * * 1. PREPARATION Object: To hinder the arrival of enemy troops and supplies in the sector to be attacked. Destruction of enemy aviation on its airdromes and parks. As absolute secrecy must be observed, there will be no heavy concentration of bombing, consequently, with the limited means available, the various targets indicated herewith will be bombed in turn. REPORTS OF OBJECTIVES TO BE BY ORDER RESULTS, ETC., TO BE BOMBED BY OF ADDRESSED TO Railroad Centers Longuyon C. G. First Army Stenay American C. S. First Army Montmedy Day bombing C. A. S. G-2 Carignan Group of 3 First Army G-3 Mouzon Squadrons C. of A. Vouziers by Lumes C. A. S. First Army Airdromes and Parks C. G. First Army Malmy 2 French C. S. First Army Mouzon Night bombing C. A. S. G-2 Groups (at First Army G-3 Epiez and C. of A. Chermisey) by C. A. S. First Army 2. DURING THE ARrILLERY PREPARATION Object: To harass the enemy by attacking his troop concentrations. convoys. stations command posts and dumps; to hinder his movement of troops and to destroy his aviation on the ground. - 101 - Such of the following targets will be selected as are found to be the most important as shown by reconnaissances made at the time: OBJECTIVES Troop concentrations, and convoys wherever found in a zone approximately 10 to 30 kilometers back of the lines. Dumps, Railheads, Camp and Command Posts 1. Brieulles-sur-Meuse TOBE BOMBED BY American day bombing Group of 3 squadrons BY ORDER OF C. A. S. First Army 2. Romagne-sous-Montfaucon 3. Termes-Grandpre 4. St-Juvin 5. Briquenay 6. Harricourt 7. Dun-Doulcon 8. Saulmory Railroad Centers Stenay Vouziers Airdromes and Park Mouzon Malmy 2 French Night Bombing groups C. A. S. First Army 3. DURING THE ATIACK Object: (a) To prevent the arrival of reserves. (b) To break up counterattacks. REPORTS OF RESULTS, ETC., TO BE ADDRESSED TO C. G. First Army G-2 G-3 G-3 by C. A. S. First Army (c) To harass the enemy in the withdrawal of his troops and material. (c) To destroy his aviation on the ground. Targets will be the same as those during the artillery preparation. selecting the ones found to be the most important as shown by visual and photographic reconnaissances made at the time. Orders for missions will be transmitted by G-3 through the C. A. S. and reports on results made as in the preceding phases. 4. EXPLOITATION As indicated by the progress of the attack and situation at the time. F. P. LAHM. Colonel, Air Service. - 102 - FIRST ARMY. A. E. F. Ligny-en-Barrois. September 19. 1918. Annex No.5. IF. O. No. 20) (Operation Z) PLAN OF EVACUATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED AND SUPPLY 1. EVACUATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED: (A) I CORPS SECTOR AND ALL TROOPS TIIEREIN: Seriously Wounded: Evacuation hospitals to be established at Villers-Daucourt and Brizea ux -Forestieres. sur-Aire. Slightly Wounded: Evacuation hospital to be established at Revigny. Gassed: Annex tent at E. H .. at Villers-Daucourt. Psychiatric Cases: Revigny. Contagious Diseases: Annex of E. H. at Villers-Daucourt. Normal Sick: To E. H. at Villers-Daucourt. (B) V CORPS SECTOR AND ALL TROOPS TIIEREIN: Seriously Wounded: Evacuation hospitals to be established at Froidos and Fleury- Slightly Wounded: Evacuation hospital at Vaubecourt. and excess to Bar-Ie-Due. 1/2 of French H. O. E. and base hospital. Gassed: Hospital to be established at Julvecourt. Psychiatric Cases: Nubecourt. Contagious Diseases: Annex of E. H. at Vaubecourt. Normal Sick: To E. H. at Fleury-sur-Aire. (C) III CORPS SECTOR AND ALL TROOPS TIIEREIN: Seriously Wounded: Evacuation hospital at Petit-Maujouy. Slightly Wounded: Evacuation hospitals at Souilly. Gassed: Gas hospital at Rambluzin. Psychiatric Cases: Benoitevaux. Contagious Diseases: At Benoitevaux (French hospital). Normal Sick: Souilly. II. EVACUATION OF ANIMALS: All troops: To army animal evacuation stations at Heippes and Autrecourt. III. RAILHEADS: III CORPS: 80th Division - Nixeville. 33d Division - Vadelaincourt. 4th Division - Vadelaincourt. 3d Division - Lemmes. Corps troops - Nixeville. V CORPS: 79th Division - Rampont. 37th Division - Rampont. 9lst Division - Froidos. 32d Division - Fleury. Corps troops - Froidos. I CORPS: 35th Division - Froidos. 28th Division - Les Islettes. 77th Division - Les Islettes. - 104 - 92d Division - Fleury. Corps troops - Froidos. ARMY RESERVE: 1st Division - Souilly. 82d Division - Vaubecourt. 