Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

Department of War: Numbered Documents

This web page contains the eight pages of the Trench and Camp newspaper, Camp Meade edition, dated May 30, 1918.
From Wikipedia at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_numbered_documents_of_the_United_States_Department_of_War:
From 1896 to 1929, the United States Department of War gave their publications a successive number,
like other departments including the Department of Agriculture and Department of the Treasury.
They were mostly (drill) regulations and other field manuals (as they were later called, when the War Department adopted the FM Field Manual numbering),
but also collections of military laws or descriptions of countries of military interest and campaigns or battles. Only a few Technical Manuals (TM's)
(as they were later called) are included in this series.
These publications were mainly printed by the Government Printing Office, but also by some other printers.
Many of them can be found in the HathiTrust, Archive.org and CARC (Combined Arms Research Center) online libraries.
Other known US War department publications are for example General Orders, Special Orders and Special Regulations.
Many of the so-called Monographs, mainly descriptions of campaigns and battles, have their own numbering,
but several of them also have a War Department Document (W.D. doc) number.

Doc# Title Year Pages Field of Interest Original Download
95 A French-English military technical dictionary; with a supplement containing recent military and technical terms, by Cornélis De Witt Willcox 1917 582 dictionary Hathitrust.org
442 Small arms firing manual 1913
268 small arms Google Books
504 Manual for the Medical Department, United States Army 1917 395 manual/medical Hathitrust.org
564 Manual for army cooks 1916 290 Cooking Archive.org
565 Manual of pack transportation 1917 256 Horses Archive.org
575 Notes on anti-aircraft guns / compiled at the Army War College from the latest available information 1917 28 Manual OCLC
576 Notes on grenade warfare / compiled from data available on February 15, 1917 1917 64 manual Hathitrust
577 Notes on gas as a weapon in modern warfare / compiled from the latest available information 1917 32 manual Hathitrust
578 Notes on bayonet training : compiled from foreign reports 1917 34 manual Hathitrust
579 Notes on liaison in modern warfare : compiled from the latest sources 1917 13 manual Hathitrust
581 The Training and Employment of Bombers 1917 113 manual/bombers OCLC
582 Notes for Infantry Officers on Trench Warfare-1917 1917 162 manual/infantry OCLC
585 Notes on the methods of attack and defense to meet the conditions of modern warfare 1917 35 manual Hathitrust
587 Maps and artillery boards 1917 24 field manual OCLC
588 Field artillery notes no.1 1917 391 manual/artillery Hathitrust
590 Specimens of British trench orders 1917 63 orders Hathitrust
593 Memorandum on gas poisoning in warfare:with notes on its pathology and treatment 1917 32 manual Hathitrust
601 Notes on the tactical use of foreground illumination 1917 15 manual/illumination OCLC
604 Field artillery notes no.2 1917 36 manual/artillery OCLC
607 Field battalion signal corps : tables of organization and equipment 1917 31 manual Hathitrust
611 Manual for stable sergeants 1917 248 horses Archive.org
613 Instructions for the training of platoons for offensive action 1917 31 manual Hathitrust
615 Provisional machine gun firing manual 1917 50 field manual OCLC
617 Telegraph battalion, Signal corps. Tables of organization and equipment 1917 22 manual Hathitrust
628 Field artillery notes no.6 1917 48 manual/artillery OCLC
631 Musketry 1917 255 manual Hathitrust
632 Deep gallery shelters: translated at the Army War College from a French study 1917 15 manual Hathitrust
633 Method of instructing skirmishers and small groups of skirmishers 1917 37 manual Hathitrust
634 Notes on fire on aeroplanes 1917 209 manual/anti-aircraft fire OCLC
635 Use of mines in trench warfare : from the French school of St. Cyr 635 635 manual Hathitrust
638 Notes on the German army in the war 1917 47 manual Hathitrust
642 Infantry in the defense : translated at the Army War College from a French document 1917 27 manual Hathitrust
649 Notes on bayonet training, no. 2: adapted from a Canadian publication 1917 94 manual Hathitrust
654 Field artillery notes no.7 1917 96 manual/artillery OCLC
656 Infantry training 1917 29 manual Hathitrust
Total 35 Books 4,707

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