Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

Bulletin 79th Division: 1931 - 1933

The 314th Infantry, part of the 79 Division, continued on, during the Interwar period
between the end of the First World War and the beginning of the Second World War,
this is the period including the full years 1919 though 1938.
These Bulletins of the 79th Division were mailed to (and thankfully saved by):
2nd Lt. Clayton E. Regar, Infantry Reserve, 316th Infantry, 79th Division, Collegeville, PA
saved for more than 80 years, before being scanned into this website.
A search of Google shows no other extant copies of these Bulletins,
these are printed on acidic papers, which are disintegrating and very fragile.


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