29th Division - Souilly. Army troops - As separately assigned. There will be a reserve supply of rations and forage at each railhead. This will be used to replenish supply trains in the event of the failure of daily automatic supply train from regulation station. All divisions must carry at all times the rations and forage called for in Par. 302. F. S. R. IV. GASOLINE AND OIL SUPPLIES: Gasoline and Oil Reserve: Fleury Stations at: Vadelaincourt-Froidos. For reserve to be used in case automatic supply fails at any railhead. V. ENGINEER SUPPLIES: Engineer parks at: Les Islettes Dombasle Aubreville VI. CHEMICAL WARFARE SUPPLIES: Chemical Warfare Park (Offensive) at: Clermont Souhesmes Rattentout Gas Park C: At Les Monthairons. 3 kms. south of Ancemont Gas Park D: At Beauchamp Farm. 4 kms. southeast of Les Islettes VII. SIGNAL CORPS SUPPLIES: Signal Corps Park C: At Souilly VIII. MEDICAL CORPS SUPPLIES: Medical Park C: At Souilly Medical Park D: At Vaubecourt Medical Park E: At Fleury IX. MACHINE GUN DEPOTS: Machine Gun Depots at: Nixeville Les Islettes Brabant -en -Argonne X. MOTOR SUPPLY: Spare Parts. Motor: At Ferme Longues-Roies. 2 kms. east of Triaucourt on Triaucourt- Souilly Road. XI. AMMUNITION SUPPLY: Ammunition will be drawn from the following depots [listing omitted] according to credits given daily by G-4. * * * * * * * 1. The supply of ammunition to the antiaircraft artillery. French and American. will be controlled by G-4. First Army. in accordance with demands of the Chief of Artillery. First Army. 2. The corps munition officers will issue on demand of army artillery units in their corps areas such small arms ammunition as may be demanded by these units. 3. Divisional munition officers will issue on demand of antiaircraft units in their areas, 8-mm. Hotchkiss ammunition in strips up to 1.000 rounds per gun per day of firing. 4. Artillery reports will be made daily. closing at 6 p. m. Infantry reports will be made every ten days. - 105- 5. Attention is invited to instructions in letter from G-4. First Army. to corps commanders. on plan of ammunition supply. dated September 16. 1918. By command of General Pershing: H. A. DRUM. Colonel. Chief of Staff. FIRST ARMY. A. E. F .. Ligny-en-BwTOis. September 19. 1918. ANNEX No.6 IF. O. No. 20) (To Battle Instructions for Operation Z) PIAN OF EMPLOYMENT OF ENGINEER TROOPS. SUPPLY OF ENGINEER MATERIAL. AND WATER SERVICE The operations of army engineer troops within the army area will be directed by the Chief Engineer. First Army. SUPPLIES An army park is at Souhesmes. and it will be operated by army engineer troops. The following corps dumps are established and will be operated by army engineer troops: Right corps - Dombasle Center corps - Aubreville Left corps - Les Islettes Divisional dumps will be established in advance and operated by divisional engineer troops. under direction of chief engineer. corps. at such places as will be selected by them. Chief engineers. corps. will arrange to establish forward dumps by salvage from captured German dumps and to keep their divisional engineers advised of the location of such dumps. LIGHT RAILWAYS In the American sectors the light railways will be extended and maintained by army engineer troops. Immediately after the advance the light railways lines will be extended to connect with the German system along the following lines: Aubreville---Neuvilly---Varennes (double track) Le Triangle---La Barricade---Cheppy Esnes---Bois de Malancourt---Montfaucon Due to the impossibility of familiarizing new personnel with the light railway system in the time available. arrangements have been made whereby the French personnel now operating this system will continue to function. HIGHWAYS Divisions are responsible for the construction. repair and maintenance of roads in the immediate rear of the line. corps are responsible for construction and maintenance in rear - 106 - of divisions and within their corps sectors in advance of the national route: Les Islettes ---Clermont---Dombasle---Verdun. Army road troops wili repair and maintain highways in rear of the paints above mentioned. As the advance progresses, army troops will take over additional area as the Chief Engineer, Army, may designate, until such time as new limits are defined. Chief engineers, corps, will be responsible for work within above designated limits. Tnere will be held ready in each corps, trucks loaded with road