Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

Leon J Roy
Company M
314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F.

We gratefully acknowledge the efforts of Doris Grassie to make this information available!
Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - Photo
Pvt. Leon J. Roy, Company M, 314th Infantry, 79th Divsion, A.E.F., Serial# 3193054
Born July 30, 1896 Newmarket, NH Died May 15, 1970 Portsmouth, NH married at the approx. age of 46-47 and had three children. Doris being the oldest, including sons Richard J. Roy and George H. Roy.
Served with 314th Inf. during the Meuse Argonne Offensive and wounded in action at Nantillois, France Sept. 30, 1918. Nature of wounds; shrapnel to both legs. Awarded Silver Victory Button along with US Victory Medal. As such, was entitled to wear honorable discharge and wound chevrons.
Deployed to France July 8, 1918 returned home May 10, 1919
Sept. 30th time period found the 314th Inf. under German artillery shell fire while being relieved by US 3rd Division. Cite pages 165-174 79th Division AEF Official History
Leon's vocation is listed as an "Operator" no mention of what type. Suspect wireless radio/telephone and was fluent in French. Family also notes statement of Leon as "at one point, guarded a lot of prisoners". War time diary now lost but collective memory notes last page as quoting "war is hell".
During WWII Leon worked at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard clocking shifts of 12-hour days, seven days a week.

Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - Camp - Somewhere
Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - Registrars Card
Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - Registrars Report
Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - Induction Order
Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - USS Nebraska 1
Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - USS Nebraska ship 2
Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - Silk Postcard 1
Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - Silk Postcard 2
Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - Victory Star Lapel Pin
Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - Wound Chevron #1
Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - Wound Chevron #2
Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - Honorable Discharge
Leon J. Roy - Honorable Discharge March 17, 1919.
Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - Enlistment Record
Please note the Silver Victory Button issued June 4, 1919
Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - $8 eight dollars per month
Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - Induction - 1926 Letter
Leon J Roy - Company M - 314th Infantry 79th Division A.E.F. - 1929 Veterans Disability Treatment
Leon J. Roy - 1929 Veteran Disability Treatment

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