This, the second Christmas in the life of the 79th Division finds you far from home and friends in a foreign land. Your thoughts are with those near and dear to you across the ware as their thoughts are with you. The Christmas setting is indeed a strange and unusual one for many of you who for the first time in your lives are not celebrating the holiday season with your families. Your presence here is in a just and righteous cause and the sacrifices you have made and are still making are for the benefit of all civilization and future generations. The Dawn of Peace has come and with it the time of your return to country and home draws near. In wishing you one and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year your Division Commander desires to express his appreciation for your gallant conduct in battle and for your faithful services, both at home and abroad.
Your conduct has been excellent, even under trying conditions, and your Division Commander trusts that
one and all will strive to maintain the high reputation justly earned by the 79th Division.
Commanding 79th Division |