material for repair of roads. Advance dumps for road material are established at the following points: Right corps - Esnes Center COqJS - Foret de Hesse Left corps - N euvilly ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL WORK Army electrical and mechanical troops will assist in the installation and operation of water points, and will supply and operate lighting plants for divisional and higher headquarters, and for evacuation hospitals. They will operate a shop at Souilly for repairs to electrical plant. Headquarters of these companies will be established as follows: One company near Clermont One company near Les Islettes CAMOUFlAGE Army camouflage troops are assigned to each divisional sector, and will operate under the direction of division engineers. A detachment has been assigned to the army artillery and will operate under the direction of the Commanding General, Army Artillery. Corps commanders will call on divisional camouflage officers for necessary work for corps artillery. Camouflage dumps are established at convenient points, probably at all engineer corps dumps, though these points have not yet been decided upon. WATER SUPPLY The army water supply troops will supply water to water points, from which organizations will supply themselves. The attention of all organizations is called to the fact that the potable water supply will be exceedingly limited and every possible measure to suppress waste must be applied. Corps engineers will be supplied with information as to water paints available during concentration. Water points in addition to those already existing will be established in rear of the present lines, to which organization transport will go for re-filling. As the advance progresses advanced water paints will be established and supplied by army water transport. Information as to location of these points will be given to chief engineers of corps by the army water supply officer, and to diviSion engineers by the water supply officers operating in their sectors. In general, streams will be utilized by mobile purification units for water points at which sterilized water will be fUrnished. Organization water carts must be accompanied by necessary personnel for operating hand pumps, as this will be necessary in many cases. In addition to the water points above mentioned there are many others in each area. Each town has a water supply, suffiCient for its normal needs, and other paints have been established not in towns or villages. - 107 - All horse watering parties should be in charge of an officer or non-cormnissioned officer who will be responsible for orderly and expeditious watering. Such parties must have sufficient extra personnel for operating hand pumps where necessary. Water pOints are under the control of the Army Water Supply Service. Representatives of this service. including water guards. are empowered to control the use of water pOints. Water guards will wear on the left am1 a brassard with the letters W. S. on white cloth, to be supplied by Water Supply Service. MINING The mining troops available will be used in conjunction with the water supply troops. Responsibility for the destruction of bridges, in case of a reverse, is with corps commanders, and such construction will be effected upon the order of the General commanding the American First Army, or of the officer to whom he may delegate such authority, unless the situation demands immediate action, in which case the corps cormnanders will use their discretion. ENGINEER OPERATION IN FRENCH SECTORS The operations of French Army engineer troops, in First Army area, will be directed by the Chief Engineer, First Army, who will consult with the appropriate French cormnand to effect this result. By command of General Pershing: H. A. DRUM, Colonel, Chief of Staff. FIRST AR1VfY, A. E, F .. Ligny-en-Barrois. September 19. 