Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.


The information on this page was gratefully obtained from the
Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army.


World War I Victory Medal

World War I Victory Medal reverse

World War I Victory Medal Lapel Pin




1. Description: The medal is Bronze and 1 3/8 inches in diameter. On the obverse is a winged Victory, standing full length and full face. On the reverse is the inscription "THE GREAT WAR FOR CIVILIZATION" and the United States shield with the letters "U.S." surmounted by a fasces, and on either side the names of the allied and associated nations. The lapel button is a five-pointed star 5/8-inch in diameter on a wreath with the letters "U.S." in the center.

2. Ribbon: The medal is suspended by a ring from a silk ribbon 1 3/8 inches in width, representing two rainbows placed in juxtaposition and having the red in the middle.

3. Criteria: a. The World War I Victory Medal was awarded for honorable service for active duty at any time between 6 April 1917 and 11 November 1918. It was also awarded for service between 12 November 1918 and 5 August 1919, with the American Expeditionary Forces in European Russia, and was awarded to the American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia between 23 November 1918 and 1 April 1920.

        b. Battle clasps were awarded for each of the major operations for individuals actually present under competent orders. The clasps, with a star on each side of the name of the campaign or one of the defensive sectors, were worn on the suspension ribbon for the following campaigns:

    • Cambrai: 20 May - 4 Dec 1917
    • Somme Defensive: 21 Mar - 6 Apr 1918
    • Lys: 9 Apr - 27 Apr 1918
    • Aisne: 27 May - 5 Jun 1918
    • Montdidier-Noyon: 9 Jun - 13 Jun 1918
    • Champagne-Marne: 18 Jul - 6 Aug 1918
    • Aisne-Marne: 18 Jul - 6 Aug 1918
    • Somme Offensive: 8 Aug - 11 Nov 1918
    • Oise-Aisne: 18 Aug - 11 Nov 1918
    • Ypres-Lys: 19 Aug - 11 Nov 1918
    • St. Mihiel: 12-16 Sep 1918
    • Meuse-Argonne: 26 Sep - 11 Nov 1918
    • Vittorio-Veneto: 24 Oct - 4 Nov 1918

        c. Clasps were awarded to personnel who served overseas in one of the following areas and were not entitled to a battle clasp:

    • England: 6 Apr 1917 - 11 Nov 1918
    • France: 6 Apr 1917 - 11 Nov 1918
    • Italy: 6 Apr 1917 - 11 Nov 1918
    • Siberia: Any service in Siberia
    • Russia: Any service in European Russia

        d. The lapel button is bronze, except that personnel who were wounded in action were awarded a silver lapel button.

4. Components: The following components are authorized:

        a. Medal (regular and miniature sizes): MIL-DTL-3943/236.

        b. Ribbon: MIL-DTL-11589/148.

        c. Lapel Button: MIL-DTL-11484/47

        d. Streamers. Streamers are displayed on the organizational flag to represent campaign participation. The inscription on the organizational streamer will be as indicated in the unit's lineage and honors.

5. Background: a. The medal was established by an Act of Congress, 1919, and promulgated by War Department General Orders 48, 1919, which was rescinded by War Department General Orders 83, 30 Jun 1919.

        b. The 14 Allied Nations decided on a single ribbon, but pendant design was left up to each Nation. Mr. James E. Fraser was the designer of the U.S. Victory Medal.

        c. The Victory Medal ribbon pattern is used in thirteen streamers displayed on the Army flag to represent World War I service. The inscriptions for the streamers displayed on the Army flag are listed in AR 840-10.


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