Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

Camp Meade - Souvenir Views

Published by J. D. Klass, Baltimore Maryland
Please click here to see page 19 which has the first known photograph of the Log Cabin built at Camp Meade!
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ON July 2, 1917, the work of building suitable quarters for housing, and providing drill grounds, rifle ranges, etc., for the training Of this division of 40,000 men of the new National Army, was begun. In a little more than three months, 1200 wooden buildings were ready for the reception of the first contingent of the selected men; and in the short period of five months the strawberry fields, tomato fields and orchards had been razed, and in their stead long rows of bare, unpainted structures had sprung up, macadamized and concrete roads built, sewers put in, heating, lighting and water systems installed, bridges built, and a remount station and rifle ranges constructed. The poet was christened Camp Meade, in honor of General G. G. Meade. The total east of the camp was $7,000,000. The largest number of men working at one time was 8,500, but it is estimated that at least 50,000 individuals worked on the big job. The total area of the camp is 8,000 acres, within which 45 miles of water pipes were laid, through which the camp water plant forces 4,000,000 gallons of water per day. Four hundred miles of electric wire was strung and is in use. The total buildings have an aggregate floor apace of 2,500 acres, and if placed end to end, would reach from Baltimore to Washington. 450,000,000 feet of timber, 680 tons of nails and 21,000 barrels of cement were used in constructing the buildings and their foundations. In all, 5,000 carloads of material was hauled into camp by railroads. Fifty-eight steam-heating plants furnish heat for the cantonment through a system of 40 miles of pipes, each of the big power plants contains a battery of from two to ten, 250 horse-power boilers. In contrast to the heating system, an ice plant turns out 18,000 ton of ice a day to supply the cold-storage house and the refrigerators in the barracks. From there barracks fifteen tons of rubbish are carted away each day to the garbage incinerators to be burned. The Base Hospital unit contains 70 buildings, which were erected at a cost of $600,000. Thousands of dollars worth of equipment and supplies have been purchased for the Hospital. Camp Meade has a remount depot which has a capacity of 12,000 animals. At this station the animals are received and are distributed to the various camps throughout the country or sent to Europe. In connection with the remount depot is a school for blacksmiths. The remount depot buildings cover 25 acres. Fire protection for this military city is secured through an efficient fire department, housed in three fire stations. Two hundred and eighty fire hydrants are provided throughout the camp, and 18,000 pails and as many fire extinguishers are placed in the various buildings for emergency use.

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Camp Meade - Camp Meade - Souvenir Views - back cover

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