1918. ANNEX No.7 [F. O. No. 20) (To Battle Instructions for Operation Zl PLAN OF CIRCULATION AND EVACUATION OF PRISONERS CIRCULATION [Extract) 1. Roads (al Guarded roads for motor traffic only---horse-drawn traffic prohibited: Bar-Ie-Duc---Rumont ---Erize-Ia -Grande- --Souilly---Moulin -Brule. Bar-Ie-Duc---Ligny-en-Barrois---Void ---Tou!. Saulx-en -Barrois---Commercy---Gironville---Bouconville---Flirey---Limey. Gironville- --Apremont ---Bouconville---Broussey. Pagny-sur-Meuse---Trondes---Menil-la-Tour---Royaumeix---Manoncourt---Tremblecourt. Toul---Menil-la -Tour---Bernecourt ---Flirey. - 109 - Toul---Francheville---[Lesl Quatre-Vents---crossroads 3 kilometers N. E. of [Lesl Quatre-Vents---Saizerais---[Lesl Quatre-Vents---Rosieres---Tremblecourt---Noviant---Bernecourt--- Beaumont. Manoncourt---Avrainville---Villey---St-Etienne. (b) Policed roads for motor and horse-drawn traffic. arranged to be made guarded roads when ordered by C. G .. First Army: Ste-Menehould---Clermont---Parois---Blercourt---Verdun---Haudainville---Genicourt ---La Croix---St-Mihiel---Apremont---Heudicourt. Clermont ---Autrecourt -- -Bea uzee---Erize-la -Petite. Daucourt---Le Vieil-Dompierre---Givry---Sommeilles---Leheycourt---Villotte--- Chaumont---Pierrefitte---Koeur-la-Grande---Sampigny---LeroUville---Commercy---Void. Rumont ---Villotte- --Fresne ---St -Mihiel. St -Dizier---Stainville---Ligny. Souhesmes---Ippecourt ---Fleury---Waly---Brizeaux---Triaucourt. Nubecourt---Triaucourt---Charmontois-le-Roi---Givry---Vanault. Evres---Vaubecourt---VilloUe. Laheycourt---Brabant-le-Roi---Revigny. Sommeilles---Nettancourt---Brabant-le-Roi---Laimont. Revigny---Laimont---Bar-le-Duc. (c) The roads Clermont---Varennes---St-Juvin---Germont---Buzancy and Varennes--Charpentry--- Romagne---Aincreville will. as the advance progresses. be established as guarded roads under the control of the First Army. through C. R. A. Sou illy. As soon as a section of road has been repaired for motor traffic and has been made guarded road it will be open for general use of the First Army. Transfer of control to be direct agreement between corps and C. R. A.. or by orders from First Army. as this road. when guarded. will be limited to motor traffic. the center and left corps will. in addition to other roads for motor vehicles. deSignate a sufficient number of roads suited for animal-drawn traffic. (d) Corps will. as far as practicable. arrange for the follOWing: (1) One-way traffic except on roads capable of continuous two-way traffic. (2) Frequent cross connections between longitudinal roads. (3) Transfer pOints between motor and wagon near forward limit of motor travel and keeping longitudinal roads clear. (4) Snatch teams for hills and bad pOints on roads. and details for salvaging and wrecking stalled and ditched vehicles. (5) Road signs prepared in advance for corps and divisional roads. (6) Troops and trains awaiting orders to stand clear of roads. (7) Roads for moving up am1Y artillery. (8) Non-essential baggage to be left in dumps and to come forward later. (9) Establish traffic priority: (I) First line divisional troops. combat trains and ambulances, (II) Essential ammunition and gasoline for tanks. (III) Road materials. (IV) Food. ammunition and other essentials. (10) No Sightseers. 2. TRAFFIC CONTROL: (a) In corps areas. by each corps (except on guarded or policed roads). (b) In army area. by Army Provost Marshal (except on guarded or policed roads). (c) At railheads. by the corps served by the railhead (railhead at Froidos controlled by I Corps). (d) On guarded or policed roads. by D. S. A. (Direction of Automobile Services): (1) East of line Ligny---St -Mihiel. by C. R. A. of Toul. (2) West of that line. by C. R. A. Souilly. 3. SECRECY IN TROOP MOVEMENTS: On D day at H hour. memorandum of September 11 * * * - 110 - will again come into effect. removing certain traffic restrictions prescribed in secret letter of August 25. 4. STRAGGLERS POSTS: Established by corps. PRISONERS OF WAR 1. EVACUATIONS: (a) By divisions to corps cages. located by corps. (b) By corps to army cages: Army Cage Number Location Prisoners Evacuated From 1 2 3 4 Ligny-en-Barrois Pagny-sur-Meuse Souilly Les Islettes French II Colonial Corps IV and VI Corps I, III, V and French XVII Corps I and V Corps NOTE: No.4 Cage will be opened after advance reaches American Army objective. (c) Evacuation railheads for prisoners of war: From Army Cage No. Railhead 1 N ancois-Tronville 2 Pagny-sur-Meuse 3 Souil~ 4 Les Islettes If necessary. on account of large numbers of prisoners. evacuations may be specially authorized direct to S. O. S .. from railheads in vicinity of corps cages. (d) Detailed arrangements under charge of Provost Marshal, First Army. 2. REPORfS: Telegraphic reports showing totals of (a) officers and (b) men captured and numbered by corps since beginning of operation to be sent A. C. of S .. G-1. First Army. at advanced P. C .. before 10 a. m. each morning. CAPTURED MATERIAL 1. DISPOSITION: Collected. inventoried and turned over to salvage service by corps at corps salvage dumps. 