Log Cabin Memorial - Veterans 314th Infantry Regiment A.E.F.

79th Division Strength Present in Field (France) 1918

Reformatted into HTML Table format from, and with Grateful acknowledgment to, The George Nafziger Collection: file 918UDAA.pdf (page 22)
August 31 1918September 30 1918October 31 1918November 30 1918
157th Infantry Brigade:
      313th Infantry Regiment 3,667 2,403 2,693 2,221
     314th Infantry Regiment 3,664 2,789 2,876 1,980
     311th Machine Gun Battalion 702 625 621 565
157th Infantry Brigade:
     315th Infantry Regiment 3,542 2,529 2,512 1,821
     316th Infantry Regiment 3,519 2,473 2,379 1,829
     312th Machine Gun Battalion 730 620 539 436
154th Field Artillery Brigade:
     310th Field Artillery (75 mm) 1,408 1,486 1,435 1,430
     311th Field Artillery (75 mm) 1,381 1,503 1,478 1,422
     312th Field Artillery (155 mm) 1,464 1,517 1,532 1,536
     304th Trench Mortar Battery
Divisional Troops:
     310th Machine Gun Battalion 367 368 349 281
     304th Engineers 1,613 1,250 1,403 1,279
     304th Field Signal Battalion
     Headquarters Troop
     304th Train Headquarters & Military Police
     304th Ammunition Train
     304th Supply Train
     304th Engineer Train
     304th Sanitary Train
          313th Field Hospital
          314th Field Hospital
          315th Field Hospital
          316th Field Hospital
Others 3,814 3,423 3,423 3,961
TOTALS 25,87120,98621,24018,761

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