2. REPORfS: Telegraphic reports showing total of (a) guns and (b) machine guns capt ured since beginning of operation to be sent A. C. of S .. G-1. First Army. at advanced P. C. before 10 a. m. each morning. Brief report of other notable captures of material to be Similarly submitted. By command of General Pershing: H. A. DRUM. Colonel, Chief of Staff. - 111 - September 23. 1918. Addenda to Annex No.7. to [F. O. No. 20] Battle Instructions for Operation Z CIRCULATION (a) See circulation maps First Anny. September 19.1918. for rear areas and September 24. 1918. for forward areas. (b) III Corps will be responsible for repair and police of road under Joint use of III and V Corps. (c) Place at head of priority list: Mobile sections of antiaircraft artillery over all roads when moving to attack hostile aeroplanes. (d) Add to first priority: Telephone and telegraph materials. (e) Tra1Tic control at railhead at Fleury under V Corps. PRISONERS OF WAR (al Cancel all references to No.4 Anny Cage at Les Islettes. (b) Prisoners from II Colonial Corps to Souilly. No prisoners from corps to Ligny. By command of General Pershing: H.A. DRUM. Colonel. Chief of Staff. FIRST ARMY. A. E. F. Ligny-en-Barrois. September 19. 1918. Annex No.8 IF. O. No. 20] (Battle Instruction. Operations) PLAt~ OF LIAISON [Extract] PARr I MEANS OF INFORMATION 1. LIAISON AGENTS: (a) The First Anny will detail one officer to each of the following units to act as liaison agents for the operation: I Corps P. C. Rampont III Corps P. C. Rarecourt V Corps P. C. Ville-sur-Cousances (b) Each corps will detail one o1Ticer to act as liaison agent at the P. C. of theAnny. (c) All of the above mentioned officers will be provided with motor transportation and will report to the P. C.'s indicated at H 12 hour. (d) In addition to the above mentioned liaison officers. each corps will furnish liaison officers and make arrangements for liaison. both combat and information. with the corps at its right and left. - 113 - 2. Army ground observation stations will be established according to the information plan and arrangements will be made to occupy forward observation stations in the captured territory. 3. Air observation (see plan of employment of airplanes and balloons). PART II MEANS OF TRANSMISSION I. AXES OF LIAISON [see Par. 5 (a) (2), F. O. 20) * * * * * * (b) The existing army network of telephone and telegraph lines will maintain the communication as far as corps headquarters. Each corps will arrange for the advance of these circuits along its axis of liaison according to the corps plan and after consultation with the Chief Signal Officer. First Army. (c) The army radio net. with stations at army headquarters and at each corps headquarters. will be prepared to handle radio messages between these headquarters and also to acljoining corps and armies. The characteristics. wave lengths and call letters will be issued separately by the Chief Signal Officer. First Army (radio officer). * * * * * * II. LIAISON BY VISUAL SIGNALING: Each corps will make its own arrangements for visual signaling. The call letters of visual stations will be the same as those of the corresponding radio stations. Communication by visual signaling from rear to front will be exceptional and stations so sending should be located so as to be invisible from enemy observation. * * * III. LIAISON BY PIGEONS: Each corps signal officer will consult with the army signal officer as to the French pigeon lofts which will be at the disposal of the corps. Divisions will receive their allowance of pigeons according to the corps plan. lV. LIAISON BY MOTORCYCLE AND AUTOMOBILES: The message center of the Army will arrange for a regular courier service every three hours between the P. C. of the Army and the P. C. of each corps during the entire attack. In addition. a squad of three motorcycle messengers will be held at each corps P. C. ready for emergency work in case the telephone or other communication methods fail to function properly. In the same way a detachment of six motorcycle messengers will be held at army P. C. for emergency work. * * * * * * X. POSTS OF COMMAND ON D-l DAY: First Army - First Echelon - Second " I Corps III Corps V Corps Souilly Ligny-en-Barrois Rampont Rarecourt Ville-sur-Cousances By command of General Pershing: - 114 - H.A. DRUM. Colonel. Chief of Staff. APPENDIX No.3, TO PLAN OF LIAISON List of code names for army, corps, and division post of command: First Army - First Echelon: Widewing "" Second " Waterfall I Corps Buster III Corps Emerson N Corps Nemo V Corps Lakewood French II Colonial Corps Wilson 1 st Division Cherry 2d Surprise 3d Raleigh 4th Daylight 5th Slayer 26th " Jamaica 28th " Roadrunner 29th " Mockingbird 32d Fooceful 33d Patterson 35th " Oklahoma 36th " Hopeful 37th " Crisscross 42d Optimus 77th " Dreadnaught 78th " Faraday 79th " Itasca 80th " Hamilton 82d Albany 89th " Immortal 90th " Taylor 91st Maroon 92d Valentine Code names for French corps and divisions will be deSignated later. First Army, A. E. F .. Ligny-en-Barrois, September 17, 1918. Armex No.9 to [F. O. No. 20) (Battle Instructions Operation Z) OBSERVATION PLAN 1. The enemy can, in addition to reacting on the front of attack, do the following: a. On the right bank of the Meuse he can engage reserves which he always has in the area of Damvillers-Mangiennes in order to attack either on the Hauts-de-Meuse or by debouching from the forest of Spincourt. b. On the left bank of the Meuse attempt an attack as a diversion or take away reserves from this part of the front and transport them to the right bank. c. Bring up reserves on both sides of the river from other parts of the front. 2. In consideration of the above follOWing observations will be carried out: a. On the right bank there must be constant observation of the area north of forest of Spincourt. - 115 - b. In addition. reconnaissances carried out over Montmedy---Longuyon---Spincourt ---Audun-Ie-Roman would give notice of any arrival and unloading of reserves which might be brought from other parts of the front. c. On the left bank of the Meuse there must be constant observation of the area: Dun---Romagne-sous-Montfaucon---Charpentry---Vilosnes in order to watch the possible movement of troops or concentration. d. In addition reconnaissances must be pushed along the Mouzon---Dun and Mouzon ---St-Juvin railroads in order to determine if any unloading has taken place. e. Observation of the crossing over the Meuse is indispensable. 3. To carry out the foregoing plan the follOWing instructions will govern: a. Observation squadrons of the respective corps will be responsible before operations for a depth of eight kilometers. Boundaries are indicated on map attached hereto.· During operations corps units will not go beyond a depth of five kilometers unless they are provided with pursuit protection. b. Enemy front lines will be photographed by corps machines at every opportunity. Prints of such photos will be sent to army dropping ground by airplane delivery. c. Army observation units will observe the area bounded on attached map by the single green line carrying out the mission indicated in Paragraph 2 above. d. The necessary steps will be taken to secure the cooperation of the observation service of the French Fourth and Eighth Armies. WILLEY HOWELL. Lt. Col.. G. S .. A. C. of S .. G-2. FIRST ARMY. A. E. F .. Ligny-en-Barrois. September 18. 1918. Annex No. 10 [F. O. No. 20] (Battle Instruction. Operation Z) PLAN OF EMPLOYMENT OF SPECIAL GAS TROOPS 1. Based on the general plan and the troops available. the following allotment of troops of the 1st Gas Regt. is made: (a) 1st Bn. Hq. and Cos. C and E. to the I Corps. (b) Provisional Bn. Hq. and Cos. A and F. to III Corps. (c) 2d Bn. Hq. and Cos. Band D to the V Corps. 2. The above troops will be available to assist the advancing infantry with smoke screens. and with thermite fire on strong points or machine-gun nests. They will also be in a pOSition to use gas should the weather conditions permit and should suitable targets be located. Operations will be made to fit local tactical needs and platoon commanders will act in conjunction with local infantry commanders. 3. The C. 0 .. 1st Gas Regt. will coordinate and give technical supervision to the work of the companies through the various corps. 4. P. C.'s as follows: (a) C. 0 .. 1st Gas Regt. at Lemmes. (b) C. 0 .. 1st Bn. at P. C .. I Corps. (c) C. 0 .. Prov. Bn. at P. C .. III Corps. (d) C. 0 .. 2d Bn. at P. C .. V Corps. . Not found. - 116 - 5. The Chief Gas Officer. First Army. may be reached at Ligny-en-Barrois. (Waterfall 20), or at Souilly (care G-3. First Army). By command of General Pershing: HS Fr. Files: 424-30.1: Order H.A. DRUM. Colonel. Chief of Staff. |